
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.
An old professor of Peking University compiled the mathematics of primary school 1-6 into formulas and formulas, and he did not have to worry about the 6-year exam.

On a warm spring afternoon, the sun shines through the dappled shadows of the trees on the ancient campus of Peking University. In such an academic atmosphere, there is an old professor with gray hair but good spirits, who is walking with his little grandson on the tree-lined avenue of the campus. This old professor is Professor Li Minghui, who is known as the "mathematical magician", and his life has been dedicated to mathematics education.

"Grandpa, math is really hard! I can't always remember the formulas and calculations. The youngest grandson, Xiaojie, frowned and said with a distressed expression.

Professor Li Minghui touched Xiao Jie's head lovingly and said with a smile: "Xiao Jie, mathematics is actually very interesting, but you haven't found the secret to it yet. Do you know? My grandfather had faced this problem before, but then I realized that it was much easier to learn complex math knowledge if I compiled it into simple formulas and formulas. ”

Xiao Jie's eyes immediately lit up, and he asked curiously, "Really?" Grandpa, can you teach me these secrets? ”

"Of course, but it's a secret between us." Professor Lee blinked mysteriously and began to slowly recount his original mathematical formulas and formulas.

From that day on, Professor Li Minghui began to systematically sort out the knowledge points of primary mathematics grades 1-6 and skillfully transform them into a series of easy-to-remember formulas and formulas. He believes that with these methods mastered, any child will be able to navigate the world of mathematics.

A few months later, Xiaojie's math scores improved by leaps and bounds, and he jumped from the middle and lower reaches of the class to the top of the class. His classmates asked him for tips on how to learn, and Xiaojie said proudly: "Actually, I just learned the math formulas and formulas that my grandfather taught me, they are like magic, making math easy and fun!" ”

The news spread, and soon, the whole school and even the parents of students in the surrounding area knew about Professor Li Minghui's "secret to mathematics". They have come to ask for advice, hoping that their children can also make breakthroughs in mathematics learning like Xiaojie.

In the face of the eagerness of many parents and students, Professor Lee Minghui decided to open a series of free public lectures to share his mathematics teaching methods with more people. At the lecture, he not only explained in detail the origin and application of each formula and formula, but also patiently answered various questions from parents and students.

"Mathematics is not just about calculations and formulas, it is also a training of logical thinking. These formulas and formulas are designed to help children better understand and grasp the essence of mathematics. Professor Li Minghui said affectionately in a lecture.

Over time, Professor Li Minghui's mathematics teaching method has gradually had a wide impact on the local and national scale. Many children who once felt hopeless about mathematics have regained their confidence under his guidance, not only achieving excellent results in school exams, but also finding the joy of exploration in the ocean of mathematics.

According to statistics, the average improvement rate of mathematics scores of students using Professor Li Minghui's teaching method is as high as 30%, which has attracted wide attention in the education sector. A number of education experts have come to study this pedagogy in an attempt to generalize it to a wider range of teaching practices.

However, for Professor Lee Ming-fai, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing the children's smiles because of mathematics. "I hope that every child can feel the charm of mathematics, which is not only a stepping stone for college entrance exams, but also a key to open the door to wisdom." He said this in an interview.

As the years go by, Professor Li Minghui's mathematical formulas and formulas have become the "mathematical classics" in the hearts of countless children, and he is also known as the "innovator of primary school mathematics". Whenever someone mentions his contributions, he always smiles humbly: "I just did the one thing I loved to do, and that was to make math easy and fun." ”

In this way, an old professor of Peking University used his wisdom and love to weave a beautiful story about mathematics and growth, so that countless children no longer worry about mathematics exams in their six-year primary school career, but bravely pursue the light of knowledge and move towards a broader future.

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