
Broken dreams of demolition: from getting rich to being negative, why did the people turn around and leave?

author:Chief lawyer Shi Xining

In recent years, when it comes to demolition, most of us will think of the word "get rich". Indeed, with the continuous upward development of the rural economy and the advancement of overall planning, many people have indeed received high compensation through demolition and relocation and thus moved towards the road of "sudden wealth". However, in today's demolition, the more demolished and poorer it seems to be the voice of most of the people who have been demolished. More and more farmers are reluctant to accept compensation and resettlement, why is this? Next, Shi Xining, the chief lawyer of Beijing Jingkang Law Firm, will talk to you.

Lawyer's interpretation

1. The compensation for rural demolition and relocation is too low, far lower than the compensation standard for urban housing

Since it is going to be demolished, the villagers certainly hope to get more compensation. However, in many places, the expropriation and demolition of rural houses only compensates more than 1,000 yuan, or even a few hundred yuan, for one square meter. Resettlement houses can cost thousands of square meters to buy. Originally, he lived in a large house of several hundred square meters, but the compensation after the demolition was only enough to buy a house half the size of the previous one. The standard of living has been greatly reduced.

Broken dreams of demolition: from getting rich to being negative, why did the people turn around and leave?

Second, the source of income has been cut off, but the cost of living is increasing

For the peasants, the land is equivalent to the peasants' rice bowls. Most farmers earn their income by cultivating crops or raising poultry, and once land or houses are expropriated or demolished, many farmers lose their source of income. In the long run, the days will get poorer and poorer.

Of course, these objective factors will lead many peasant friends to become poorer and poorer. However, these objective factors are due to the general environment, and all people face the same treatment. However, the following factors are due to the reasons of the expropriation and demolition party, which leads to the loss of the legitimate interests of farmers in the process of expropriation and demolition, resulting in the more and more demolition, the poorer they become.

Broken dreams of demolition: from getting rich to being negative, why did the people turn around and leave?

1. Relocate without getting the demolition money

Although mainland law clearly stipulates that the implementation of housing expropriation and demolition should be compensated first and then relocated. However, in real life, there are still many expropriation and demolition parties who say that due to the lack of funds, in order not to affect the progress of project implementation, they are encouraged to move first and then compensate. Because of their trust in the government, many people feel that they have signed a compensation agreement and that the compensation will definitely be paid. But in the end, often the house is demolished and the land is expropriated, but we don't get the compensation we deserve for a long time.

2. Demolishing "violation" instead of demolition, deliberately lowering the amount of compensation

Many demolition parties, in order to reduce the amount of compensation or not pay compensation at all, will forcibly determine that people's houses are illegal buildings, and issue a notice of demolition within a time limit, requiring that it be demolished as soon as possible, otherwise it will be forcibly demolished.

Broken dreams of demolition: from getting rich to being negative, why did the people turn around and leave?

As soon as many peasant friends saw that their houses were illegal buildings, they thought they were unlucky and hurriedly signed a low-price compensation agreement, but in the end they only received a very low compensation or even a penny.

Director Shi reminded

Demolition and relocation is a long-term struggle that requires comprehensive professional knowledge, control of the overall situation, and rational application of the law. Even a lawyer with many years of litigation experience is constantly learning and updating, so that he can calmly analyze and make correct judgments in a case. And for non-law-abiding people, this is a huge subject that cannot be achieved by just a short period of time. Therefore, when encountering any demolition problems, you may wish to ask a lawyer and carry out professional rights protection under the guidance of a lawyer.

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