
The system is a regular act through which you will reach a better place in life

author:Beijing Lens Bathroom


Scott Adams, in My Life Is Loose and Won, describes a pattern: "Develop healthy eating habits, increase your energy through exercise, learn multiple skills, and control your sense of self; "You might think, everyone knows all these success conclusions, nothing special. But the problem is that I know a lot of truths, but I still can't live this life.

Pay attention to the system, believe in the power of affirmative declarations, and learn more skills. Focus on the system rather than the goal. When it comes to success, we all know that it is to accomplish one goal after another. But Adams said, "Goals are for losers, and if you study the winners, most of them follow the system rather than the goal." ”

The system is a regular act through which you will reach a better place in life

The first thing to do is to understand the difference between the goal and the system. The goal is a specific purpose, which may or may not be achieved one day in the future, for example, this month's goal is to lose 10 pounds, which is a goal, which may or may not be completed. A system is something you do on a regular basis, and if there's one thing you do every day, it's a system. For example, exercising every day is a system, and healthy eating habits are also a system.

The authors also mention the different effects of "goals" and "systems" on success. For individuals, the pursuit of success is a lifelong thing, and it is best to have a "system". The "goal" is okay in the short term, but it is easy to "hurt" in the long term. People who use the "system" are more likely to be "optimistic", and people who are "optimistic" are more likely to see opportunities for "success". People who use "goals" tend to be "pessimistic", and "pessimistic" people tend to miss the opportunity to "succeed". This is also worth learning from.

Why is it said that success requires a system, not a goal? The author tells such a story in the book. "Once, when he was on a plane, he met a businessman in his early 60s, who told Adams that every time he got a new job, he immediately started looking for something better, and for him, finding a job is not something to do when needed, but something that never stops, and that's how the businessman has been the CEO of the company." You can understand it this way: your job is not work, your job is to find a better job. Finding a job here is a goal, and constantly looking for a better job is a system.

The system is a regular act through which you will reach a better place in life

What is the system? A system is an organic whole with a specific function, and the system is constantly looking for better opportunities. A system is something you do on a regular basis that will increase your happiness in the long run. If there's one thing you do every day, it's a system. Because the system is your regular behavior, and it is reasonable to expect that through such behavior you will reach a better place in life.

A goal is like a race with an end point, and in the end, it is often either success or failure. And the system has no deadlines, there is no so-called success or failure, you do what you want to do every day, you will feel good, you will be full of energy when you do things, and one day this system will make you progress and be happier.

The system is a regular act through which you will reach a better place in life

Dear Lens family, to apply the "minimum viable solution" in all aspects of your work and life, that is, to explore the simplest, most economical and effective way, do not have to pursue complex and cumbersome, time and energy to invest in optimizing the model, exploring new areas and optimizing the process, so that you will find that you will maintain your life and health at the same time, career and wealth will also take off.

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