
If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

author:Orange senpai in Japan

If you currently want to study in Japan but don't know how to prepare, today I will sort out this timeline for your reference:

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?


Current Availability:

→ students born in October 24, some schools can also apply

→ January and April 25 students are applying, and some popular schools are full

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

The application for October students is coming to an end, if you have prepared before, you can ask the senior sister to help you make an urgent application, but if you have not prepared before, the senior sister suggests that you can apply for April students of 25 years, so that you can have a longer preparation time.


Prepare for the Japanese language score:

→ apply for a language school, you need a certificate of the highest level of Japanese language or a certificate of 150 hours of Japanese language instruction

→ N2 or higher is required for science progression

→ Liberal Arts requires N1 or above

→ N2 is required for art progression

N2 is required for employment at → vocational school

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

Although many students are unable to meet the above standards before studying abroad, it is always good to study a little more at home, and the stronger your Japanese skills before going abroad, the more advantageous you will be when you arrive in Japan. For older international students, being able to get a Japanese language score in China can greatly improve your chances of getting a visa.


Apply for the exam for studying in Japan

→ JIPT exam: mid to late August

→J.TEST: July 22 - August 7

→ TOEIC/TOEFL: You can register for the test every month

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

Since studying in Japan is an entrance examination system, if you want to enter a highly-ranked Japanese university, you need to prepare early and complete the exams in your home country, so that you can have enough time to prepare for the EJU and on-campus exams in Japan.


Start preparing your study abroad materials

→ required materials for school

→ other materials of the applicant

→ the materials of the financial payer

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

Every student's situation is different, so it depends on the situation, and the Japanese Immigration Bureau is becoming more and more strict in reviewing student materials, so you must find a professional and reliable agent to help you prepare (such as me), in case there is a problem with the materials, it is likely that you will never be able to apply to study in Japan again.


The study abroad materials will be reviewed

→ the first review by the copywriting teacher

→ second instance of the language school

→ materials are submitted to the Immigration Bureau for final review

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

The copywriter checks whether there are any omissions in the materials, whether the content meets the requirements, whether the language school checks whether the materials are true and accurate, and whether the volunteer letter is reasonable, and the Immigration Bureau conducts the final review.


Prepare for studying in Japan

→ issued in the hospital

→ remittance tuition

→ dormitory

→ apply for a visa

→ register for the EJU exam

If you start preparing to study in Japan now, how should you plan every month?

By this time, the first step of studying in Japan has basically passed, and you can start packing your bags and preparing to study in Japan! If you want to go on to higher education quickly, you need to register for the EJU exam in June, otherwise you won't be able to take the exam in Japan.


Preparing to go to Japan

If you need to customize your study abroad plan in Japan, you are welcome to tick~

If you want to know whether your conditions are suitable for studying in Japan, you can do the study abroad assessment, and the senior sister will help you analyze it according to your situation and give you a reference:

I want to go to Japan

A: 2024 B: 2025 C: Other

What level of Japanese is you now?

A: 零基础B:N5 C:N4 D:N3 E:N2 F:N1

What is the academic qualification?

A: High School B: Junior College C: Undergraduate D: Other

Whether your family supports you to study in Japan

A: Yes B: Not Yes C: Still under discussion

Annual household income?

A: 10 or less B: 10-150,000 C: 15-200,000 D: 200,000 or more


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