
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

author:Steel Pioneer
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

A brigade of the 74th Army

A brigade of the 74th Army

The organization adopts theoretical study, reading books and newspapers

and lectures

Arouse the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers

Improve the quality and effectiveness of learning

Promote the spirit of the meeting into the brain and heart

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

A brigade of the 74th Army

Organize group learning

Carry out self-examination and self-correction

Compare yourself with your own body and always think about it

Examine deficiencies in your work

Find out the contradictions

Eliminate pain points and difficulties

Let the theoretical knowledge take root and land

Tangible results

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

A brigade of the 74th Army

The brigade is focused

"Iron-hearted loyalty to the party, forge ahead with one heart and take on the mission"

Deepening educational practice activities is the traction

Do a good job of backbone learning and personal self-study

Classroom indoctrination and atmosphere edification "combination boxing"

They don't just make good use of group education

and caucus activities

Learning initiatives are also issued during breaks

Guide officers and men to use study to strengthen the army

Chinese military horn and other APPs

Enhance self-learning

Quickly set off a learning boom

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

A brigade of the 74th Army

Deeply study the history of our party's political and army building

Continue to deepen political training

Inspire the vast number of officers and soldiers

A fiery learning boom

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

74th Army Hospital

The party committee of the hospital for the first time

Organize the spirit of the meeting to study and publicize

Make arrangements for deployment

The party committee team took the lead in learning and learning, and learned deeply

Promote the learning of all employees with their own learning

Take advantage of opportunities such as early shifts and party (regiment) days

Do a good job of centralized communication and learning

Grasp the basic spirit, main points of view and political requirements

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference
The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

"Comprehensive contributions: Zhao Hongchao, Wang Zhengkai, Yang Zhanjiang, Gong Wenqing, Gong Qikai, Huang Kai, Xie Jiangshan, Lin Chen, Li Ka-shing, Fu Yuanxiang, Li Dong, Wen Zekai, Qiu Xiaofang"

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

Sa! Thousands of miles away, defeat the enemy with one move! This group of snipers is not simple! Serve the grassroots and listen to the voice of the "heart".

The food carnival is non-stop, and the birthday party warms up the barracks!

The 74th Group Army continued to set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference

Editor in charge: Lu Zhangliang Duty Editor: Wang Ning, Lai Taiwei

Submission email: [email protected]

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