
A certain naval unit in the Southern Theater insisted on taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference

author:Learn the Legion
A certain naval unit in the Southern Theater insisted on taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference
A certain naval unit in the Southern Theater insisted on taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference

A certain naval unit of the Southern Theater Theater persists in leading and taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference -- profoundly comprehending the essence of the spirit and accurately grasping the requirements of practice

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A certain naval unit in the Southern Theater insisted on taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference

From June 17 to 19, the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference was held in Yan'an, Shaanxi. This meeting is an important meeting of milestone significance held at a critical juncture in the cause of strengthening the military, and it is a spiritual baptism of looking back at tradition and forging it with fire, it is the ideological cohesion of cultivating the original intention and following the same thing, and it is a political mobilization to unite and struggle and tackle tough problems to become stronger.

Standing at the height of the times and the overall situation, President Xi systematically summarized the historic achievements of political army building in the new era, profoundly expounded the connotation and essence of the strategy of political army building in the new era, clearly put forward the requirements of the era of political army building, and systematically deployed the key tasks to be done well in promoting political army building on the new journey. President Xi's important speech has set up scientific guidance and action guidelines for political army building in the new era, raised the party's understanding of the laws of army building, army management and strengthening the army to a new height, and pointed out the direction of progress and provided fundamental guidance for us to create a new situation in political army building.

Conscientiously studying and implementing the spirit of President Xi's important speech is a major political task at present and in the future. All levels of the armed forces should thoroughly study and comprehend, resolutely implement them, and earnestly unify their thinking and action with the spirit of Chairman Xi's important speech and the requirements of the meeting's arrangements. From now on, Jiefangjun Bao will set up a special column entitled "Thoroughly Study and Implement the Spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference" to reflect in a timely manner the requirements of the era of political army building, profoundly comprehend its connotation, essence, and practical requirements, promote the vivid practice of deepening and implementing all aspects of political army building, and guide the vast number of officers and men to keep in mind their original aspirations and missions, resolutely fulfill the missions and tasks entrusted by the party and the people, and greet the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the army with outstanding achievements.

"The 'Ten Clear' of the political and military construction strategy in the new era are interconnected, logical, rich in connotation, and far-reaching." On the eve of 1 July, a certain navy unit of the Southern Theater organized a lecture on studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference. A leader of the ministry stepped onto the podium and explained "how to unswervingly promote political rectification and training" from the aspects of adhering to the strategic leadership, keeping an eye on the requirements of the times, keeping a close eye on contradictions, and focusing on key tasks. Leaders took the lead in research, demonstration and promotion, which played a good leading role. Flipping through the study notebook of a member of the party committee of the ministry, the reporter saw that it recorded a lot of experiences in studying President Xi's important speech. "The boat travels thousands of miles, and the party sets the course. With the strong leadership of the party organizations, all officers and men will be able to clench their fingers into a fist and successfully accomplish all the missions and tasks entrusted by the party and the people. During the discussion and exchange, the experience of the party committee member in combination with the actual tasks and work was full of strong "war flavor", which resonated with everyone. At the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, Chairman Xi Jinping stood at the height of the times and the overall situation, profoundly expounded the requirements of the era of political army building, and had far-reaching strategic, profound theoretical, distinctive, contemporary and scientific guidance. In order to comprehensively and accurately study and comprehend the spirit of President Xi's important speech, the party committee of the ministry insisted that leading cadres should learn one step ahead and study one layer deeper, take the lead in studying the speech, take the lead in tutoring and teaching, and take the lead in improving the style of study, systematically understand the historical achievements of political army building in the new era, deeply understand the connotation and essence of the political and military building strategy in the new era, and play a good role in demonstrating and leading in deep study and understanding, seeking truth and truth. Systematic comprehension, grasp the essence of the essence; Combined with reality, put forward insightful opinions; Lively discussions, brainstorming ...... This reporter looked at the study plan for the spirit of the conference drawn up by the party committee of the ministry and found that they gave prominence to the basic link of studying and studying the spirit of the chairman's important speech in depth, adopted a method of relatively concentrating time and gradually deepening the study and discussion in stages, and used articles on theoretical interpretation of the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference as study and guidance materials. At the same time, they deepen their understanding through party class counseling and special lectures, forming a strong atmosphere of learning, thinking, practice, and deep learning. "Ideology is strength, and every time the party's theoretical innovation takes a step forward, the theoretical armament must follow suit." Last year, President Xi replied to all the officers and soldiers of the unit, encouraging them to continuously improve their ability to fulfill their missions and tasks, and strive to forge all-round and competent underwater soldiers. The leaders of the ministry said that at present, complex and profound changes are taking place in the world, the country, the party, and the military, and the task of tackling tough problems in the past 100 years of army building is arduous, and it is urgent to require all officers and men to study and understand the party's latest achievements in innovative theories in a down-to-earth manner, persist in achieving the integration of learning and thinking, and the unity of knowledge, belief and action, and promote the work of political army building to go deeper and implement in practice. The more solid the style of study, the more in-depth the study. In the course of study, the ministry vigorously corrects the phenomenon of learning expression, superficiality, etc., takes the improvement of study style as an important means to improve the quality of learning, and establishes a "six learning" mechanism of leading demonstration to promote learning, serious study, setting up special in-depth study, highlighting key refinement, publicizing and interpreting students, and practicing learning in connection with reality. After each lecture and counseling, they relied on the mass self-education platforms such as learning leaflets, "Underwater Express", and cabin lecture halls to organize discussions and exchanges, and asked the members of the party committee to use the topic to lead the discussion, use the discussion to deepen their understanding, put themselves in, put their responsibilities in, and put their work in, carry forward the spirit of self-revolution with the blade inward, and do a good job in all aspects of "learning, investigation, identification, and reform". Not long ago, the ministry joined hands with friendly neighboring units to carry out joint training. While studying the spirit of the meeting, a group of members of the party committee of the ministry focused on the problems exposed by this joint training, such as the weak ability of individual political cadres to carry out political work in wartime. Only by accurately grasping the essence, rich connotation and practical requirements of President Xi's important speech, keeping a close eye on practical problems and task needs, and studying and proposing new ideas, new ideas and new methods to solve problems, can we transform the gains of learning into the ability to guide practice and promote work." "Solve problems in learning and drive learning in practice. Leaders of the ministry told reporters that they will also focus on the six key tasks to be grasped in promoting political army building on the new journey, analyze the key points of focus, refine the division of responsibilities in light of the current practice of training and preparing for war, and take the lead in using the results of study to study new situations and solve new problems, and strive to improve the leadership, organization, and execution of party organizations at all levels, so as to effectively transform the party's political and organizational advantages into winning advantages.

A certain naval unit in the Southern Theater insisted on taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference

▲Published in the 1st and 2nd editions of the People's Liberation Army Daily on June 30

Source丨People's Liberation Army Daily

A certain naval unit in the Southern Theater insisted on taking the lead in studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference

Producer丨Ou Can, Hou Dawei, Editor丨Liu Jianwei, Yan Shan, Qian Zongyang, Editor丨Han Jie

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