
The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

author:Hearsay trumpet

The Paris Olympics are about to open in less than 70 days, but I'm really sweating about the environment, health and security in Paris. To be honest, can such a Paris really host an Olympic Games that attracts global attention? After all, just looking at the mountains of garbage and rats scurrying through the streets of Paris makes my heart beat a drum.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

The current situation on the streets of Paris

Let's start with the environment. You might imagine Paris as romantic with the Seine, elegant cafés, and the magnificent Eiffel Tower. But reality is often not so rosy. Recently, the problem of garbage on the streets of Paris has been very serious. The bins have long been filled, waste can be found everywhere, and some streets have almost become garbage dumps. Especially during the peak tourist season, the increase in tourists makes cleaning more difficult. The garbage piles up, which makes Paris, which is supposed to be full of romance, a little unbearable.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

Not only that, but the pest problem in Paris is also a headache. Rats and cockroaches roam the streets, and some tourists even report that they can be seen in high-end restaurants. Can you imagine? In such a city, the world's biggest sporting events are to be held. These pests are not only a hygiene problem, but they can also bring diseases and pose a threat to the health of athletes and spectators.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

To make matters worse, the water quality of the Seine has also come into focus. The Seine is the soul of Paris, but today its water quality is worrying. The river is muddy, with garbage floating on the surface and even reports of water pollution. This makes one have to worry about the safety of the water projects that will be carried out on the Seine. If athletes compete in such an environment, can they really guarantee their health and safety?

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

The problem of law and order is getting worse day by day

Speaking of the issue of law and order, it is simply terrifying. Once synonymous with romance and security, Paris has now become a hotbed of thieves and robberies. Thieves are rampant in the streets and alleys, and tourists frequently steal their belongings. Last month, a tourist was robbed on the Champs-Élysées and suffered heavy losses. Such incidents raise deep doubts about the security of Paris.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

To add insult to injury, the strike in Paris is also becoming more and more problematic. Traffic workers, garbage cleaners, and even the police have gone on strike for a variety of reasons. These strikes have not only affected the normal functioning of the city, but also further deteriorated the law and order environment. During the strike, there were no cleaners on the streets, and there were piles of garbage; Without the police, the law and order problem is even worse. Can such a Paris really welcome athletes and spectators from all over the world?

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

The plight of Chinese athletes

As a member of the Chinese delegation, I am deeply concerned about these issues. Chinese athletes work the field and deserve to compete in a safe and hygienic environment. However, the current situation in Paris is heart-wrenching. Take, for example, a recent training session in which the Chinese swimming team was training on the Seine, and as a result, several athletes returned to the hotel feeling unwell and were taken to the hospital for examination. Although it didn't hurt much in the end, it was a shocking situation.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

Not only that, a Chinese athlete was also targeted by thieves on the streets of Paris, fortunately a teammate found and stopped it in time, but this incident made everyone more worried about the security of Paris. Can such an environment really allow athletes to devote themselves to the competition? If Paris's environmental and law and order problems are not effectively addressed, should the Chinese delegation consider withdrawing from the Games? This is a heavy and real question.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

Call on the French government to act

Faced with such a predicament, I am compelled to appeal to the French government to act immediately. First of all, it is necessary to intensify garbage removal efforts to ensure the hygiene of streets and public places. As a cosmopolitan city, Paris cannot afford to allow garbage to accumulate and affect its appearance and health. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the Seine River to ensure that the water quality meets international standards. The Seine is a symbol of Paris, and keeping it clean is not only for the Olympics, but also for the future of Paris.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the management of public security, crack down on criminal acts, and protect the safety of citizens and tourists. The law and order problem in Paris can no longer be ignored, and immediate measures must be taken to restore security and order in the city. Only in this way can Paris truly become a city suitable for hosting the Olympic Games.

We can learn from the experience of other cities that have successfully hosted the Olympics, such as London and Tokyo. During the preparatory period, they strengthened environmental governance and law and order management to ensure the smooth running of the Olympic Games. Paris can also learn from them and take effective measures to solve current problems.

The Paris Olympics, can this still be done, I implore the Chinese delegation to think twice

Despite the current problems, I still hope that the Paris Olympics will go smoothly. But only if Paris takes care of environmental and law and order issues. This is not only a sign of respect for the Olympic Games, but also a responsibility to athletes and spectators around the world. I hope that the French government will face up to these problems and take practical measures so that we can witness a wonderful Olympic Games in a clean and safe Paris.

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