
The third squatting group of the provincial federation: send coolness to the "hot and hot" front-line workers

author:Sichuan Trade Union

Send coolness to the "hot and hot" front-line workers

-- Sketch of the work of the third squatting working group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions

The third squatting group of the provincial federation: send coolness to the "hot and hot" front-line workers
The third squatting group of the provincial federation: send coolness to the "hot and hot" front-line workers

The squatting working group carried out a cool activity Photo provided by the interviewee

The dog days in Luzhou seem to come earlier than elsewhere, and the sun at the end of May is as hot as midsummer.

Time flies, and it has been nearly 2 months since the Third Squatting Working Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions first arrived in the South Sichuan Lingang Area of the China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone to carry out the squatting work. At this moment, the team leader Li Mengjie and member Peng Xuemei have less worry and helplessness when they first came, and more calm and calm in the face of grassroots work.

At 14 o'clock on May 21, at the Zhonghai Asphalt Hazardous Chemicals Wharf, the squatting team followed the footsteps of the staff on the deck, and instantly felt that the whole body was hit by the heat wave, and the direct sun made people unable to open their eyes. However, at this time, the workers on the deck were fighting the high temperature and the scorching heat, racing against time to carry out loading and unloading operations. "When we saw beads of sweat the size of beans dripping down the brims of the workers' hard hats, as well as their sweat-soaked clothes and pants, the workers' 'hot and hot' working state was really admirable, and we deeply felt their outstanding contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the port economy." Li Mengjie, the leader of the squatting group, said with emotion.

"What should we do for them?" After seeing this scene that day, the squatting group thought that the dock workers needed to be exposed to the sun on the ship, on the river, and on the large platform of the wharf, and they also had to accept the challenge of "baking" the hot deck and the stuffy iron cabin, and asphalt is a flammable and explosive dangerous goods, requiring workers to pay more attention to safety measures such as fire prevention and explosion prevention. The two of them immediately decided to organize a summer cool care activity at Zhonghai Asphalt Hazardous Chemicals Wharf.

On May 30, the squatting working group and the Federation of Trade Unions of the South Sichuan Lingang Area of the Free Trade Zone brought heatstroke prevention and cooling condolences such as toilet water, cool oil, mineral water, etc., to Zhonghai Asphalt Hazardous Chemicals Wharf to carry out cool care activities for port workers, and at the same time told everyone to pay attention to flexible on-site operation time, and avoid engaging in strong physical labor under the scorching sun and extremely stuffy environment during high temperature periods as much as possible. "The words of concern and the intimate 'coolness' make us deeply feel the care of the party and the government and the care of the trade union organization." Frontline workers said.

"The needs of employees are the pursuit of trade unions." In the 30-square-kilometer Lingang area of southern Sichuan of the China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the squatting working group measured the land with footsteps, exchanged sincerity for sincerity, and moved forward in learning and thinking. This point is the difficulty of the development of grassroots trade unions, the blocking point of the workers' urgency, and the bullseye of the squatting work. ”

Source: Sichuan Workers Daily

Reporter: Deng Xia

Editor: Chen Qiutong

Proofreading: Liu Lijuan, Ping Xinjie, Yang Yue

Editor-in-charge: Li Jiangen, Li Ruyu

Review: Xu Yang

Production Agency | Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Financial Media Center

Email | [email protected]

The third squatting group of the provincial federation: send coolness to the "hot and hot" front-line workers

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