
On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

author:Crazy than heart

Introduction: On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's Xiaoxia and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in the summer?

The small summer at the beginning of July and the meeting of the plum

On July 6th, this year's Xiaoxia and "Izumei" met unexpectedly, as if God was also joking with us. Will there be a big flood this summer? The weather is unpredictable, and it makes people's hearts go up and down. At the end of June, halfway through the summer solstice, friends in the north should pay more attention to the "rapid turn of drought and flood". July and August are the concentrated periods of precipitation in the north, and heavy floods and floods are coming, which catches people off guard.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

Looking forward to the rain to relieve the drought, the forecast is hard to believe

This year, Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other places in the north have been plagued by drought. Farmers are looking forward to a rainy day to save their crops.

Weather forecasts are always changing and worrying. In Shandong, for example, the forecast on June 26 called for heavy rain on the 28th and 29th, which turned into heavy rain and then moderate rain, and finally only a few showers.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

Rainy season and waterlogging in the south

In contrast to the drought in the north, the south is choking on the rainy season. Heavy rains continue, and waterlogging and flooding of farmland occur from time to time.

According to the data, heavy rainfall will continue in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River until July 3, and the local rainfall may even exceed the historical record. Subsequently, the rainfall belt will move northward to North China, Huanghuai and the southern part of Northeast China.

The rainy season in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is over

After the end of June, the rainy season in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai will also come to an end, ushering in high temperature weather. According to the experience of the ancients, July 6 is the day of "plum blossoms" and the first day of the solar term.

If there is thunder on this day, even if it is "out of the plum season", it indicates that the rainy weather will continue for a few days. The ancestors also said that it rained on the day of "Chumei", and then there was more rain. On the other hand, if it is sunny, the weather may be dry next. In conclusion, the weather on July 6 will be crucial for the following summer.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

God's joke, the heart of the peasant

The weather is unpredictable, but the farmers must face the reality. Crops can't grow without the right amount of rain, but God likes to joke.

This year's weather has been confusing, and sometimes forecasts are completely different from what is actually happening. The farmers are beating drums in their hearts, will this summer be a big drought or a big flood?

Too much rain, or not enough?

Friends in the south may say that too much rain is also a problem. Constant torrential rains have turned the fields into floods, and crops have been soaked in water and suffered heavy losses.

But the farmers in the north are hoping for rain, even if it is a light rain. But this rain will come as soon as it is said to come, and no one can take it for sure.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

The influence of solar terms, the wisdom of the ancients

The ancients had clouds, and the weather on the day of "Izumei" predicted the next climate change. Although the wisdom of our ancestors cannot fully explain modern meteorological phenomena, it also has a certain reference value. What will the weather be like on July 6th? Sunny or rainy? It's not just about the farmers' harvest, it's about everyone's lives.

Looking forward to good weather and a good harvest year

No matter how the weather changes, farmers still have to work hard and look forward to a good harvest. The special day of July 6 is not only a change of solar terms, but also people's expectation of future weather and life. Whether it is a major drought or a major flood, we must be prepared to meet the challenges ahead.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

As the old saying goes: man is not as good as heaven

Despite the development of modern science and technology, weather forecasts have been quite accurate, but there are unpredictable storms and clouds, and no one can completely predict the changes in the weather. As the old saying goes, "Man is not as good as heaven." "In the face of uncertain weather, all we can do is do our best, go with nature, and be ready for every new day.

We are ready for the challenges ahead

Both the rainy season in the south and the drought in the north have posed new challenges to us. Farmers are toiling in anticipation, and city dwellers are paying attention to the weather. We face this uncertain summer together, and hope that in the coming days, whether it is a major drought or a major flood, we will be able to cope with it and welcome a good harvest and a better life.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, this year's summer and "plum" meet, will there be a big flood in summer?

Summary and outlook

July 6, this special day will reveal future weather trends. Whether it's sunny or rainy, we need to be ready for summer. God's jokes, farmers' heart diseases, are all part of our lives. In this summer, we are looking forward to a season of good weather and a good harvest and a bright future.

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