
What to pay attention to in the management of grapes in June

author:Seed bank app

Side tip treatment. Generally, grape branches are topped with 5-8 leaves in the upper part of the flower spike, and 3 leaves are left at the top of the secondary tip for secondary topping. The middle and lower secondary shoots are treated differently according to different varieties. Red earth, beauty finger and so on left 3 leaves for post-treatment, Victoria, ruby seedless and 1 leaf for post-treatment.

What to pay attention to in the management of grapes in June

Fruit thinning. Be ruthless and sparse. At present, the common problems are the pursuit of large spikes, the pursuit of yield and sparseness, etc., resulting in the lack of fruit thinning, resulting in large spikes and small grains, poor spike shape, excessive plant load, uneven coloring, delayed ripening and other problems, thus affecting the commercial performance of fruits. Fruit thinning is an important part of the standardized production of grapes, and it must be done well. How many pieces of fruit are kept per spike depends on the variety. Fruit ears treated with grape bulking agent should be thinned after treatment.

What to pay attention to in the management of grapes in June

Ear bagging. Bagging of open-field grapes in June is a priority. Bagging should be avoided during the high temperature period at noon and sunny days after rain to reduce the occurrence of sunburn and air burn. Method: Unfold the mouth of the bag, and completely open the corner of the bottom of the bag, and then gently put on the cover, the fruit ear is in the center of the paper bag, and fix the iron wire at the mouth of the fruit bag on the ear handle, taking care not to sprain the fruit ear. Bagging should be carried out immediately after fruit thinning and the use of protective agents.

What to pay attention to in the management of grapes in June

Apply good fruit enlargement fertilizer. Young fruits need nutrients for development and growth, so it is necessary to apply fruit expansion fertilizer in time. This topdressing should be carried out in mid-June, after the fruit hard core and before the fruit coloring, which is important for the second fruit enlargement, to improve the berry quality and promote the ripening of new shoots. Fruiting garden: the garden with heavy load, before June 5, apply compound fertilizer, 30 kg per mu, wash with chicken manure or pig manure, and ensure that each plant has 25 kg of fertilizer and water; Before June 20, catch up with color fertilizer, mainly potassium fertilizer, prohibit the application of urea nitrogen fertilizer, use 25 kg of 50% potassium sulfate per mu, moisturizing after application. New Garden: Apply organic fertilizers such as chickens and pig manure, add an appropriate amount of 0.4% urea, and apply 15 kg of fertilizer and water per plant to ensure the development and growth of branches. Extra-root top dressing: 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.2% urea can be used, and after 15 days, repeat once.

What to pay attention to in the management of grapes in June

What to pay attention to in grape management in June is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield grapes, you can download the Seed Bank App, and the country's excellent grape varieties are available for everyone to choose.

What to pay attention to in the management of grapes in June

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