
Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

author:Blizzard Gamer

On the third day of the return of the World of Warcraft national server, WLK nostalgic service continued to be popular, and the enthusiasm of players far exceeded Xiao Tan's expectations, with more than 5.5 million player numbers, and the server was fully red.

1. The World of Warcraft operation team publicly offers a bounty on wanted scripts/cheats

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

In order to encourage players to actively report various script cheats, the World of Warcraft operation team has publicly offered rewards, and players who report 100 times in total will have the opportunity to receive rewards, and the specific reward ranges are as follows:

1st place: 1288 battle points

2nd place: 988 battle points

3rd place: 688 battle points

4th~10th person: 375 points

11th~20th person: 225 points

21~100 people: 75 points

Xiao Tan thinks that this reward is still very powerful, and it is very helpful to drive players to take the initiative to report the script, as long as you move your little hands, you can purify the game environment on the one hand, and you can even make a small profit, why not?

Of course, relying on player reports alone is still a symptom rather than a cure, and it is also necessary to cut off the channels for studio scripts to brush gold.

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

The official announcement said that the script that maliciously used the BUG to farm monsters in the Borean Tundra has been banned + gold coins have been recycled, and the bug has been fixed.

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

After the actual test of players, it is not as simple as fixing bugs, the operation team has chopped almost all the gold and silver coins dropped on the Northrend map, and only a few pitiful copper plates remain.

There are too few gold coins dropped by wild monsters, which still has a little impact on players who do task upgrades, and I hope that the operation team will consider giving normal players some compensation through other channels in the future.

And after waiting for the studio army to "grow up", the dungeon is the main place to farm gold, and the operation team needs to make persistent efforts to plug the loopholes in advance.

2. The Gianna server has a full number of players

Just 50 hours after the launch of the server, the vanguard of the Gianna server began to reach the full level, and the chat channel was continuously occupied by the achievement of "server first".

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level
Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

This blood elf paladin named ppbaby should have won the first place at level 80 on the Gianna server.

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

Not to be outdone, the Death Hunter server is also the fastest player with a Blood Elf Paladin, followed by an orc shaman.

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

Interestingly, several of the first batch of full-level players continued to brush achievements as if they had made an appointment, and I don't know if everyone adopted a similar upgrade plan, or if a studio took a big order.

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

It is reported that the list of the first server is very expensive, and even the asking price has reached 20,000 once, and some powerful real estate studios are making a lot of money.

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

So far, even the first server of the Death Knight has been taken, and the battle for the full level of Gianna and Death Hunter is coming to an end.

The Warcraft nostalgic suit urgently opened a new one, the Ruby Temple

The first batch of new servers to be opened were Gianna and Death Hunter, and after these two servers were full, the operation team did not open new servers immediately, but unlocked the old servers in a row, until yesterday they finally launched one of the two second bottles of new servers "Ruby Temple".

Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level
Warcraft Nostalgia Service: NetEase declared war on GZS, the first server is worth 20,000, and a large number of players are at full level

Today, the Ruby Temple has begun to queue up, the current length is more than 2,000, and the queue time is 1 hour, this queue length is much stronger than the queue of tens of thousands of Gianna's clothes, Xiao Tan started to line up Gianna's clothes from 8 o'clock this morning, and only lined up at 2 o'clock at noon.

Well, the news of the third day of the reopening of the national server will be introduced to you here, I hope you will have a smooth and happy return journey.

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