
Some self-media, some little trolls, I advise you to speak less on behalf of the people, you are not qualified

author:Tadpole Immortal

There are many "little trolls" on the Internet, their avatars do not have a V, and there are even few fans, and they don't even have a serious name. They often "complain about the people", "the people are very angry", "the people are cornered", and "how the people are......", these little trolls are soft-spoken, but they are uncharacteristically energetic and jump up and down on the Internet, in order to ask for a few mouthfuls of food (traffic, income), in order to vent a few dissatisfactions, they use the banner of the people, do not hesitate to exaggerate rumors, do not hesitate to alarmist, do not hesitate to lead the face, do not hesitate to generalize, do not hesitate to cry poor and sell miserable, do not hesitate to reverse black and white, The purpose is to create gimmicks, sell anxiety, hoard negative emotions, and disrupt normal audio-visual, and the motives are very impure.

Some self-media, some little trolls, I advise you to speak less on behalf of the people, you are not qualified

The above phenomenon is currently widespread, and almost every day you can see the so-called "shouting for the people" and "asking for your life for the people" boring text on the self-media platform, not only the long comments recommended by the platform page, but also the gossip hidden in the comment area. The vast majority of these texts, regardless of their length or shortness, are in disregard of the facts, and are all in the conscience of wantonly venting complaints and dissatisfaction, and their content feels like chewing wax, without nutrition at all, and the words and sentences are pretentious and fabricated, which makes people very disgusted and even disgusted.

Some self-media, some little trolls, I advise you to speak less on behalf of the people, you are not qualified

So who are the people who are willing to engage in this kind of behavior on the Internet that represents the people without authorization and cries for poverty and misery under the banner of the people? Take a closer look at the analysis, and you have the answer. That is: a large number of text speculators, a large number of traffic drillers, a group of anxiety peddlers, and a bunch of disgruntled people, including the 1450s, 1700s, etc., and it is not an exaggeration to call them trolls. They gathered on the platform to make waves, and the miasma attracted flies and many people who were in the same stream. Often after such vulgar articles or comments by these people, the ghosts cry and cry wolves, and the voices of self-grief are endless, giving people the feeling that the sky is about to fall, that all carbon-based life in this land will not survive, and that the end of the world is coming.

Some self-media, some little trolls, I advise you to speak less on behalf of the people, you are not qualified

Is that really the case? Not at all! Take a walk on the street, take a stroll in the supermarket, come to a different place, and open your eyes to the famous mountains and rivers, you will find that the difference between virtual networks and real life is so huge? The "miserable" on the Internet or the colorful in reality, which is the real world in front of us? Who is it who hides in the shadows, lies every day, and cheats all day long?

I am an ordinary person, and I am very disgusted that "you" speak on my behalf on the Internet, and "you" are not qualified, because "you" are just an unscrupulous self-media and a little troll.

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