
CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

author:Don't stay up all night watching the game

The U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship is a major event in youth basketball, bringing together young players from all over the world to show their potential for the future. The recent performance of the Chinese team has attracted a lot of attention, especially the outstanding performance of its rookie Zhang Ziyu, which has become a highlight of the team.

CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

In the match on June 24, the Chinese team faced the Indonesian team, which was their first appearance in this Asian Championship. The atmosphere on the field was tense, and the Indonesian team launched a fierce attack to try to break down the Chinese team's defense. The sudden scene was that the head coach was solemnly directing from the sidelines.

"Zhang Ziyu, are you ready? Go warm up! The coach shouted.

Zhang Ziyu stood up from the bench, her eyes focused and determined. The teammates exchanged encouraging glances with each other and patted her on the shoulder, "Come on, Ziyu!" You can do it! ”

Zhang Ziyu quickly walked to the edge of the field and had a brief exchange with the coach. She put on her basketball shoes, adjusted her basketball shorts, and concentrated on getting ready to enter the court. At this time, her heartbeat was like a drumbeat, a little nervous but also full of anticipation.

"Ziyu, we need your steady offense and solid defense! Don't be nervous, just like in training. "The coach's words were full of encouragement and trust.

CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

Zhang Ziyu nodded, took a deep breath, and stepped into the venue. She felt the cheers and cheers coming from the audience, which made her even more excited.

After the start of the game, the defense of the Indonesian team pressed the Chinese team, which greatly limited the attack in the front court. At half-time, the Chinese team was still behind their opponents, and confusion and anxiety passed between the players.

"We need to change something or we might lose this game!" The captain said anxiously.

The coach looked at Zhang Ziyu on the sidelines with a smile. "Ziyu, are you ready? You're going to change the course of the game! ”

Zhang Ziyu stood up and put on his jersey, his heart full of confidence and determination. She walked onto the field and her teammates gave her high-fives and encouragement, which made her feel supported and inspired by the team.

Entering the third quarter, Zhang Ziyu's appearance made the game turn sharply. In just 13 minutes, she hit nine shots efficiently, including key three-pointers and several excellent defensive blocks. Her all-round performance caught the eyes of the crowd and she was hailed as the star of the night in the post-match press conference.

CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

"Zhang Ziyu, how do you evaluate your performance today?" Reporters asked questions around Zhang Ziyu.

She smiled and replied, "I'm just trying to do my job, and the team's victory is the result of our joint efforts." ”

The next day, the Chinese team faced the challenge of a stronger New Zealand team. At the start of the game, the tension on the pitch was almost palpable, with both teams of players preparing. Zhang Ziyu, as the core player of the Chinese team, bears the heavy responsibility of offense and defense.

In the first half, Zhang Ziyu showed extraordinary basketball talent. She broke through the New Zealand defence with ease, scoring or creating chances on almost every attack. She wow the crowd on the court with her outstanding performance, and she is not only a scoring machine, but also shows great agility and reflexes on the defensive end.

The New Zealand team did not react passively. They adjusted their defensive strategy, concentrated on limiting Zhang Ziyu's offensive space, and adopted more targeted defensive tactics. At the end of the first half, although Zhang Ziyu performed well individually, the Chinese team was still at a disadvantage in terms of scores.

CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

"Zhang Ziyu, their defense is getting tighter and tighter, what is your plan?" The coach asked at halftime.

Zhang Ziyu frowned, thought for a moment and said: "I need more support, they are pressing me, we can find better scoring opportunities through passing." ”

"Okay, we'll adjust our tactics and work as a team." The coach encouraged, "You are a united team, and we can overcome this difficulty." ”

At the beginning of the second half, the Chinese team showed team resilience and cooperation. They strengthened their defence, especially the restrictions on the interior of the New Zealand team, and effectively controlled the tempo of the game.

Zhang Ziyu continued to play a key role on the offensive end, while also being actively involved on the defensive end, blocking opponents' shots on multiple occasions.

As the game entered the final stage, the Chinese team always maintained the lead and finally won again with a score of 90-68. Zhang Ziyu contributed 36 points, 13 rebounds and four blocks in the game, and her performance transcended her years and became the key to victory.

CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

Next, the Chinese team will usher in the final game of the group stage against the Japanese team. The Japanese team is known for its fast and flexible skills, and will pose a major challenge to the Chinese team's perimeter defense. The Chinese team needs to maintain the advantage of the inside line and strengthen the marking of the Japanese team's outside players to ensure the control of the whole court and the realization of victory.

Experts and fans alike are looking forward to Zhang's future, her potential is limitless, but it also takes time and experience to accumulate. In the future, the Chinese women's basketball team will continue to grow under her leadership and contribute more glory to the national basketball industry.

CCTV live broadcast! Zhang Ziyu 36+13, the Chinese women's basketball team won two consecutive victories in the Asian Championships, and lost to Japan on the 26th

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