
Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

author:Hepatologist Yao Xin

In our busy modern life, we often neglect to take care of our bodies. However, the body is the capital of the revolution, and the health of every organ is crucial. Today, let's talk about those miraculous foods that can nourish the lungs, nourish the liver, and nourish the kidneys, so that we can inject more vitality and energy into the body from the perspective of diet.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

1. Good products for moisturizing the lungs: pears and lilies

The lungs are the gateway to the human body's breathing, and they are like a diligent postman, responsible for the exchange of gases and the transfer of metabolism. In order to take care of this hard-working postman, we need to carefully select the foods that will warm the heart. Among them, the pear and the lily are undoubtedly the best of them, they are like two tacit dancers, performing a harmonious symphony on the stage of moistening the lungs.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

Pear, known as the "Sect of Hundred Fruits", its name seems to indicate its extraordinary status. The flesh of the pear is tender and juicy, as if it contains the nectar of nature, and the taste is sweet and unforgettable. Eating raw pears is like tasting a clear spring, which can clear away heat and detoxify, and bring a touch of coolness to the lungs. The cooked pears are like carefully prepared elixir and jade liquid, which has the miraculous effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough. In the dry autumn and winter season, it is a good medicine to relieve symptoms such as dry throat and cough.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

Lily, this white and flawless flower, also blooms with dazzling brilliance on the stage of moistening the lungs. It is known as "a good product for moistening the lungs", and the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing the heart and calming the nerves seems to be its unique charm. The flesh of the lily is delicate and delicious, and it always works in harmony with other ingredients, whether it is stewed or boiled porridge, it can bring out its own charm to the fullest. It can not only moisten the lungs and relieve cough, but also nourish the heart and calm the nerves, like a caring friend, accompany us through every quiet night, so that we can also feel its care and care in our dreams.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

2. Good products for nourishing the liver: wolfberry and chrysanthemum

The liver, like the "chemical factory" of the human body, silently undertakes the heavy task of detoxification, detoxification and storage of nutrients. In order to protect this vital tower of life, we need to carefully select and ingest the treasures that nourish the liver. Among them, wolfberry and chrysanthemum are undoubtedly the best partners for nourishing the liver.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

Goji berry, this small red fruit, contains endless energy to nourish the liver and kidneys, and benefit the shrewd purpose. It is like a gemstone containing a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can not only enhance the liver's detoxification ability, but also help liver cells regenerate and repair. Goji berries can be eaten in various ways, not only can be soaked in water to taste its sweet taste, but also can be integrated into porridge and stewed soup, so that every bite is full of liver-nourishing warmth. Long-term consumption of wolfberry can not only take care of the liver, but also enhance the body's immunity, so that we can be more calm in the face of diseases.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

And chrysanthemum, this beautiful flower as white as snow, also has the magical effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, calming the liver and brightening the eyes. In the scorching summer, a cup of chrysanthemum tea can bring us a touch of coolness, becoming a good product to quench your thirst. At the same time, it can also reduce liver fire, relieve eye fatigue and dryness, and keep our eyes bright in our busy life. In addition, chrysanthemum tea also has a significant effect on improving sleep quality, allowing us to have sweet dreams in the quiet night. In this hot season, we might as well let chrysanthemum tea become our right-hand man to protect the liver, and send a coolness and care to the liver.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

3. Kidney tonic products: black sesame seeds and walnuts

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

The kidney is one of the important organs of the human body, which is responsible for regulating physiological functions such as water metabolism, reproductive development, and bone growth. In order to maintain the health of the kidneys, we need to eat more foods that can nourish the kidneys. Among them, black sesame seeds and walnuts are the best choices.

Black sesame seeds, known as "black gold", have the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the liver and kidneys. Black sesame seeds are rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and other nutrients, which can enhance the metabolism of the kidneys and promote the growth and filling of kidney qi. Black sesame seeds can be ground into powder and eaten, or they can be eaten in porridge or stewed soup. Regular consumption of black sesame seeds can not only nourish the kidneys and strengthen the body, but also delay aging and beautify the skin.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

Walnut is a nutritious nut food, which has the effect of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the brain, and moistening the intestines and laxative. Walnuts are rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and other nutrients, which can enhance the metabolic ability of the kidneys and promote the growth and filling of kidney qi. At the same time, walnuts are also rich in trace elements such as phospholipids and zinc, which have a good effect on improving memory and promoting brain development. Walnuts can be eaten as is, ground into powder, or added to pastries. Regular consumption of walnuts can not only nourish the kidneys and strengthen the brain, but also prevent cardiovascular diseases and lower cholesterol

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

In short, nourishing the lungs, nourishing the liver, and nourishing the kidneys are important parts of maintaining good health. By eating more foods that nourish the lungs, liver, and kidneys, we can inject more vitality and energy into the body, making the body healthier and better.

Eat it to moisten the lungs, nourish the liver and eat it, and nourish the kidneys to eat it! The body's favorite food is here!

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