
Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it

author:Mimiko said entertainment

Photo/Mimiko said entertainment

Photo/Mimiko said entertainment

Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it


Speaking of He Jiong, everyone must be no stranger to him, as a well-known host in the circle, He Jiong's hosting ability is also obvious to everyone, whether it is style or field control ability, He Jiong is in place, and many people even call him "Teacher He".

In many small details, we can see that He Jiong's status is very high, especially his high emotional intelligence, which is also a rare existence in the entertainment industry. However, during this time, some netizens exposed He Jiong's recent situation, saying that he was reported by the female nanny with his real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance. What's going on here?

Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it

It was revealed that He Jiong was reported by a female nanny

He Jiong, he is famous for his good popularity and high emotional intelligence, but recently he was involved in an unexpected turmoil, which made people can't help but sigh: The water in the entertainment industry is really unfathomable! And guess what? Teacher He, who has always had a good reputation, was reported by the family of his nanny with his real name, and the reason was that he was in arrears of wages!

As we all know, He Jiong is a well-known "warm baby" in the circle, promoting newcomers, being humble, and almost zero negative reviews.

Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it

But this time, a report letter is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves. Su Li, the brother of nanny Su Yu, directly named his surname, claiming that his sister worked hard in He Jiong's house, but in the end she didn't get her salary, and she was inexplicably dismissed, this plot is more bloody than a TV series!

The court ruled against the case in the first instance

In the face of such an accusation, Su Yu was not idle, and met directly in court, and after the first trial, He Jiong was sentenced to pay more than 140,000 yuan in compensation, but Mr. He quit and appealed.

Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it

This appeal, fortunately, the weather vane of public opinion began to waver. First of all, Su Li released a big move, posted a group photo, and exposed chat records, and for a while, the Internet exploded. The attitudes of netizens are also polarized, some stand in line with He Jiong, thinking that this matter must be boring, and it is impossible for Teacher He to be so unauthentic; Some sympathize with Su Yu and feel that celebrities cannot be above the law, and it is natural to repay debts.

Just when the people who eat melons saw it in a fog, people familiar with the matter exposed the inside story, saying that He Jiong asked Su Yu to be the company's legal person, but in fact, he was out of kindness and wanted to help her solve the social security problem.

Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it

This time, the plot is reversed and reversed, which is simply a realistic version of "The Farmer and the Snake". More sharp-eyed netizens found that Su Li posted a salary slip that was deleted in seconds, which seemed to imply that Su Yu didn't really receive the money. This wave of operations is really confusing, are the Su Li brothers and sisters confusing the public, or is there something else hidden?

This series of revelations and controversies undoubtedly had a huge impact on He Jiong's public image. Some people began to question whether behind Mr. He's smiling face was really as bright as it seemed? There are also people who support it, thinking that He Jiong will not ruin his reputation for many years because of this money.

Expose He Jiong's collapsed house! was reported by the female nanny with her real name, and the court lost the case in the first instance, but he did not recognize it


Until the truth is known, any speculation may be a blind man's touch on an elephant. The incident between He Jiong and Su Yu is not only a gossip in the entertainment industry, but also a big test of the responsibility, morality and legal awareness of public figures.

In the era of entertainment to death, we should remain calm and rational, not blindly follow the trend, and not rush to stand in line. After all, the law will give the most just answer, and what we need is to wait and reflect. Nowadays, there is always some shocking news left on the Internet, but we still have to put it in perspective and not cause some bad effects on their lives.

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