
Summary of market data of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years: Mate60 is the peak? Then you'd be wrong!

Summary of market data of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years: Mate60 is the peak? Then you'd be wrong!

Mobile China

2024-06-05 17:06Published in Beijing

  Recently, CNMO noticed that some bloggers sorted out the development trend of the activation share of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years from the second half of 2022 to the first half of 2024. It is clear that Huawei's market share has grown steadily in the past two years, and there is a trend of returning to the first place in China's market share.

Summary of market data of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years: Mate60 is the peak? Then you'd be wrong!

  The data shows that from the 37th week to the 38th week of 2022, the market share of Huawei mobile phones soared from about 8% to about 12%, which should be related to the release of the Huawei Mate50 series. The Huawei Mate50 series is Huawei's first flagship model to introduce satellite communication functions, and at the same time adopts advanced configurations such as Kunlun glass, which is a classic flagship product. However, as the popularity of new phones has receded, the share of Huawei's mobile phone activation has been hovering around 9% in 2022

  Entering 2023, Huawei's mobile phone market performance has improved significantly. In the first half of the year, Huawei's P60 series press conference drove Huawei's mobile phone market share to nearly 13%, but then it fell to about 11%. In the second half of the year, the Huawei Mate60 series came out, directly pulling Huawei's mobile phone market share to more than 19%. It's a pity that the Huawei Mate60 series has been out of stock for a long time after it came out, and many netizens believe that if the supply is sufficient, the Huawei Mate60 series should be much more than that.

Summary of market data of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years: Mate60 is the peak? Then you'd be wrong!

  Entering 2024, Huawei's mobile phone activation share is roughly around 13% to 16%, which is significantly better than the same period in 2023. Subsequently. The release of the Pura70 series drove Huawei's share to nearly 21%, and the highest share in a single week even surpassed that of Huawei's Mate60 series.

  At the beginning of this year, a research agency released a report that believed that with the release of the Mate70 series and P70 series, Huawei is very likely to return to the first place in the sales volume of China's mobile phone market.

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  • Summary of market data of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years: Mate60 is the peak? Then you'd be wrong!
  • Summary of market data of Huawei mobile phones in the past two years: Mate60 is the peak? Then you'd be wrong!

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