
The central kindergarten of Minmetals Town, Jiang'an County, carried out the activity of "fun and sand".

author:Sichuan Minsheng Network

It seems to be a natural instinct for young children to love sand, and the sand pit activity area is a must-have activity area for kindergartens. The Learning and Development Guide for Children Aged 3-6 clearly states that "play should be returned to children". In order to maximize the support and satisfaction of children's needs to gain experience through direct perception, practical operation and personal experience, and stimulate children's curiosity and desire to explore, recently, Jiang'an County Minmetals Town Central Kindergarten carried out the "fun sand" activity to feel the charm of sand together.

The central kindergarten of Minmetals Town, Jiang'an County, carried out the activity of "fun and sand".

Before the event, the teachers of the kindergarten in the center of Minmetals Town, Jiang'an County, agreed with the children on the rules of fun sand, and the children were eager to try it and looked forward to it. During the activity, the babies took various tools and materials to play with their peers and tried to show various shapes in the sand pit, such as castles, caves, and rivers...... Everyone builds their own paradise with relish; After the activity, the children sorted out and packed up their play tools in an orderly manner, and agreed on the next trip to play in the sand.

The central kindergarten of Minmetals Town, Jiang'an County, carried out the activity of "fun and sand".
The central kindergarten of Minmetals Town, Jiang'an County, carried out the activity of "fun and sand".

Playing with sand is not only conducive to the development of children's body movements, but also promotes children's brain development, and they feel a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when playing in the sand freely and freely. (Gong Min Xue Huan Source: Jiang'an County Minmetals Town Central Kindergarten)

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