
The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

author:Daejeon Storytelling

In the grand production of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the biggest headache for the crew is to find the right actors to create wonderful and legendary characters. Among them, Director Zheng has the most headache, and it has to be the actor who is looking for Concubine Hua.

On the set that day, Director Zheng was drinking coffee while flipping through the actors' information cards, his face full of exhaustion. Originally, he wanted to give such an important role to the popular actress Fan Bingbing, after all, relying on a stunning face, Fan Bingbing has also played many roles of domineering strong women.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

But what Director Zheng didn't expect was that after contacting Fan Bingbing's company, the amount of salary offered by the other party was ridiculously high, which was not something that this drama could afford at all.

In desperation, Director Zheng could only give up this idea. Later, Director Zheng fell in love with two other actors, one is Chen Sisi, who is known for playing gentle women on the acting road, and the other is Wan Meixi, who mostly plays lively girls.

But what makes Director Zheng difficult is that although the two are beautiful, their temperament is too different from that of Concubine Hua, a strong woman. When Director Zheng was at a loss, a small flower actor Jiang Xin came to the crew to audition and volunteered to play this role.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

Director Zheng was not optimistic about her at first, feeling that with her acting skills, she could not control the complex role of Concubine Hua at all. But what stunned Director Zheng was that once Jiang Xin changed into Concubine Hua's costume, the temperament of the whole person immediately changed, and it turned out to be exactly the same as Concubine Hua set up in the play, domineering and flamboyant, revealing charm and softness.

Director Zheng immediately decided that Jiang Xin would play this important role, and also found the perfect actor for the character setting of "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

In this court drama, Sun Li can be said to be the soul of the whole play. As the core character in the play, Sun Li has successfully shaped Zhen Huan's ups and downs from a girl to a concubine to a powerful revenge with her excellent acting skills.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

Let's first take a look at 17-year-old Zhen Huan, a simple girl who has just entered the court. Sun Li uses extremely light makeup and two simple braids, which perfectly interprets Zhen Huan's simplicity and innocence as a common woman.

In front of the emperor, Sun Li bowed her head slightly, her eyes were shy, and her every move portrayed the timidity and helplessness of an ordinary woman in the face of power. This delicate and nuanced interpretation of details shows Zhen Huan's delicate and lovely girlhood to the fullest.

When Zhen Huan was summoned to bed for the first time, Sun Li performed another time. She deliberately painted Zhen Huan's makeup very simply, and even some of the freckles on her cheeks were not hidden.

When the emperor untied her clothes, her eyes were full of ignorance and her whole body was stiff, successfully showing the fear and timidity of an innocent girl for intimate contact.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

After Zhen Huan experienced all kinds of things in the court, she changed from a simple woman to a deep woman in the city. At this time, Sun Li put on more delicate and gorgeous makeup, her lips were smeared with bright red, and there was no longer innocence in her eyes, replaced by tenacity and determination after tempering.

Her every look and expression is full of scheming, showing the audience a strong woman with clear love and hate, and a thin sense of righteousness.

If Sun Li's acting skills are the soul of Zhen Huan's character, then her wonderful interpretation of all stages of this character's life is the most essential part of this soul.

Without Sun Li, there would be no Zhen Huan, there is no doubt about it. Sun Li used her strength to perfectly interpret the life of a woman who was turbulent and legendary.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

In this court drama, Huan Xi successfully created an image of Shen Meizhuang who is cold and intellectual, which made the audience's eyes shine. As an outstanding and hidden concubine, Huan Xi uses delicate expressions to interpret and show the inner world of this character.

Let's first look at Shen Meizhuang's attitude towards the queen. Huan Xi always lowered his eyes slightly, responding reservedly, with arrogance between his eyebrows. This kind of words and deeds with noble cloth clothes portrays a noble girl from a famous family to the fullest.

When she faced Zhen Huan again, Han Xi's eyes were a little softer, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, successfully conveying the friendship between the two good sisters.

When Shen Meizhuang learned that Zhen Huan was killed, Han Xi's face was silent, but there was a faint distress and unwillingness in his eyes. This kind of restrained and affectionate delicate expression shows a virtuous woman who loves her friends to the fullest.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

When Zhen Huan finally returned, the corners of her eyes were slightly red, and her face was filled with joy, showing the excitement of Shen Meizhuang's reunion after a long absence.

It can be said that Huan Xi's superb acting skills perfectly portrayed the image of this cold and intellectual woman, which left a deep impression on the audience after watching this character.

This is also the most important reason why Huan Xi has received attention and praise in this play.

In this court drama, Reiza's performance can be said to vividly interpret the arrogant and noble role of Ning Guiren. As a naturally beautiful minority actor, Reyiza has a prominent exotic beauty in her own right.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

This coincides with the setting of Ning Guiren, a heroic woman from the frontier.

First of all, in terms of appearance, the delicate facial features of Reyiza melon seed face, coupled with the high bridge of the nose, itself has a cold and glamorous temperament. She rarely smiled, often pursed her lips, and her eyes were full of pride.

This all matches the unruly character of Ning Guiren in the play. Then there is Reyiza's every move, she is always upright and straight when she sits, and her hands are often clenched into fists at her sides, revealing a tenacious and restrained aura, which vividly portrays a woman with a resolute personality.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

When Ning Guiren was in danger, the firmness and calmness in Reiza's eyes vividly expressed this woman's fearless courage in the face of conspiracy. It can be said that without Reiza's perfect performance, it is difficult for the audience to imagine who else can play this arrogant, noble and heroic Ning Guiren.

Her acting skills made this character impress in the hearts of the audience.

In this court drama, Tan Songyun successfully portrayed a seemingly innocent but intelligent image of a noble person. With her excellent acting skills, she played this seemingly simple but deep role in the city very full and three-dimensional.

First of all, in terms of appearance, Tan Songyun successfully created a youthful and energetic girlish atmosphere with long hair, melon seed face and baby fat cheeks. She often stares at people with wide eyes and innocently, making it easy for the audience to be confused by her innocent appearance.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

But when she encounters something that displeases her, Tan Songyun will deliberately purse her mouth, or flatten her mouth and pretend to be aggrieved, interpreting a quick-witted girl just right.

Especially when Tan Songyun realized that the emperor had a good impression of her, she would deliberately put on a pitiful look, reached out and touched her cheek, pouted and said that she had grown up and could accompany the emperor.

This kind of acting skills, which is obviously old-fashioned, but deliberately pretends to be simple, has successfully shaped the seemingly simple but intelligent character traits of Chun Guiren. It can be said that without Tan Songyun's interpretation, the slightly contradictory role of Chun Guiren is difficult for the audience to remember.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

In this court drama, Mao Xiaotong successfully created the image of a beautiful and amazing Ying nobleman, and her first appearance left a very deep impression on the audience.

Let's first look at the scene where the noble people first appeared in the Imperial Garden. Mao Xiaotong was wearing a long green skirt and an emerald hairpin, and her jet-black hair poured down like a waterfall.

She walked indifferently, then stopped by the flowers, and looked sideways at the fish in the pond. At this time, the camera gave her a close-up, Mao Xiaotong's glass-like eyes looked calmly ahead, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and both suddenly exuded a stunning temperament.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

At this time, the third elder brother came on horseback, and he was stunned the moment he saw the noble Ying. Mao Xiaotong turned to look at the third elder brother, his demeanor was calm but not degrading, and he successfully created a dignified and generous image of a palace maid.

The third elder brother couldn't help but praise her for her beauty, Mao Xiaotong just smiled slightly, neither complacent nor evasive, showing an innocent and flawless girl to the fullest.

It can be said that Mao Xiaotong's outstanding appearance and superb performance perfectly fit the role of Ying Guiren, and her stunning beauty left a deep impression on the audience, and also made this unforgettable and beautiful role.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

As a court drama, the choice of actors can be said to be half of the success of "The Legend of Zhen Huan". With his unique aesthetic perspective and character insight, director Zheng Xiaolong selected a group of young and beautiful actors with different temperaments from many actors to form this dazzling harem.

The first to bear the brunt are the two heroines Hua Fei and Zhen Huan, who have worked casting. Director Zheng saw the domineering and free and easy in Jiang Xin's bones, and compared him with Fan Bingbing, who was in love but failed to sign.

As the core of this play, Sun Li was given the important task of matching this big production. Sun Li, who stood out in the layers of screening, not only has exquisite facial features, but also has excellent acting skills, which can perfectly interpret Zhen Huan's changeable life.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

In addition to the heroine, Director Zheng also spent a lot of money to select a group of actors with different temperaments and characteristics to enrich the lineup of this harem. For example, Huan Xi has a cold and intellectual temperament, and successfully created an amorous but unrevealing Shen Meizhuang; Reyiza has an innate nobility and arrogance, and vividly interprets the gentle and stubborn role of Ning Guiren.

Looking at Tan Songyun again, she showed the lively and innocent and slightly scheming girl characteristics of the noble people just right.

It can be said that Director Zheng has condensed a group of representative actors from many actors with his unique aesthetic vision and character insight. They have their own characteristics, and they can match each other, successfully weaving a dazzling and charming harem group portrait.

This is also one of the important reasons why "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has become a classic court drama.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

The hit broadcast of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can be said to have revitalized the costume drama market, and the reason why it has achieved such a huge success is due to important reasons such as director Zheng Xiaolong's selection and appointment of people and storytelling methods.

First of all, a lot of effort has been put into the character setting and actor selection. The characters in the play have distinct personalities, are plump, and the wonderful performances of powerful actors have successfully created a palace space that gathers the crowd and fights for me.

While chasing the drama, the audience was unconsciously attracted to this cruel, cold and deceitful palace theater.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

The second is that the storytelling technique has been put into the effort. Director Zheng did not use a single Zhen Huan's perspective, but multiple lines in parallel, adding the queen's perspective, allowing the audience to unveil this complex harem picture scroll from the perspective of different characters.

The relationship between the characters is intricate and deceitful, and the plot twists and turns are continuous, which successfully retains the audience's attention.

In addition, efforts have been made to recreate historical scenes. The crew referred to historical materials and spent a lot of money to create the palace scenes at that time, and the well-designed costumes, makeup, and soundtrack all reproduced the essence of classical Chinese aesthetics.

It not only has the eye-catching highlights that palace fighting dramas should have, but also does not lose the elegance of classical artistic conception, and successfully creates a theater effect that satisfies both visually and psychologically.

The 12 beauties in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Jiang Xin and Sun Li were on the list, but she was amazed by the time

It can be said that the combination of many factors such as a strong team, plump characters, twists and turns of the plot, and exquisite scenes has made "The Legend of Zhen Huan" a gripping classic, especially director Zheng Xiaolong's selection and plot arrangement are the most critical.

This also achieved the classic status of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" in the genre of palace fighting dramas.

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