
They send pennants! Just for the warm water supply

author:Live broadcast Zunyi

"Thank you very much, so quickly install 'one household, one meter' for us, and it will be much more convenient to pay in the future." On June 25, representatives of the residents of the family building of the Dongfang Red Brick Factory in Changsha Road Community, Dalian Road Street, Huichuan District, and representatives of the general branch of the community party came to the Huichuan Water Supply Service Department of Zunyi Water Supply Co., Ltd. and handed over the two pennants to the staff, as a way to thank the company for helping to solve the troubles that have plagued them for many years.

They send pennants! Just for the warm water supply

It is understood that there are a total of 51 residents in the family building of the Dongfang Red Brick Factory in the Changsha Road Community of Dalian Road Street and the self-built houses nearby, which have been sharing a general meter for more than 30 years, and the monthly water bill is collected and paid by the resident Li Fulong. "For decades, every time we went door-to-door to read meters and collect fees, we had to wait when the residents were not at home." Li Fulong, an 80-year-old man, said that there are errors in meter readings, and disputes are prone to arise when collecting water bills. In order to solve the problem once and for all, he and the other 50 residents agreed to prepare for the installation of "one household and one meter". Not long ago, they came to the Changsha Road community and asked the community to help contact the water supply department to solve the problem.

They send pennants! Just for the warm water supply

In this regard, the community staff immediately connected with the Huichuan Water Supply Service Department and actively coordinated the installation of "one household and one meter". After learning more about the demands of the masses and negotiating the transformation plan and installation route, the staff of Huichuan Water Supply Service Department acted quickly, and in just a few days, the renovation of "one household and one meter" was successfully completed, and the problems that plagued the residents were solved. Today, new water meter boxes have been installed under the family building of Dongfang Red Brick Factory and nearby self-built houses, and the water consumption of residents is clear at a glance.

They send pennants! Just for the warm water supply

"The praise of the masses and the pennant are the greatest affirmation of our water supply work." Deng Qian, chief engineer of Zunyi Water Supply Co., Ltd., said. Next, they will continue to promote the high-quality development of Zunyi water supply with the service standard of "original intention, concentricity, meticulousness, enthusiasm and comfort", focus on improving the water experience and feelings of users in an all-round way, and solve the problems of the masses in water supply.

All-media reporter: Yu Hui

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