
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town

author:Iron City

The rainstorm is merciless, and the people are affectionate, and the visit after the disaster warms people's hearts

In order to do a good job in the care and visit of the elderly with special difficulties and understand the actual difficulties and needs of the elderly, under the guidance of the Shaowu Civil Affairs Bureau and the Shuibei Town Government, after the rainstorm, the social work station of Shuibei Town, Shaowu City, and the Chunnuan social workers of Shaowu City, accompanied by the village committees of each village, continued to go into Yidu, Sandu and Sidu villages to care for and visit the elderly who are facing many practical difficulties in their daily life, such as empty nest, living alone, left-behind, and disabled.

"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town

The visit showed warmth

During the visit, the social worker, accompanied by the village committee, talked with the elderly, asked for warmth, and carried out a detailed understanding and registration according to the difficulties of the elderly in terms of expression ability, mobility ability, reaction ability, disease situation, mental condition, clothing, food, housing and medical practice, etc., especially the needs of the detailed inquiry, patiently explained the relevant policies and policy application process to the elderly, carefully checked the travel aids, and cordially told the elderly to take medicine on time and take care of their health.

"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town

The elderly with special difficulties in Yidu Village visited

Touching the hearts of the elderly

"Now the state and the government really care about us, and the village cadres and social workers will often come to visit us, chat with us, and help us as much as possible for the elderly who can't do things, and now they are much happier than before." Grandpa Shi, a left-behind elderly, was very moved by the social worker.

"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town

The elderly with special difficulties in Sandu Village visited

Service without distance

Next, the social work station of Shuibei Town will analyze the situation of the elderly in difficulty, formulate an accurate service plan suitable for the elderly in difficulty, and regularly visit the elderly with special difficulties in Shuibei Town with the comprehensive service model of "social worker + civil affairs coordinator + visit + care", and make every effort to promote the visit and care work of the scattered special elderly in Shuibei Town, and strive to open up the "last mile" of service for the elderly in difficulty.

"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town
"Spring is blooming, hope is accompanied" series of activities to visit and care for the needy people in Shuibei Town

The elderly with special difficulties in Sidu Village visited

Source: Shao Wu Chunnuan, social worker

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