
Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

Nice car

2024-06-12 18:18Published in Shandong

The college entrance examination has just ended, and everyone is waiting for the release of the results. In the first week of June, the weekly sales ranking of new energy vehicles is here again! In the 23rd week of 2024 (6.3-6.9), Li Auto's weekly sales reached 10,900 units, ranking first among new brands in the Chinese market for 7 consecutive weeks.

Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

A good product to the brand of the pull effect can not be underestimated, with the ideal L6 sales, the ideal car has also become the new force sales champion, ideal or not, just look at the ideal L6! In May, the delivery volume of Li Auto exceeded 30,000, of which the delivery volume of Ideal L6 was 20,000 units, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a top pillar. Ideal officials also revealed that the production capacity of Ideal L6 will exceed 20,000 units in June, and the delivery waiting time will be further shortened.

Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

In this weekly ranking list, Wenjie ranks second with 8,900 units, but if the statistics are Hongmeng Zhixing, what will be the ranking? May is the adjustment period of Hongmeng Zhixing's products, and the main sales products are replaced, and it is expected that the sales volume will return to rapid growth in June.

Yu Chengdong said that the Dragon Boat Festival holiday stimulated the number of orders, and Hongmeng Zhixing Dragon Boat Festival broke 7,000 units in 3 days. In the past 5 months, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered a total of 30,578 new cars, including 7,201 new M7 vehicles; Deliveries of the M9 were 15,875 units; The Zhijie S7 delivered 3,455 units in May.

Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

In addition, the new M7 Ultra has just been unveiled, and deliveries are expected to continue to rise in June. In addition, the delivery volume of the M9 breaking 15,000 is really amazing, and there are still a lot of rich people in China!

The online celebrity car Xiaomi SU7 sold 2,100 units in the past week, and the results are not outstanding. Previously, some rice fans predicted that Xiaomi Auto would be able to deliver 100,000 units in 2024, but now it is unrealistic. In May, Xiaomi cars sold 8630 units, this sales volume is a bit of a mystery, on the one hand, some netizens broke the news that Xiaomi cars have a large inventory, on the other hand, Xiaomi cars claim that they can't sell due to capacity limitations.

Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

No matter what you say, the sales performance of Xiaomi Auto is not as good as expected, and it is a bit unexpected.

N comments: In the first week of June, there was a small holiday stimulus, and it can be seen that the sales of new energy vehicles are still gratifying. In this list, the ideal "first" stems from the entry of cheaper models, while the performance of the Wenjie series is relatively stable, and the performance of extreme krypton and dark blue also has good performance. In a word, some people are happy and some are worried about the sales of new forces, what do you think about this? (Photo: Internet/Text: Ouyang)

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  • Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue
  • Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue
  • Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue
  • Sales ranking in the first week of June: Ideal L6 turned the tide, Xiaomi SU7 was out of the blue

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