
Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Golden wrong knife

2024-06-23 14:25Published in Beijing

Young people's aesthetics will always take turns in feng shui, and now they are all starting to embark on a path:

Question the older generation, understand the older generation, and be the older generation.

Some people are mainly retro at the wedding scene, and they directly wear the 80s.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Someone is addicted to 90s filters.

There is also a stupid mobile phone used by the older generation, but now it has become the new white moonlight of young people, focusing on a return to basics.

The degree of its explosion is enough to see from a lot of network data.

Nokia's Douyin topic has been played as many as 3.3 billion, and on Xiaohongshu, a random "childhood memories" post can easily have tens of thousands of likes.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

There are hardcore players who have a full collection of cabinets.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

In foreign countries, stupid mobile phones are also a random killing. According to the BBC, in order to reduce screen time and avoid indulging in social media, Europeans and Americans have become popular with stupid mobile phones, and some American stores specialize in selling low-tech devices.

People's enthusiasm will naturally further promote the boom of business, and merchants make a lot of money. Sales of feature phones in North America have risen, and Nokia's new replicas have been sold out overnight.

A blogger's hot search may explain why stupid phones are so hot at the moment.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

There are many ways to solve online anxiety, but why is "e-waste" becoming popular?

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

"E-waste" that Apple doesn't look down on,

Now it's hard to buy it with an increase of 20,000 yuan

In the Nokia era, the slider was directly overturned by a simple screen by Jobs, who also left a golden sentence: "Focus on simplicity, simple is more difficult than complex." ”

However, he would not have thought that more than ten years later, the "electronic waste" that Apple disdains will unexpectedly turn over, relying on this golden rule.

At first, it was a blogger who accidentally showed off his Nokia collection on the Internet, but unexpectedly it resonated with many people.

Even if there is resonance, many people even want to buy it. Because some mobile phones have been discontinued, they can only be forced to go to second-hand platforms.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

No one expected that this wave of wealth would actually make the main owner Nokia eye.

At the beginning of this year, Nokia waved the mobile phone under the banner of "Millennium Return" and "Y2K Memory", the price was 379 yuan, and it was announced that it was sold out in just 2 days.

On May 31, the Nokia 3210 went on sale again as scheduled, and was sold out again in less than two hours. This is not over, on June 6 and 12, Nokia once again opened spot sales, and they were quickly sold out.

Nokia is not the only merchant who has tasted the bonus of stupid mobile phones, and many small businesses or individuals who sell second-hand stupid mobile phones have also made a lot of money.

In Taobao, the original price of 379 yuan for a new machine has risen to nearly 500 yuan; In Xianyu, there are many premiums of more than 500 yuan, and the rare species "Millennium Dragon Year Special Edition" has been fried to 3,000 yuan.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

People can't imagine that some stupid mobile phones have even been increased to 20,000 yuan, and Nokia 7700 second-hand mobile phones have been praised for more than 10,000 yuan because of their sci-fi appearance.

You must know that Apple's most expensive mobile phone is only 20,000, this price is really a bit exaggerated, after all, they are too old, except for calling, texting, almost no function, even WiFi can't be connected, the function is even inferior to the little genius watch, even if it is reproduced, it is difficult to integrate into modern times.

But it is such a "short board" that pleases many people.

The stupid phone's straight body, nine-square grid keyboard, and the boot button on the front are almost all ancient design languages, and they are full of feelings when you look at them now.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Nokia also knew that its intelligence could not compare to its peers, so it was simply stupid to the end. Promote the selling point of the backup machine: reading novels, being an alarm clock, and playing games, but simplicity has become an advantage.

Some netizens sighed: "The first mobile phone in my life is 3210, and now I have a new version and I must buy one as a backup machine."

Parents are even more willing to buy "stupid mobile phones" for their children, which happens to be the best Internet abstinence artifact, which is better than a little genius.

Jingdong ranking shows that the black and blue models are squeezed into the top ten of the small mobile phone list, and the reason for the list shows that "sales have soared more than 10 times in the past 15 days", and the sales link attached to the official Weibo of Nokia mobile phones shows that 424,000 people have been planted.

Some overseas manufacturers have also begun to launch stupid phones with sleek appearance but simplified functions, focusing on a dumber phone as much as possible.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

For example, there is a Techless company overseas that has launched a mobile phone called "Wisephone II", "It has no icons, only text, only two colors and two fonts." "

The founders all emphasized that this is a "deliberately boring" design, all in order to minimize the user's dependence on mobile phones, which is just in line with the psychology of some foreigners who want to disconnect from the Internet. Elementary school students find it boring, adults think it's just right.

As a result, stupid mobile phones have become the top digital front-line, and they have made a comeback.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Make the "long board" long, so that Hua Qiangbei is dumbfounded

But if we only rely on simplicity, the situation may not ferment to such an extent.

Many people think that only Nokia has turned over, but in fact, many old mobile phones have not only not disappeared, but are still making a fortune in silence.

On the e-commerce platform, Gionee, Motorola, etc. have a large number of old mobile phones on sale, some of which focus on feature phones, elderly machines, student machines and other subdivisions, Gionee Tmall flagship store has more than 10 mobile phones on sale, a variety of elderly machines are still not worried about sales.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Someone said, "This wave of wealth and wealth will directly rectify Huaqiangbei." ”

We all know that there are countless shortcomings of stupid mobile phones, but it is enough to get a trick for young people, that is: make the longboard long.

1. Specializing in appearance, arousing netizens "archaeology"

Many stupid mobile phones can "kill crazy" on Xiaohongshu, and the most important point is to rely on appearance. After all, the physical keyboard is placed there, and there are countless articles to do with any design.

Here's what you think of as an old age machine:

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

In fact, there are sliders that can be like a rouge box.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Some phones have transparent screens and look quite interesting; There are also flip phones, which are even exclaimed to be ahead of their time: Isn't this the current folding screen?

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

More stupid phones, even if they have no features, look like a big toy, just looking at the yellow shape makes people want to buy it and collect it at home.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Some people even use it to navigate, focusing on a sense of ritual.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Not to mention female users, even macho men can't stand it. For example, the BlackBerry mobile phone, which is known for its retro characteristics, has always been the white moonlight of technology otaku, and many people have a collector's habit.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Why do people set off a wave of nostalgia for old mobile phones, as one netizen hit the nail on the head:

"In the past, the old mobile phones had their own sense of design, and the current mobile phones seem to be very volume, but they are basically the same."

2. Rub on the CCD tuyere and fascinate young people

Some people bought stupid mobile phones because they wanted to take the public exam because they quit the Internet, but they didn't expect to be addicted to using them.

There are also people who don't like it at first, but they don't expect to become loyal users in the end, and they also changed from Apple to Nokia.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Of course, there is also the promotion of merchants behind this. Just like the Techless company mentioned before, it was actually a mobile phone designed for teenage children at first, but then it directly changed the target group and found the wealth code after turning into an adult.

"If a phone is labeled as a 'children's device,' people may feel ashamed to use it. That's why we've designed a very adult, sophisticated and stylish Apple-style device. ”

Although the general function of stupid phones is lackluster, there is one function that makes young people quite attractive, and that is to take pictures.

Nowadays, CCD cameras are the familiar "card machines" of the post-70s and post-80s, and their prices have skyrocketed to thousands of prices because of their own sense of atmosphere when taking pictures.

The fuzzy atmosphere under Nokia's 2 million pixel camera, low pixel graininess + retro cream style does not lose CCD, but the price is only 1/3 of CCD.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

The shape can be loaded with X, it can be replaced by CCD, and the price is just a self-service, which makes it difficult for young people not to be tempted.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

Stupid mobile phone bucked the trend and exploded,

It's not just about being anxious about the internet

In the era of the flood of short videos, some people are in the information cocoon, and some people are in the information overload.

In order to combat Internet anxiety, many businesses have thought of solutions, and the "anxiety economy" has been derived.

For example, some people have developed mobile phone locks, and some people have developed related Do Not Disturb APP, and many users have paid for them.

On second-hand websites such as Xianyu, old-fashioned flip phones that only cost dozens of yuan have also become a tool for young people to "quit the Internet".

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

But stupid mobile phones can be popular, in addition to solving Internet anxiety, the most important point is to solve the user's first-level pain points on mobile phones.

Many people complain that the appearance of the current mobile phone is very similar, but there are more and more dazzling complex functions......

It seems to be a sentimental killing, but in fact, people have been suffering from the cumbersome functions of modern mobile phones for a long time. In contrast, although the function of the stupid mobile phone is simple, it meets the most fundamental and "painful" need of people's mobile phone - communication and social networking.

A foreigner said that in the past, he used to spend four or five hours a day on his smartphone, but now, he only uses his mobile phone for 20 minutes a day, and finds that his life has no essential impact.

The Graduate School Entrance Examination Party and the Examination Public Party even shared on the Internet, "The mobile phone is so easy to use, and it makes me realize that in fact, the mobile phone does not need to have so many functions." ”

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

So, can Nokia, which has been silent for a long time, be able to seize this wave of traffic and really make a comeback? A lot of people find it difficult.

After all, in addition to the value of taking pictures and collecting, the presence of stupid mobile phones is mostly a backup machine, and it is undeniable that it also has many limitations in people's actual life, travel, work and daily convenience.

The last example is the Beetle car, the appearance is also full of feelings, but the use experience is difficult to describe, the starting power is obviously insufficient, the acceleration feeling is decent, and it is difficult to really turn over in the end.

Nokia is the same, if you want to turn red into long-term red, you need not only to simply reproduce the old model, but to optimize it according to consumer needs to keep pace with the times.

For example, the new replica version has added a mobile payment function, and has also changed to a USB Type-C interface, so that users do not need to buy a charging cable.

Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

It's hard to say how long Nokia will be popular, but one thing is certain:

Solve the user's first-level pain points, rather than the third or fourth level pain points, and everything will have the possibility of turning around.

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  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life
  • Sold out overnight! The "electronic waste" that Apple doesn't look down on has come back to life

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