
Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

author:Casual drifters


Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

There is no shortage of "the strong and the strong" in nature, as the so-called "natural selection, survival of the fittest", both humans and animals are affected by this law.

Even a huge elephant can fall into the clutches of a ferocious beast, and it's not uncommon for a 5-ton elephant to be swallowed by a ferocious beast, so are there any predators for the fittest?

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

However, there is such an animal, with a length of 5 meters, weighing about 2 tons, a huge body, a tall body, can be called the king of the desert, all kinds of fierce beasts have to escape when they see it, but this kind of divine beast has no natural enemies, that is, camels.

As an animal adapted to the desert environment, why does the camel have no natural predators?

How does it survive?

1. Characteristics of camels.

As animals adapted to the desert environment, camels live much longer than other animals.

Camel's long eyelashes protect not only the eyes but also the ears and mouth of the camel from sand and dust, as well as sun and ultraviolet radiation.

This long eyelash also makes the camel look very eccentric.

Another very valuable skill of camels is that they can fight hunger and thirst, and camels can store water in their bodies, so they can survive even if they do not drink water for a long time in the desert.

The camel's back will also grow a layer of fat, which will not decrease with the movement of the camel, and this layer of fat can protect the camel from ultraviolet radiation.

Camels also do not lack water in the desert, their water is obtained through food sources, so they do not die of thirst even in the desert.

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

However, the camel's source of water is not obtained from plants, but by eating the juice of plants.

Camels also have a very powerful ability to store water, and when the water on the camels is stored to a certain extent, they will stop drinking water and will not drink again until the water on their bodies has been consumed.

Camels have no natural predators in the desert, they are large and slow, but they have their own ways of coping, and when they find a fierce beast approaching them, they will flee in all directions.

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

Although the camel is not fast, they can run for a long distance in a row, and they can go without drinking water along the way, but the speed of the camel does not escape the pursuit of the wolves.

Therefore, after being surrounded by wolves, camels will stop running away and try to shrink their bodies and hide in places that are not easily accessible to wolves.

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

2. The natural enemies of camels.

Although the camel is the king of the desert, there are also natural enemies, that is, wolves.

Wolves are not natural predators of camels, but camels are food for wolves.

And the wolves are hunting for a long time, and slowly the wolves become more ferocious, and the camel population is also threatened.

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

Camels are comfortable in the desert, they can find food on their own, and they also eat the juice of plants, so the camels live in groups in the desert, and their numbers will increase, but the wolf population has not kept up.

Therefore, it is very rare for camels to be preyed upon by wolves, and being preyed upon by wolves can also maintain the balance of the desert ecology.

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

But now, with the expansion of humans, the number of wolves has also begun to decrease, and in many places the desert has been cleared by humans, and camels have begun to be hunted.

Camel is a very important animal in human history, camel is an early human means of transportation, camel is very resistant to hunger and thirst, can trek in the desert for a long time, so camel became the best means of transportation.

Elephants weighing 5 tons are also eaten, so why don't carnivores eat camels? Does it really have no natural predators?

Camels also have a very unique ability to store food, and when humans have no food, they can kill a camel to solve the problem of food and clothing, so camels are very important in the hearts of humans.

However, with the development of modernization, camels have gradually been eliminated, but we must not forget the important role of camels in human history, and we must also protect camels.

III. Conclusion

Camels are desert adaptors, and their survival in the desert also demonstrates the importance of biodiversity for survival.

As a creature in the desert, camels are also concerned and protected by humans, who also have to respect the laws of nature.

Camels have natural predators in the desert, but they use their own methods to fight against natural predators, which also suggests the adaptability and coping strategies of organisms in different environments, which is worth pondering.

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