
Condense the "new" soul and work together to promote harmonious development - the regional party and mass activity service center in the emerging field of Xigu District has carried out a series of party member education activities

author:Chen Ping's family

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further enrich and expand the content of Party member education activities, stimulate Party members' sense of responsibility and mission, focus on the two coverage of Party organizations and Party work in emerging fields, and give full play to the advantages of the "Pioneer College" platform. The Party Committee of Xigu Middle Road Community, together with the Party Branch of the Public Relations Department of Lanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., the Party Branch of the Xigu District Company of China Post Group Co., Ltd., and the delivery workers and couriers of the new employment group carried out a series of educational activities with the theme of Party Day + in June.

Condense the "new" soul and work together to promote harmonious development - the regional party and mass activity service center in the emerging field of Xigu District has carried out a series of party member education activities

Inherit the red gene and stimulate the power of endeavor. Entering the exhibition hall, everyone listened to the explanation, watched the video and picture materials under the guidance of the commentator, and reviewed the development history and struggle history of Lanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. in the past decades. The touching old photos and old items let the party members deeply understand the glorious history and culture of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company's hard work, industry to serve the country, and win glory for the country, and truly feel the petrochemical spirit of "high and strict and meticulous", the enterprise spirit of "self-improvement, hard work, hard work, industry to serve the country, dare to be the first, and the pursuit of excellence" and the heroic feat of petrochemical people to dedicate their youth and build the great northwest. Thus stimulating the visitors' sense of responsibility and mission as party members. We are determined to transform the red spirit into a powerful driving force to promote work, practice the party's purpose with practical actions, and serve the people.

Condense the "new" soul and work together to promote harmonious development - the regional party and mass activity service center in the emerging field of Xigu District has carried out a series of party member education activities

Concentrate on strengthening party building, and join hands to build and promote development. In order to solidly promote party building to lead grassroots governance and jointly promote community development, the secretary of the community party committee led all party members to review the oath of joining the party. A sonorous and powerful oath, a word from the bottom of their hearts, party members feel the sacredness of the party in the oath, relive the solemn commitment when joining the party, enhance the party spirit, build a solid foundation of faith, and feel the power of endeavor. Then he led everyone to study the spirit of Xi Jinping's speech at the symposium of enterprises and experts and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China". In response to the problems of safety production and safety management of takeaway brothers in petrochemical companies, the community secretary put forward many innovative suggestions and measures.

Condense the "new" soul and work together to promote harmonious development - the regional party and mass activity service center in the emerging field of Xigu District has carried out a series of party member education activities

Party building leads a new journey and works hard to the future. The representative of the petrochemical company said that as the particularity of the petroleum industry, it should play a pioneer and exemplary role, take the lead in implementing the responsibility system for safe production, strengthen the investigation and management of hidden dangers, and ensure the implementation of various safety measures. At the same time, the person in charge of the takeaway delivery company said that it would closely surround the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core, actively participate in the construction of the Party Group, and contribute to the construction of the Party organization.

Condense the "new" soul and work together to promote harmonious development - the regional party and mass activity service center in the emerging field of Xigu District has carried out a series of party member education activities

This significant community party organization activity is not only a party spirit exercise, but also a spiritual baptism, which strengthens the party spirit cultivation of party members, enhances the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and at the same time, the ideological enlightenment and spiritual encouragement it brings will echo in the hearts of every party member for a long time.

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