
Semi-packaged repair building materials purchase knowledge, pit avoidance and lightning protection guide, the designer summary for your reference!

author:Eyebrows are a few controversial

Decoration, this is a major challenge that every family may face, it is not only a test of our aesthetics, but also a big test of wisdom and patience. Today, I would like to discuss with you in depth the details that may be overlooked in the renovation, they are like traps hidden in the shadows, and you will fall into them if you are not careful. First, let's talk about tiles. Many people may not be aware of the problem of tile wear and tear during transportation and paving. Did you know that the underlying problem in this link can cause you to overspend your budget significantly. Think about it, if your tiles have been broken when they arrive, then how troublesome it will be to defend your rights later. Therefore, remember to be sure to open the box and inspect the goods on the spot when the tiles are delivered to your home, and buy enough quantities at one time to avoid headaches due to color difference in the later stage. Cabinets, as an important part of the kitchen, its choice is also a big deal. Owners often respond that why is the price of a cabinet that is obviously a particle board more expensive than a solid wood board? Is there any trick in it? The answer is yes. Many custom manufacturers will make a fuss about the hardware of the cabinet, which is their hidden profit point.

Semi-packaged repair building materials purchase knowledge, pit avoidance and lightning protection guide, the designer summary for your reference!

When choosing a cabinet, we should not only pay attention to the quality and thickness of the board, but also pay attention to whether it contains all accessories such as hardware and drawers, and do not be confused by the price on the surface. Next, let's talk about latex paint. There are many latex paint brands on the market, and the price is also high and low, at this time, many people may think, choose the cheap one, isn't it good? However, the truth is that in the choice of latex paint, you must not be greedy for cheap. Counterfeit latex paint may not only pose a threat to the health of your family, but also affect the aesthetics and longevity of the wall. Therefore, be sure to choose a regular merchant and carefully check whether the production mark meets the national standard. As for wood flooring, its choice can be called a technical job. Although the solid wood floor is natural and beautiful, it is expensive, and the later maintenance is also a large expense. If you don't know enough about wood flooring, it is not recommended to choose it easily. Parquet and laminate flooring, they have their own merits, which one is more suitable for your home? Finally, let's talk about floor drains. Many people may think that the floor drain is just a small accessory, and it should not be too much of a problem to choose. But you know what?

Semi-packaged repair building materials purchase knowledge, pit avoidance and lightning protection guide, the designer summary for your reference!

The quality of the floor drain is directly related to whether the bathroom will have a peculiar smell, and may even affect the living experience of the whole family. Friends, although the road to renovation is full of pitfalls and challenges, as long as we are well prepared, we can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles. Don't forget to bookmark this article, it will become your intimate assistant on the way to your decoration. In the decision-making process of home renovation, many people will fall into a misunderstanding - thinking that the details of the decoration are not important, as long as the main project is done well. However, it is these neglected decoration details that often determine the comfort and safety of living. Today, we're going to talk about those details that are easy to overlook, but crucial. When it comes to drainage systems in kitchens and balconies, you probably think of floor drains. There are many types of floor drains on the market, but did you know that the T-type floor drain has become the first choice for kitchen and balcony washing machines with its pass-through design. Its efficient drainage capacity ensures an unobstructed flow of water, effectively avoiding stagnant water and odors. However, when choosing a floor drain, people often overlook the importance of the material.

Semi-packaged repair building materials purchase knowledge, pit avoidance and lightning protection guide, the designer summary for your reference!

In terms of material selection, all-copper chrome floor drains are popular for their excellent performance. Its corrosion and wear resistance makes it the best choice on the market. Let's talk about the toilet that is indispensable in the bathroom. Many people only pay attention to the appearance and price when buying a toilet, but ignore the key parameter of pit distance. The pit spacing refers to the distance from the center of the sewer pipe to the wall, and there are two specifications of 305mm and 400mm. For bathrooms with a distance of less than 1.2m between the front and back, if the toilet exceeds 700mm, it is not recommended to choose a smart toilet, because space constraints may affect the user experience. In terms of the choice of instantaneous and thermal storage type, instantaneous type has become the first choice because of its energy-saving and hygienic characteristics. Although the thermal storage type was once popular, it repeatedly warmed the water in the tank, providing a breeding ground for bacteria to multiply. In contrast, instantaneous heating directly heats flowing water, making it cleaner and more efficient. Of course, the flushing method is also an important consideration when choosing a toilet. Although the siphon type and the flush type are comparable in flushing effect, the siphon type is more favored by consumers because of its low noise and anti-odor function. Whether the toilet has a water tank or not is also directly related to whether it is affected by water pressure, and the toilet with a water tank can be flushed cleaner at one time.

Semi-packaged repair building materials purchase knowledge, pit avoidance and lightning protection guide, the designer summary for your reference!

For those who are looking for the perfect home experience, the foam shield function is a delicate and user-friendly design. It can effectively prevent water splashing when going to the toilet, which greatly improves the comfort of going to the toilet. In addition, in a humid restroom environment, it is crucial to choose a smart toilet with multiple leakage protection devices. Water resistance, automatic power-off for heating and drying, and water shutdown protection are just some of the seemingly inconspicuous details that provide a hassle-free experience. Turning to another important part of home renovation - the choice of interior doors. When decorating, many owners do not pay attention to the customization of wooden doors, ignoring that it usually takes a cycle of about a month. If you don't plan ahead, it's likely to affect the entire construction period. And in the selection of doors, the thickness of the door is a parameter that cannot be ignored. The thickness determines the sound insulation of the door, and the solid wood composite lacquered door is the ideal choice due to its high cost performance. The installation sequence of wooden doors is also a headache for owners. There is no standard answer to this question, but if the requirements for sound insulation are not high, you can install the wooden door first, so that the installation of the floor baseboard can be completed at one time, and the trouble of secondary construction can be avoided. Finally, let's talk about the choice of socket.

Semi-packaged repair building materials purchase knowledge, pit avoidance and lightning protection guide, the designer summary for your reference!

Among the many switches and sockets, how to choose has become a technical job. The choice of brand is crucial because there are a large number of counterfeit products in the market. High-quality switches and sockets are usually made of high-grade plastic, which has good toughness and uniform material, and the surface is smooth and textured. At the same time, it is best to choose a kitchen socket with a switch, and the bathroom socket must be splash-proof to ensure the safety of use. There are many more details in the decoration than that, but from these often overlooked details, we can see that a truly comfortable and safe home requires us to work on every little detail. In the decoration of this important matter, you might as well be more careful and patient, so that the home is not only beautiful and generous, but also practical and safe. This way, when you come home after a tiring day, you can truly feel warm and relaxed.

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