
The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

author:Yu Ji Xiaohan

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos


When will this kind of news of sexual harassment in the workplace stop becoming a frequent visitor when we scroll through the news? The latest melon is coming, a female employee named Deng Xiaofang bravely reported her boss of a company in Beijing with her real name, and the situation is so serious that she is not only entangled at work during the day, but also asks to sleep with her at night, this is not a bridge in a TV series, this is what really happened!

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

Judging from Deng Xiaofang's description, this leader has been harassing her without a bottom line since she joined the company. At first, it may be packaged as a concern for work and talk about the progress of work, but it quickly deteriorates, and the content jumps directly to asking for a relationship, and you have to work normally during the day and sleep with him at night, what kind of logic is this? Is this a job or some strange dual identity?

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos
The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

What's even more absurd is that when Deng Xiaofang refused, the leader continued to harass her without any scruples, and also escalated his tactics and began to send pornographic videos to force her to watch. This kind of behavior is outrageous, the workplace is not your private playground, and employees are not objects that can be indulged at will!

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

In this comment area, netizens occurred

I didn't get the benefits I wanted, I don't think I'm resolute!

Big brother, you have to learn to refuse directly, but don't be ambiguous and afraid of losing your job and tolerate him, only strong women are the existence that men don't want to provoke

Uncompromising girls like this are a very small minority, and most of them have achieved class crossing

There must be a lot of them, they just haven't been exposed. And there are also voluntary ones

Good jobs, like AIDS, are transmitted from mother to child, sexually, and blood-to-blood

In the comment section, many victims are guilty

I was harassed by my superiors just after graduating from university, and I was told back to the person in charge of the company, and as a result, I was persuaded to quit

Hehe, what's going on in the comment area

Sexual harassment in the workplace is so disgusting that it's time to rectify it

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos
The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

Fortunately, Deng Xiaofang did not remain silent, she chose to stand up and report with her real name in the video with her ID card, this courage is commendable. Although the details of the identity in the video were beaten by Ma Xianke, Deng Xiaofang's actions will definitely inspire more people in similar predicaments to come forward.

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

I have to say that although we have been talking about gender equality and women's empowerment, the shadow of sexual harassment in the workplace still exists and seems to be difficult to eradicate. The incident caused a huge repercussion, at least on the Internet, with many netizens saying that they stood with Deng Xiaofang and called on all those who suffered similar treatment to speak out.

The good news is that the Beijing police have intervened in the investigation and issued a notice to file a case. I hope that this will not only be a case-by-case case, but also an opportunity to promote environmental reform in the workplace. What we need is a fair, respectful work environment, not a place where employees live in fear.

The female employee reported sexual harassment by her boss with her real name, worked day and night, and was forced to watch obscene videos

If this leader is only suspended, it is not enough, and he should be severely punished, so that he and all the bosses who covet the misdeeds of their employees understand that power is not a tool for manipulation and exploitation. We look forward to justice and a turning point where all women in the workplace can be truly respected and safe.

Finally, once again, I would like to praise Deng Xiaofang for her courage! At the same time, I call on more people to join the action against sexual harassment in the workplace. We are not just cheering for Deng Xiaofang, we are shouting for all women and cheering for all those who expect justice!

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