
Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

Car Vision Workshop

2024-06-02 18:41Posted in Chongqing automotive creators

Now BMW, Mercedes-Benz Audi, to be honest, is really not as fragrant as before. Their models with good sales have great discounts, which is undoubtedly a good thing for consumers.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

Let's talk about it today, Audi Q5L, it is Audi's second-best-selling car, with cumulative sales of more than 70,000 units in the last half a year, in its price range, sales are very good, and Audi's best-selling car is Audi A6L. Audi Q5L in Chongqing, 4S store comprehensive discount of 140,000, the most entry-level version down, more than 300,000 can be won if you lose it, if you pay the full amount, more than 320,000, different regions, the preferential situation may be a little different, on the whole, the discount is quite large.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

The exterior and interior of the Audi Q5L are nothing special to say. The appearance of the family-style shape, relatively full, not beautiful, not ugly, is more durable type. The interior materials are in its price range, the materials are average, the soft package area in the compartment is small, and the cars of about 200,000 yuan of the independent brand are more than the soft package it gives. But in the cabin, the buttons and knobs that are often used, you will find that they are really advanced, and the damping feedback and sound are very good. It's that although the whole vehicle in the car doesn't look very high-end and luxurious, it is quite easy to use, and there is no need to worry about durability.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

In terms of space, like I am 1.75 meters tall, the front row is adjusted to the driver's seat, the second row has two fists and two fingers of leg room, the head is close to the headrest, there is a fist of headroom, and the legs are well supported. Because it is a front-mounted four-wheel drive, the central protrusion of the rear row is very large, and the passengers sitting in the middle position can only put their feet on both sides, and the comfort in the middle is average, and the two people in the back row are the most comfortable. The trunk space is large and flat, with a space volume of 550L, and after the second row is reversed, it is basically flat, with only a little slope, which is better than most SUVs.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

In terms of power, the Audi Q5L is equipped with a 2.0T high- and low-power engine with a maximum power of 190 horsepower and 245 horsepower, both mated to a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. The test drive is a low-power version, for daily use, its power is enough, and there is no problem with overtaking. Of course, it can't be compared to the acceleration of a tram at this price compared to 000. The smoothness of its power is also good, and there is basically no frustration. In terms of fuel consumption, the fuel consumption of the test drive is 9.8L/100km, and the family car is generally a little lower than the test drive, for reference.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

In terms of chassis, it uses a front and rear five-link independent suspension, and the chassis of the whole vehicle is still tough. It can be comfortable to drive it every day, the fine road surface is good for vibration, and it is stable with large potholes, without unnecessary shaking. The vibration and sound of the manhole cover are very good, and there is a sense of luxury. At the same time, it is not for comfort, there is no sense of road. Turning it on will allow you to perceive the information of the road surface, but this feedback will not affect your comfort.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

In terms of handling, the steering wheel steering and braking are very easy to use, linear and proportional, and the light and heavy are very easy to adapt. In these aspects that we pay attention to, the products of large manufacturers are still reassuring.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

In summary, the exterior and interior of the Audi Q5L are mainly durable and practical, and are not particularly luxurious. The space power is sufficient, and the chassis tuning and handling are its best points. In addition, the Audi brand, the luxury gene, still has some status in the hearts of many people. But now BBA is not as attractive as before, and more users are concerned about the product itself. So it can be seen that the sales of the M7 and the ideal L7 at this price point are better than it. These two cars, in terms of space, intelligence, interior materials, and power, because of the use of motors, are better than Q5L, including comfort, not worse than Q5L. My test drive felt that the Q5L has a bit of an advantage in terms of handling, and the rest of the parts that we can easily perceive have been surpassed by these two cars.

Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

So the core selling point of the Q5L is the brand, chassis tuning and handling, of course, in other aspects, it is not bad, good enough, but there are better products than it. If you pay attention to these aspects, the price is in place, it is still worth in-depth understanding. That's all for today's sharing.

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  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?
  • Audi Q5L comprehensive discount of 140,000, is it fragrant?

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