
The world's top 40 listed companies in terms of market capitalization, and 4 Chinese companies are on the list, which is difficult to show 15 years ago

author:Data City

As of the end of May this year, among the 40 listed companies with the highest market value in the world, the United States occupies 27 seats, Chinese companies occupy 4 seats and rank low, France has 2 seats, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, Japan, and Switzerland have 1 company on the list. Compared with 2009, when a large number of Chinese companies were on the list and occupied the first place in the world's market capitalization, it is difficult for Chinese companies to reproduce their former prosperity.

The world's top 40 listed companies in terms of market capitalization, and 4 Chinese companies are on the list, which is difficult to show 15 years ago

27 American companies dominate the list, and the market value of 3 trillion has become the ceiling

Among the top 40 listed companies by market capitalization, American companies occupy the majority of seats, and 27 American companies are involved in technology, semiconductors, petroleum, Internet, finance, automobiles, retail, medical and other broad fields, both traditional industries and future industries, showing strong strength. Of the seven listed companies with a market capitalization of more than one trillion yuan, only Saudi Aramco is a non-US company. The latest news is that Microsoft, Apple and Nvidia are the only three publicly traded companies in the world with a market capitalization of more than $3 trillion. The industry generally believes that the above three companies still have room for growth, and for a long time, it will be difficult for other companies in the world to catch up.

The world's top 40 listed companies in terms of market capitalization, and 4 Chinese companies are on the list, which is difficult to show 15 years ago

Four Chinese companies ranked low, and ICBC remained stable

Four Chinese companies rank among the top 40 listed companies in terms of market capitalization, which has somewhat preserved the face of the mainland as an industrial power, but the ranking is relatively low, showing that there is still a certain gap between the mainland's leading enterprises and world-class enterprises. TSMC belongs to the semiconductor field, Tencent is an Internet giant, Moutai is from the wine industry, ICBC is from the financial industry, and the leading enterprises in the mainland manufacturing and Internet fields still have a lot of room for improvement.

In 2009, PetroChina became the world's largest listed company in terms of market capitalization, and 11 Chinese companies ranked among the top 100 listed companies in the world that year, three of which ranked in the top 10. Both Alibaba and Tencent were expected to reach a trillion-dollar market capitalization, but they failed to materialize.

The world's top 40 listed companies in terms of market capitalization, and 4 Chinese companies are on the list, which is difficult to show 15 years ago

Those who get science and technology get the future, and enterprises in the field of hard science and technology are widely optimistic

Counting the industrial sectors of the listed companies with the top market capitalization, the weight of energy and finance has decreased significantly, and the listed companies in hard technology-related fields are more respected by the market. The semiconductor field has stood at the forefront of the times, and Nvidia, TSMC, Broadcom, ASML and other companies have a significant upward momentum. Take Nvidia as an example, its current market capitalization is 10 times that of AMD and more than 20 times that of Intel, and the previous three companies were considered to be in the same order of magnitude.

The world's top 40 listed companies in terms of market capitalization, and 4 Chinese companies are on the list, which is difficult to show 15 years ago

There is a view that the market value is suspected of false fire, and the more convincing data should be revenue and profit, in fact, the vast majority of the top market value giant-level enterprises, their revenue and profit are also leading.

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