
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot

author:Rakuten system leaf hNH

In summer, you have to eat light three meals a day, so that it is not easy to get angry. If you like to eat chili peppers, you have to refrain from it.

Here are a few light dishes recommended to you, which are super suitable for summer, if you like it, just follow it.

1. Stir-fry lean pork with yuba

Ingredients: Yuba, lean pork, carrots, minced garlic, spicy millet, chopped green onion

Light, a little millet spicy flavor, in fact, not spicy at all, super delicious, eat in summer, really good.

In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot

2. Stir-fried shrimp with loofah

Ingredients: loofah, shrimp, shredded ginger, garlic

It is light and refreshing, nutritious and delicious, and it is very good for adults and children to eat.

In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot

3. Scrambled eggs with cabbage

Ingredients: cabbage, eggs, carrots, minced garlic, chopped green onion

It's simple, nutritious and delicious, and you can make a big pot for a few dollars.

In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot

4. Stir-fried fungus with yam

Ingredients: Yam, fungus, carrots, lettuce

It is light and refreshing, nutritious, and it is really good to eat in summer.

In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot

5. Stir-fried baby cabbage

Ingredients: baby cabbage, chopped green onion, minced garlic

Summer vegetarian dishes, no chili peppers are the best. Light and refreshing.

In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot
In the summer, eating home-cooked food like this is really great, nutritious and delicious, and it is delicious and not hot

In summer, when the weather is hot, home-cooked food should be eaten like this, light and light, delicious and not hot. I don't know what to eat for lunch and dinner, you can refer to it.

Let's work together, learn to cook home-cooked food together, eat light home-cooked food together, and have a happy summer.

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