
Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

author:Game Big Sister

Recently, the topic of e-sports circle is discussed by many people, and there is one thing that has aroused heated discussions among a large number of netizens in the past two days, this matter is the MSI World Championship, this year's MSI competition is still quite exciting, because this year's MSI competition is different from previous years, and this year's competition has a higher gold content.

Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

In previous years, even if you win the championship in the MSI competition, you will get a trophy and get some bonuses, there will be nothing else, there will be no champion skin, and there will be no privileges, but this year's MSI World Championship is different from the past, although there is still no champion skin this year, but there are 3 more privileges.

Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

The first privilege is to guarantee the S World Championship, even if you finish last in the Summer Championship, you can still participate in the World Championship, and the second privilege is that the region where the team is located will get 4 entry places, and this year each major region has reinstated the 3 entry quota rule, but the champion can get the fourth place.

Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

The third privilege is uncertain, but there is a high probability that it will, that is, the Oil Cup will invite the champion team, or the top teams, of course, this matter is not certain, but everyone thinks that it will be invited, and because of the bonus he gives, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing to be invited.

Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

In short, the popularity of the msi World Championship is very high now, and everyone is also discussing the topic of msi, the teams that go to participate in our division are BLG and TES, because of the performance of the spring game, most netizens now feel that BLG is more likely to win the championship, so BLG's support rate is still quite high, and there are also foreign fans.

Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

For example, recently we saw that some Korean fans of the BLG team came out to do something, this time Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, she is a beautiful girl, with a full score for her figure, and the image also has a lot of echoes with BLG, but everyone is more ridiculous: This is too fat.

Korean netizens used AI technology to design a two-dimensional image for BLG, which is also too fat

Now a large number of netizens are discussing this matter, and they are also analyzing the situation of the next game, as far as the current situation is concerned, our competition area still has the strength to impact the championship, although many overseas netizens are not particularly confident in our competition area, but we know their strength, or full of expectations, hoping to win the championship, do you have anything to say about this?

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