
Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for years, decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find a person who is fully accepted and fully recognized?

author:Psychological counselor Lin Yi

Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find someone who fully accepts, is sincere, and loves you completely, but you can't find it with all your might, and you have to exchange for other people's ridicule, ridicule, ignorance, abandonment, betrayal? [呲tooth] [呲tooth] [snickering] Whenever such a thought comes up, you are like a little child, the young or even earlier self or the self who was disappointed and hurt in the reincarnation of the previous life surfaced, with red eyes clenched into fists, tears in the eyes full of grievances and resentment, why why, why do you want to treat me like this, why do you lie to me, am I very easy to deceive, why don't you love me, is it that I don't deserve love, why can others be pampered, but I don't. In the end, the obsession becomes a bondage, a binding of hands and feet, a heavy medicine and a mark in Meng Po's soup, sealing the limbs and veins, and if you don't break it, then you still want to experience it until you experience it thick enough. Only to find out that everyone is alone, indifferent by nature, except for your parents who are kind to you, and children who are responsible for you, everything else has nothing to do with you, they are just passers-by, friends and lovers, and brothers and sisters. Parents and children are only graces and responsibilities. Only to find that all thoughts and emotions are only a faint signal given by creation, a dream, but you are deeply immersed in it, sinking and unable to wake up. What I want is to choose to pick up the obsession that binds me, to be a cocoon to bind myself, and to bring humiliation on myself. Why don't you learn to untie slowly. All relationships, but polite response, smile indifferently, respectfully and stay away

Original article, picture from the Internet

Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for years, decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find a person who is fully accepted and fully recognized?
Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for years, decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find a person who is fully accepted and fully recognized?
Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for years, decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find a person who is fully accepted and fully recognized?
Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for years, decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find a person who is fully accepted and fully recognized?
Have you ever been like this, for a long, long time, for years, decades, stubbornly wanting to be understood, approved and recognized by someone or some people, stubbornly trying to find a person who is fully accepted and fully recognized?

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