
What are the causes of vegetable deficiencies?

author:Seed bank app

Symptoms such as yellow leaves, small leaves, falling flowers and fruits of vegetables are related to nutrient deficiency, and this phenomenon is spreading year by year. According to the analysis of experts, the main reasons are as follows:

What are the causes of vegetable deficiencies?

First, there are more cloudy days. There are many cloudy days and low temperatures, which cause the root system of vegetables to be injured, affecting their absorption of nutrients and showing symptoms of nutrient deficiency. In addition, the lack of light on cloudy days leads to malnutrition of crops, carbohydrates cannot be converted, the leaves are thick and small, and the root system (especially the root tip) is injured, turning brown and no new roots. If you manage fertilizer and water at this time, there will be more root soaking of vegetables, and you will not be able to absorb nutrients normally, and vegetables will inevitably have a deficiency of nutrients. In this case, foliar fertilizer spraying is the most effective solution.

Second, the application of trace elements is improper. In order to pursue high yields, some vegetable farmers blindly apply a large amount of chemical fertilizer into the greenhouse, while ignoring the application of trace elements, resulting in more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, and less trace elements. Some vegetable farmers overapply micronutrient fertilizer, because of the antagonistic effect, the absorption of other elements by the root system is inhibited, thus showing the symptoms of nutrient deficiency.

What are the causes of vegetable deficiencies?

Third, the concentration of soil solution in the shed is too high. Due to the perennial use of a large number of chemical fertilizers by vegetable farmers, the concentration of soil solution is too high, the root system of the plant is poorly developed, and the plant cannot absorb sufficient nutrients to supply the plant growth, and the plant shows nutrient deficiency.

Fourth, the prevention and control is inappropriate. When some vegetable farmers see the yellowing of vegetable leaves, they think that it is a lack of fertilizer, so they rush to apply a large amount of chemical fertilizer, which is counterproductive, resulting in more and more vegetable deficiency. Therefore, more guidance should be given to vegetable farmers to distinguish various symptoms of nutrient deficiency.

What are the causes of vegetable deficiencies?

What are the reasons for vegetable deficiency are introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield vegetable seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent vegetable varieties are available for everyone to choose.

What are the causes of vegetable deficiencies?

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