
Party building + finance to help the production of "three summers".

author:Longting micro-newspaper
Party building + finance to help the production of "three summers".

In the "three summers" season, the wheat waves rolled. In order to ensure that the summer grain grains are returned to the warehouse, Liuyuankou Township actively organizes various community branches to carry out volunteer service activities such as "escorting the 'three summers' to ensure a bumper harvest" under the guidance of party building. On the morning of June 4, Guo Yitong, president of the Liuyuankou branch of Bianjing Rural Commercial Bank, and his party sent mineral water, water cups, towels and other condolences to the fire prevention and burning personnel and the masses who were fighting on the front line, and resonated with the party members and cadres who were fighting in the front line of the "three summers" production at the same frequency to form a joint force to escort the production of "three summers".

Party building + finance to help the production of "three summers".

"At present, it is a critical period of the production work of the 'three summers', the people are busy grabbing seeds and harvesting, and the party members and cadres are busy with the straw ban, which is very hard, and I hope that by donating these materials, we can bring a cool to everyone in the hot summer!" The relevant person in charge of the Bianjing Rural Commercial Bank said.

Liuyuankou Township Government expressed gratitude for the generous donation of caring enterprises, and in the next step, the township will focus on the extremely poor groups while doing a good job in banning burning, give full play to the strength of party building, strengthen the scheduling of agricultural machinery, seize the time to harvest and grab seeds, and ensure the successful completion of the "three summers" production task.

Party building + finance to help the production of "three summers".

Source: Liuyuankou Township

Proofreading: Jiao Yanrui

Editor: Tian Xin

Review: Zhang Tao

Party building + finance to help the production of "three summers".
Party building + finance to help the production of "three summers".

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