
Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

author:Flying Spring

The annual college entrance examination will start tomorrow. As the mainland's main way of selecting higher education talents, the college entrance examination system has been implemented for 47 years since it was restored in 1977.

From the point of view of form and connotation, the imperial examination system, which has been implemented for 1300 years, is somewhat similar to the modern college entrance examination, and one examination is enough to change the fate of life.

So, in the era when there were no imperial examinations and college entrance examinations, how did the government select talents?

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

1, Shiqing Shilu system

This was the main selection system before the Spring and Autumn Period. The Son of Heaven bestows the title, the official position is hereditary, and the Yulu is hereditary.

This is because, in the early state formation, there was a need for a stable and loyal ruling group to support the monarch, and the Shiqing Shilu system was able to ensure the loyalty of the aristocracy to the monarch, which was conducive to the unity of the country and foreign conquest.

For example, in the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period, there were six families of Qing Dafu (Zhao, Wei, Han, Zhi, Fan, and Zhongxing) who took turns to govern, and the members of these families could inherit the throne and form a powerful Shiqing group.

From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Shang Dynasty reform, this system existed for more than 600 years.

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

2. Probation system

This is from the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Han Gaozu Liu Bang issued an edict to ask for talents, requiring the county to recommend wise men and doctors with the ability to govern the country, and set a precedent for the inspection system.

This is a bottom-up system of selecting talents, also known as "election". It is mainly selected by the three princes and nine secretaries of the central government, the county guards, the liehous, and the high-ranking officials in the local government, from among the commoners or low-level officials. In terms of morality, conduct, and ability, only those who met the needs of the ruling class at that time could enter the court and become officials.

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

Of course, there is also a set of rigorous procedures for selection, including recommendation, inspection, review, examination, etc., which are reported at all levels.

The selection criteria mainly depend on whether the ideology is correct - Confucianism is a scholar, that is, talents other than Confucianism are not examined.

For example, Dong Zhongshu, who "deposed a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone", Dongfang Shuo, who came from a humble background and had excellent intelligence, and Ban Chao, who was poor and ambitious...... They are all beneficiaries of the probationary system.

3. Levy system

The probation system is a bottom-up selection and selection. At the same time, the emperor and high-ranking officials can also be directly recruited or hired from the top down.

This method of selecting and promoting talents complements and complements the probationary system. Obviously, this requires that the recruit, long before being drafted, must be a well-known IP in the local area.

Sima Xiangru was recruited into the court by Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu because of his outstanding literary talents and became a Lang official; Kuang Heng was conquered by Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty because of his unique research and insights into the Book of Songs......

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

4,9 Goods Orthodox System

After the inspection and recruitment of the Han Dynasty, the selection of talents has a mature model. As a result, the imperial court set up a special official position, which was responsible for evaluating the characters in a region, and this official was called "Zhongzheng Guan".

It was appointed by the imperial court and was not interfered with by local forces, which was an innovation and progress in talent selection.

In order to accurately promote talents, the Zhongzheng system divides official positions and scholars into 9 categories according to different standards such as family background, morality, and talent, the so-called "Nine Grades Zhongzheng System". This is what people often said later, such as the seven-grade official, the nine-grade official, the third grade, and the second grade.

Cao Cao's "meritocracy" was the germ of the Jiupin Zhongzheng system, and Cao Pi formally established this system during his reign.

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

5. Military merit system

Wen can set the country, and Wu can Anbang. During the Qin Dynasty, officials were selected through military merits, and people with military merits were mainly selected to hold official positions.

From the Warring States period to the Qin and Han dynasties, there are countless celebrities who have benefited from the military merit system and become important pillars of the country. Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Bai Qi, Wang Qian, Zhao Hao...... Galloping on the battlefield and going down in history.

6. Examination and selection system

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in order to dominate the world, the vassal states paid great attention to the reserve of talents, and some small countries began to try to select officials through examinations, which may include scriptures, laws, policies, etc. The purpose of this system is to select people with real talents and learning to hold official positions, rather than relying solely on family background.

For talented people who do not have official positions, they will be given full protection for their life and study, and they will become their advisers and staff members in the future. This is the system of the princes.

The princes of Japan, which remained until the Meiji Restoration, developed into a large class of warriors, the samurai. Later, it influenced the development and transformation of the country.

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

7. Lobbying self-recommendation system

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the examination system was not implemented, and the country, especially the small divided states facing the danger of war and annexation, was in dire need of efficient personnel appointments, many talented people gained political status by lobbying princes or ministers.

Therefore, lobbying became a trend at that time, Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Mao Sui, and Kuaitong, with a strategy and a word, and a three-inch tongue, they could gain trust and move towards their careers.

Without the college entrance examination, how did the ancients change their fate? Count the 8 ways to select talents in China

8. Examination system

From the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, after more than 1,300 years of the imperial examination system, the Chinese have formed a social consensus on learning excellence.

In the Republic of China, the civil service examination system was implemented in the selection of talents. This includes the Higher Civil Service Examination, the General Civil Service Examination and the Special Examination.

The Higher Civil Service Examination is administered by the Examination Institute, and those who pass the examination are distributed to the central and local authorities for recommendation for appointment. The general civil service examination is held by the provinces, and those who pass the examination are appointed by the organizer and distributed to the various organs in the place where the examination is conducted. (ENDS)

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