
Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

author:Healthy cars

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Hong Kong socialite Dai Sally can be described as a dark horse in the entertainment industry.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

At the age of more than half a hundred, she is still full of vitality and has a bold and avant-garde style, which is simply a modern portrayal of "not compromising".

Now, this "half-hundred model worker" has once again caused an uproar in the entertainment industry. When the news came out, Dai Sally actually took over a tertiary erotic movie at the age of 50! This really surprised many people. She has always been regarded as an upper-class society, but she also let go of her shame to play that kind of large-scale plot, which is really unexpected.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

However, Mrs. Dai has always been a "backbone" character, and she never plays her cards according to common sense. Recalling that year, she fought because of her daughter Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse's relationship, and even more ruthlessly counted the Xie family, and her open-mouthed mouth was simply the modern embodiment of "Jianghu scolding street culture". With such a "crazy energy", it is not surprising that she will take on a tertiary film this time.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Dai Sally's outrageous behavior will undoubtedly trigger a new round of heated discussions in the entertainment industry. Does she simply want to put on a show in her career, or does she have other deep reasons? As Cecilia Cheung's mother, will she smear her daughter with white? It seems that we can only wait and see.

The life trajectory of Hong Kong socialite Dai Sally is like a twisted and bizarre TV series, with a bizarre plot that makes people sigh.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

At first, Dai Sally was just an unknown burgher from a humble background and a poor family. In order to support her family, she had to work as a street vendor to earn money from a young age. Although it was hard, she never gave up her dream, and finally married into a wealthy family in her 20s with her outstanding appearance and wisdom, and became the envy of everyone in Hong Kong.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

However, the life of a lady of Daisally is not as glamorous as it seems. She was repeatedly bullied by her in-laws, neglected and discriminated against, and was on the verge of collapse several times. Even being pregnant did not exchange her husband's love and pity, but was used as a fertility tool. In the end, she gritted her teeth and walked out of this thorny marriage and opened a new chapter in her life.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Dai Sally's daughter, Cecilia Cheung, has lived in the shadow of her mother since she was a child and witnessed all the hardships and tribulations she went through. Poverty, being bullied by her in-laws, the burden of a single mother...... All this made Cecilia Cheung's childhood completely lose the joy and sunshine it should have. But because of this, she also understood the cruelty of life since she was a child, so she cultivated a steely heart.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Dai Sally, a well-deserved "living fossil" of Hong Kong's social circle, never seems to have been crushed by setbacks and criticism. Even after the age of sixties, she still holds her head high, is not afraid of the eyes of the world, and boldly challenges her own limits.

As a veteran socialite in her 50s, she ignored the criticism and abuse from the outside world and stepped forward to star in this large-scale "banned film." This has undoubtedly plunged the entire Hong Kong society into an uproar.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Some people say that she is trying to gain popularity, some say that she is trying to pay off debts and make money, and some people say that she is still energetic to prove to the world. All kinds of speculation disturbed, but Mrs. Dai herself never responded positively. She seems to be the one who does not refuse, and no wind and waves can difficult her.

Looking at her mother's heroic and fearless side that never admits defeat, Cecilia Cheung seems to have found her own direction in life. As a star who has experienced countless hardships and setbacks, she has witnessed her mother's tenacious struggle since she was a child, and she has also drawn strength from it.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Now standing at the peak of her career again, Cecilia Cheung is even more respectful of her mother. She seems to finally understand that only by having the courage to challenge herself and dare to break through the bottom line can she not be smoothed out by the years and leave her mark in this world.

Cecilia Cheung's career path can be described as bumpy, and she has also been attacked by stormy public opinion because of her private life. As the "daughter of the wealthy Dai family", she grew up in the palm of her hand since she was a child, and lived an aristocratic life of fine clothes and food. Unexpectedly, this rich lady fell into the quagmire of emotional entanglement as soon as she debuted.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

first had an extramarital affair with Tingrui's younger brother, and was scolded in public by her ex-husband Shu Qi, and then dragged her son and daughter with a married wealthy businessman He Youjun, and the two also gave birth to a pair of cute dragon and phoenix fetuses. This series of scandals in her private life made her notorious inside and outside the entertainment industry, and she was scolded to the point of incompleteness.

The top Hong Kong socialite didn't let this put him off. She chose to stay away from the flash, live in a low-key seclusion, and be a virtuous and good mother with peace of mind. Every day, I take my two children to get along warmly at home, showing the warm side of mother's love.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Some people say that Cecilia Cheung may have a child on a whim, but I think she really wants to fill the emptiness in her heart with maternal love. After all, when she was at her most depressed and helpless, this pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses was her closest confidant and spiritual sustenance.

From the life stories of Dai Sally and Cecilia Cheung, a mother and daughter, we can see a persistent pursuit of life. They embody a unique tenacity and perseverance, even if life falls to the bottom, they can always rekindle the flame of hope and be reborn.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

As a "living fossil" of Hong Kong's social circle, Mrs. Tai's life can be described as full of ups and downs and drama. She was kept in a wealthy family as a sacrifice since she was a child, received an aristocratic education, and lived a life of brocade clothes and jade food that was envied by people. But who would have thought that this famous lady from a powerful family would eventually become a "star" who was ridiculed by the outside world.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

But just when everyone thought that her career and social career were over, Mrs. Dai once again fought back violently and single-handedly filmed a highly controversial "banned film". She seems to be the one who does not refuse, and no wind and waves can difficult her. Looking at her mother's heroic and fearless side that never admits defeat, Cecilia Cheung seems to have found her own direction in life.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

As a star who has experienced countless hardships and setbacks, Cecilia Cheung has witnessed her mother's tenacious struggle since she was a child, and she has also drawn strength from it. Her career path has been bumpy, and she has also been attacked by stormy public opinion because of her private life problems, and she has been scolded to the point of incompleteness. But this top Hong Kong socialite did not hesitate because of this, she chose to stay away from the flash, low-key seclusion, and be a virtuous and good mother with peace of mind.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

Some people say that Cecilia Cheung may have a child on a whim, but I think she really wants to fill the emptiness in her heart with maternal love. After all, when she was at her most depressed and helpless, this pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses was her closest confidant and spiritual sustenance. She has lacked maternal love since she was a child, and her desire for family affection can be imagined.

Cecilia Cheung's mother Dai Sally: 50-year-old acting in a tertiary film, scolding Nicholas Tse's whole family for being a play

The story of the mother and daughter has laughter, tears, and ups and downs, but in the end they all point to a positive ending. They use their lives to interpret what it means to never admit defeat. Even if you fall to the bottom again and again, there will always be a day when you get back up. Their stories are enough to inspire each of us, so that we can learn to face life's obstacles and headwinds, and also know how to overcome them with optimism and perseverance.

Author's statement: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet and are invaded and deleted. The content is for entertainment only, no bad guidance, please establish the right values!

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