
95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

author:The city is happy every day
95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...
95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

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95-year-old sweet and cute young lady in the system

Expect to meet a partner who shares the same hobbies and sports


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29 years old

Platform No.: 134421

Date of birth: April 19, 1995

Height: 161cm

Weight: 47kg

Education: Graduate student of Nanchang University

Zodiac sign: Aries

Occupation: Civil servant of Nanchang Municipal Government

Personality traits: lively (familiar) and introverted (unfamiliar), positive energy, optimistic, with a wide range of interests and hobbies.

Marital Status: Unmarried

Hometown: Ji'an, Jiangxi

Current residence: Nanchang, Jiangxi

About yourself

Yue Yue Yue (this name was taken casually at the time, and now I really want to change it, woo woo woo). A graduate of Nanchang University, he is now working as a civil servant in the Nanchang Municipal Government. Aries, I have a bit of a two-sided personality, if I am not familiar with it, I will be a little introverted, and after I am familiar, I will be more extroverted, optimistic, and a little heartless~

The family situation is relatively stable, and both parents work in government agencies and institutions, and there is a formal establishment. They are kind people and work hard, and they have given me a lot of positive influence and support. As a result, I grew up in a stable and education-oriented environment.

I have a wide range of interests, I like music, especially the violin, and I have passed grade 10. In addition, I also enjoy sports, such as badminton and cycling, which make me energetic and passionate, and yoga and Baduanjin help me maintain my physical and mental balance. In addition, I also love to raise flowers and enjoy that quiet and beautiful time. As for the disadvantages, I admit that my brain is sometimes straighter, and my mouth is often faster than my brain--!

When it comes to marriage and love, I hope to find a like-minded partner who can get along happily, understand and support each other, and make progress and grow together. I believe that only when both parties are constantly improving themselves can we manage our lives better and better.

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...


Q: Tell us about your current annual income and housing situation

A: The annual income is 15W, I have a house in full, and I am ready to buy a car.

Q: Tell us about your consumption view

A: The province will not buy luxury goods beyond its own ability, but it will not be deducted and searched.

Q: What are your plans for work and marriage in the next few years?

A: Work step by step to be positive, and when you meet someone who is destined, you will consider getting married.

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

Q: What is the expectation of your partner?

A: I hope that the other half of the three views are positive, aged between 1991-1997, net height above 170cm, healthy weight, full-time bachelor's degree or above, optimistic and positive personality, have the ability to deal with problems independently, do not smoke or drink, work in government institutions or state-owned enterprises, income is comparable to mine, parents have the ability to support the elderly, preferably in the system, similar interests and hobbies like sports.

Q: What are the conditions for mate selection that cannot be compromised?

A: Optimistic and positive attitude towards life, education, no bad habits.

Q: What does an ideal emotional life look like?

A: Go both ways, accompany each other, make progress with each other, warm and harmonious.

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

Q: Why are you single?

A: When I first joined the workforce, I was a newcomer, and I often worked overtime at night and on weekends, so I didn't have time to take care of my life.

Q: What do you like to do on weekends?

A: Sports, visiting parks and scenic spots, shopping with girlfriends, accompanying parents, practicing the piano, raising flowers, and swiping your mobile phone~

Q: One question you would like to ask your future TA the most?

A: What kind of personality are you and what are your plans for the future?

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95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

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95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...


Urban Rest Assured Love is the only official marriage and dating platform under Jiangxi Radio and Television Station (Group). Truthful information and reliable platform are the red lines we adhere to. The above content is the guest's self-reported information, and the platform has reviewed the guest's ID card, student ID, work permit and other basic information before posting. However, the platform cannot verify the authenticity of the user's self-reported growth experience, family environment, personality and other information. Please make your own research and make friends cautiously in exchanges and interactions.

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

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95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

Urban rest assured love is a unit-based marriage and dating platform built by Jiangxi Radio and Television City Channel integrating resources such as trade unions, youth league committees, women's federations, and civil affairs. At present, the city has reached cooperation with 300+ units in the province, such as the Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Youth League Committee, and the Working Committee of the Provincial Organs. There are 60,000+ high-quality single users on the official platform of the city, and 3-5 dating activities are held every week.

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95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...
95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

Edited I Li Shi

Editor-in-charge: I Xiao Fei

Audit I Chen Hongguang

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

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95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...
95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...




Character ISPF-T

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...



Faculty on staff

Naoki Ojo

95-year-old civil servant student bully beauty, looking for boys in the system...

95 years


Piano teacher

Cheerful and optimistic

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