
Soul Torture: Can LGBT Political Correctness Change the Perception of Beauty in the United States? The elderly president has a saying

author:Taidai Chengshuo

This year's "Miss America" is freshly baked, ah no, a slip of the tongue, it should be "freshly disemboweled".

Looking at this lump, don't speak against your conscience, do you feel a trace of beauty? If you're a man, do you have the slightest urge to pursue it?

Soul Torture: Can LGBT Political Correctness Change the Perception of Beauty in the United States? The elderly president has a saying

This year's Miss America "Champion" is from Sarah, Alabama

Over the past few decades, the aesthetic from the United States has continued to influence the aesthetic taste of people all over the world. In the past, the image of Hollywood actresses had a large number of admirers around the world.

Indeed, for a long time, there were two types of beautiful women in my mind, the first type was the classical Chinese beauty - I always thought that the dignified women set off by the gorgeous clothes of ancient Chinese aristocratic women were very good-looking.

For this reason, I wanted to find the image of a classical Chinese beauty. Thinking about it, I thought of Zhou Zhiruo in the 94 version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", first of all, her costume image is indeed beautiful, and secondly, the actor Zhou Haimei, who played Zhou Zhiruo's image, has passed away, and there is no stain in her life.

Soul Torture: Can LGBT Political Correctness Change the Perception of Beauty in the United States? The elderly president has a saying

Forever Zhou Zhiruo - Zhou Haimei

However, the clothes worn by modern people in daily work and life are no longer traditional national costumes, and they are mainly worn in Xihua costumes. Under the backdrop of this clothing, people's criteria for judging women's beauty will change somewhat. There is no doubt that in the past few decades, most of the beautiful women we have recognized are the images of beautiful women created in mainstream American and Western movies.

The second category of beautiful women in my mind is the modern beauties portrayed by Hollywood, USA.

If the reader is more careful, he will definitely find that I have been emphasizing the relationship between clothing and female beauty. Yes, the feminine beauty brought out by different clothes is different, and the feelings for everyone are also different.

From an aesthetic point of view, it is difficult for a naked woman to arouse people's pure aesthetic experience, and can only arouse people's primitive sensual desires. Only a woman who wears a proper costume can make a person admire the beauty of her healthy women from the bottom of her heart.

Clothing, in addition to its material function of sheltering from the wind and cold, plays an important aesthetic role in human culture. In other words, different cultures have different clothing cultures, which correspond to different human aesthetics.

Obviously, in recent years, LGBT culture has become popular in American society, and this is regarded as politically correct. Especially since Biden came to power, the "mainstream" aesthetic taste of the entire American society has collectively changed, and it seems that elites from all walks of life will be whipped by society if they do not touch the glory of LGBT. Including the senior officials of the Biden administration, there are many LGBT weird elements.

As a result, the American beauty pageant industry has repeatedly selected strange characters. The organizers did not dare to refuse all kinds of bizarre images to sign up for the competition, and the judges had to decide the so-called beauty pageant winners from how many LGBT factors the contestants had, and the public, like fools, blindly accepted all this.

Could it be that the LGBT culture in the United States has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? From the bottom of the general public to the upper class of the elite of society, have they begun to accept the new image of "beauty" cultivated by LGBT culture? In the future, when we watch American and Western film and television works, can we only appreciate these "big beauties" with strange characteristics? Could it be that the era of global "ugliness" is beginning to come?

But I always felt that there was a strong smell of conspiracy in it.

What makes me deeply suspicious is that the aesthetics of the two elderly presidents of the United States and their families are still very normal.

Let's talk about Trump first, which fully explains the truth that men are still teenagers when they are 80 years old. Trump has said many times that if Ivanka wasn't his eldest daughter, he wouldn't be able to resist asking Ivanka. The "covenant" in the old man's mouth is not as simple as pulling hands and moving his mouth, this old man has been soaking horses since he was young, and first required that his horses must go to his designated place for a physical examination. He was terrified of syphilis, and the trial he was now undergoing had to do with what happened to him back then.

What is Ivanka's image? Everyone can have an intuitive understanding, right? Saying that Trump is "unreliable" shows that Trump's aesthetic and sexual orientation are very reliable and very normal.

Besides, Biden, this old man dozes off at every turn, according to traditional Chinese medicine, yin, essence and yang are insufficient, and it seems that the affairs of men and women are very light. But there is indirect proof of the normal aesthetics of the Biden family - after Biden's eldest son Beau Biden died of brain cancer, his youngest son Hunter Biden fell madly in love with his sister-in-law and finally married his sister-in-law. I have seen the family photos of Biden's family, Biden's former eldest daughter-in-law is also a later daughter-in-law, and she is also very beautiful, otherwise she would not have hooked the brothers with fascination.

What does this mean? It shows that there is no problem with the aesthetics and sexual orientation of the American elite, and like us, they can't pull out their legs when they see beautiful women. They are rich and powerful, but we just have the heart of a thief but not the courage of a thief.

Soul Torture: Can LGBT Political Correctness Change the Perception of Beauty in the United States? The elderly president has a saying

Forever Hollywood beauty - Shirley Temple

I deeply doubt that although this year's "Miss America" has been "freshly disemboweled", it is unlikely that the sons and daughters of elite American families will "date" her for the sake of LGBT political correctness (?). ), "bubble" her (?) And "marry" her (?) Get started. I think that before private ownership withdrew from the course of human history, the recognized beauties in society were still gathered in a large number of elite families in various countries.

When I carefully pondered the group photo of this year's "Miss America", I suddenly found a strange phenomenon - among the beauty pageants on the scene, only the "champion" looked so strange and safe, and the other women seemed to be "red faces", especially under the background of the "beauty pageant champion".

It turns out that the judges in the American beauty pageant have the same aesthetic and sexual orientation as us, and in order not to be accused of violating the principle of LGBT political correctness, they want to put the so-called Miss Beauty Pageant crown on the head of LGBT elements "against their will", and then the runner-up, third place and even the subsequent rankings are handed over to normal humans.

Why is this so? Because the LGBT movement in the United States is essentially a policy designed by the American elite to fool the people - if the people are not stupid, the society will not be full of chaos, and the elite group will not be able to fish in troubled waters and reap more benefits.

You see, if the American people lose their nature in the LGBT culture that has been forcibly promoted for a long time, and start to worship and pursue those ugly and evil things, who will fall into the clutches of the remaining beautiful and good things?

Thinking about this, I feel that this year's "Miss America" will not be harassed and ravaged by the children of wealthy American families.

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