
After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

Teacher Li talks about the most true education

2024-06-27 21:55

I vividly remember that as early as 2001, we put forward the slogan of reducing the burden on students. But what I never expected was that nearly 20 years later, the burden on students has not only not been reduced, but has become heavier and heavier. In recent years, it has reached a tragic point, and more and more students are jumping off buildings in depression. Even many teachers are calling for a reduction in the burden on students as soon as possible, so why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

In fact, the reason is very simple.

First: in the context of burden reduction, the examination is becoming more and more difficult, and it is called reducing the burden without reducing the quality.

The year when the double reduction policy just came down was vigorous, and parents were also ecstatic, thinking that the burden on students could really be reduced. But what I never expected was that in the context of burden reduction, the exam questions are becoming more and more difficult, and the leader's explanation is: reducing the burden cannot reduce the quality, and reducing the burden on students does not mean that they do not want quality.

So we see that the exam questions are getting more and more difficult in the context of burden reduction. Especially after the new curriculum reform, the difficulty coefficient of the examination of each subject is increasing. The principle of the questions is basically the same: no questions in the book, no questions on the tutorial materials, basically original questions, and all of them are situational questions, the text is very long, and the children's reading comprehension ability is also examined while examining mathematics. This leads to a lot of pressure on teachers and students, and in order to get high scores, they have to desperately brush up on the questions, how can they reduce the burden?

After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

Second: the slogan of burden reduction is loud, but it is reluctant to reduce the number of examination subjects, but more and more.

How to reduce the burden? The easiest way to do this is to reduce the number of test subjects. However, the teachers found that in the context of burden reduction, the number of test subjects for students did not decrease, but increased.

Taking primary school as an example, in addition to the number of languages, science and Taoism have to be tested in recent years, and primary school students have to take five exams, which can be imagined. In junior high school, there are more subjects in the examination, not only the familiar subjects such as mathematics, geography, history, Taoism, politics, physical chemistry, biology, etc., but also information technology, physical education, and so on, as many as a dozen. There are only seven or eight classes a day, and there are more than a dozen exam subjects alone, think about how tired the children are? If you don't go to tutoring classes and don't do much homework, you may not even be able to finish your books, let alone improve your grades.

After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

Third: In the context of burden reduction, the top of famous schools is getting more and more powerful, and people are becoming more and more anxious.

Over the years, the slogan of burden reduction has always been there. But the strange thing is that education is becoming more and more involuted, and the top of famous schools is becoming more and more powerful.

Taking the junior high school as an example, the content of the exam is basically the content of the second and third years of junior high school, which means that if you want your child to be admitted to a prestigious school, you must learn ahead of time, and you must finish the knowledge of junior high school in the fifth or sixth grade of primary school. Many junior high school students are also learning the knowledge of high school, and everyone is taking the paper to see who is better. There are more and more students who are learning ahead of time, and it is becoming more and more difficult, and I can't wait to finish all the content of junior high and high school in elementary school.

Such an educational environment has led to parents becoming more and more anxious, the phenomenon of chicken babies is becoming more and more serious, and students are experiencing more and more psychological problems.

After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

Education cannot want everything, and burden reduction cannot be just a slogan, let alone pretend that you don't know anything.

Nowadays, education emphasizes all-round development, and many schools have also set up calligraphy classes, programming courses, opera classes, labor classes, etc., which seem to be for the good of students, but in fact increase the burden on students. Our children themselves have a heavy homework load, and starting one more class will take up their time, and the time of the day is fixed, and they can't finish learning during the day, so they can only work overtime at night.

Every child can't be a generalist, and it's great to be able to learn one or two subjects well, so why do children have to learn all subjects well? We shout the slogan of burden reduction every day, but we do nothing, turn a blind eye to the burden of students, and I have to say that our burden reduction only stays on the slogan, and no one implements it, and everyone thinks that they don't know.

After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

Write at the end:

Reducing the burden does not delay the selection of talents at all, on the contrary, this kind of involution is not conducive to the selection of talents, even if the selection is also made up by supplementary classes, the stamina is insufficient, maybe you are not interested in learning when you are admitted to university. The most important thing is that this kind of education is not real education at all, it is an education that frantically suppresses students, and in a few years, we will definitely see the evil consequences of the current education.

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  • After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?
  • After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?
  • After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?
  • After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?
  • After decades of burden-relieving, why are children getting more and more tired? What went wrong?

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