
In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

author:Lobster says entertainment

Wang Nan's career in table tennis began at the age of 6, and when she first stepped into the youth table tennis class, no one could have imagined that this little girl would become the future "queen of table tennis".

The coaches quickly discovered her talent and were surprised to find that the little girl was able to receive raid balls with ease after only a few days of training. "She's a rare 'table tennis genius,'" the coaches told Wang's parents.

Since then, Wang Nan's life has revolved around table tennis. During the day, he studied cultural classes at school, and at night, he went to the table tennis hall to train. The high-intensity training allowed her to perfect her left-handed return service skills.

This perseverance soon paid off, and Wang Nan began to make a name for himself at all levels of competition. At the age of 12, Wang Nan ushered in an important turning point in his life. Representing Fushun City in the provincial competition, she won the championship with her outstanding performance.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

This dazzling result immediately attracted the attention of the provincial coaches, who brought Wang Nan to the provincial team for more systematic training. After entering the provincial team, Wang Nan found that he still had a long way to go.

In front of a host of masters, she realized that her technique and reaction speed needed to be improved. But Wang Nan was not discouraged, but trained harder, as if there was only table tennis left in his life.

After three years of hard work, Wang Nan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds and reached the level of the national team. In order to support their daughter's career, Wang Nan's parents even moved their family to Beijing.

In the national team, the coach discovered the advantage of Wang Nan's left-handed strength, and specially asked her to train her left-handed serve and hard pump. Although he didn't get used to it at first, Wang Nan quickly mastered this style of play and formed his own unique style.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

At the age of 16, Wang Nan ushered in an important breakthrough in his career. At the Swedish Open, she won her first match and won the women's singles title. This victory seemed to open the door to success, and since then, Wang Nan has frequently won championships in major competitions, and has achieved great results repeatedly.

In the Sydney Olympics, she won gold many times and achieved the great feat of Grand Slam, becoming one of the leaders of the Chinese table tennis team. However, as he grew older and the rise of newcomers, Wang Nan also experienced a trough.

The mistakes at the 2002 Asian Games left her in a state of self-blame and negativity. But with the support of her teammates and family, she regained her strength, adjusted her training methods and strengthened her physical fitness.

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, Wang Nan and Zhang Yining won the women's doubles gold medal and regained their self-confidence. Until the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 30-year-old Wang Nan had won 24 world championship titles.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

Although she lost to Zhang Yining in the final and won a silver medal, she knew that this could be the last medal of her career. At the award ceremony, Wang Nan burst into tears, not because of the loss of the gold medal, but because he was about to say goodbye to his beloved arena.

A 23-year career with four Olympic gold medals, 25 World Championship gold medals, and 24 other major tournament titles. Wang Nan used his strength and persistence to write a legendary story that belongs to the "Queen of Table Tennis".

In 2008, a fateful encounter changed the trajectory of Wang Nan's life. That year, Guo Bin, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman, met Wang Nan at his peak through the recommendation of his friend Liu Guoliang.

The beginning of this fate originated from Guo Bin's drinking and watching football with Liu Guoliang, and Wang Nan's game video happened to be played on TV. Attracted by Wang Nan's demeanor, Guo Bin asked Liu Guoliang about the player.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

Liu Guoliang was full of praise for Wang Nan, which stimulated Guo Bin's interest in getting to know Wang Nan. However, Liu Guoliang did not agree at first for two reasons: first, Guo Bin was divorced and had a relationship experience; Second, I am worried that it will affect Wang Nan's training.

But under Guo Bin's repeated assurances, Liu Guoliang finally agreed to match the two. When they met for the first time, Wang Nan was not interested in this wealthy businessman who was eight years older than him. In her eyes, Guo Bin seems to be just a rich second generation who has nothing to do all day.

However, as the contact deepened, Wang Nan gradually discovered that Guo Bin was not the son of a gentleman he imagined. On the contrary, he showed extraordinary patience and thoughtfulness, qualities that slowly touched Wang Nan's heart.

The two began a sweet relationship, and Guo Bin's sincerity and perseverance finally won Wang Nan's heart. Three years later, they decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand. The wedding was a luxurious ceremony, costing nearly 5 million yuan, which caused quite a stir at the time.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

This wedding is not only a testimony of the love between the two, but also shows the importance that Guo Bin attaches to this relationship. After marriage, Guo Bin proved his sincerity with practical actions. He made a surprising promise: to give each table tennis champion a house.

At first, Wang Nan thought it was just a joke, but Guo Bin really did it. This move not only moved Wang Nan, but also made her more convinced that she had not married the wrong person.

Although the union of the two has made some people question whether they are "the right person", Guo Bin and Wang Nan proved that their relationship can stand the test with their actions. There will inevitably be small frictions in married life, but the two have always cherished this hard-won relationship and worked hard to maintain their relationship with each other.

Guo Bin's support for Wang Nan is not limited to the material level. When Wang Nan faced major challenges in her career, Guo Bin always stood behind her, giving unconditional support and encouragement.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

This tacit understanding and trust became a solid foundation for their marriage. From acquaintance, love to marriage, the love story of Guo Bin and Wang Nan is full of romance and warmth. It is not only a beautiful marriage that transcends age and identity, but also a sincere emotion of two souls knowing and cherishing each other.

In the years to come, they will face more challenges together, but they will also reap more sweetness and happiness. On the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Wang Nan's life was suddenly devastated.

The long-term high-intensity training made her body light up red. At first, she experienced symptoms of dizziness and hypoxia, but she blamed fatigue on her and did not pay enough attention to it.

Until one day, after the training, Wang Nan fainted in the locker room and was rushed to the hospital. The hospital's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Wang Nan was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

This news is undoubtedly a huge blow to Wang Nan. How she wished it was just a misdiagnosis and that she could continue her training and competition. However, reality did not give her this opportunity.

The process of treatment was extremely difficult. Wang Nan had to take a large amount of drugs every day and undergo radiation therapy. At the end of each treatment, she felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. But under Guo Bin's careful care, coupled with Wang Nan's own active cooperation, her condition was gradually controlled.

At this moment, Wang Nan made a decision that surprised everyone: she wanted to continue training and participate in the upcoming Beijing Olympics. This decision made Guo Bin feel distressed and worried, but he knew his wife's temper and understood that she didn't want to leave regrets in her favorite career.

Therefore, Guo Bin chose to support silently and did his best to ensure that Wang Nan's physical condition would not deteriorate. In the days that followed, Wang Nan returned to training with amazing perseverance.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

Every swing is a silent struggle against the disease. Guo Bin is like a dutiful logistics soldier, ready at any time. He always has a quick-acting pill in his pocket just in case.

Finally, on August 8, 2008, Wang Nan stood on the stage of the Beijing Olympic Games as he wished. Under the watchful eye, she fought hard and finally won the fourth gold medal in her life.

When the referee announced the result of the game, Wang Nan's eyes moistened. She knew that without Guo Bin's company and support, she might not be able to make it to the end. This hard-won gold medal is not only Wang Nan's personal victory, but also a testimony of the couple's victory over illness and difficulties together.

When Wang Nan stood on the podium, her eyes passed through the crowd, looking for Guo Bin's figure. At that moment, her heart was filled with gratitude and love. The difficult time that Wang Nan and Guo Bin experienced together not only tested their love, but also deepened their relationship.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

Guo Bin's inseparability and Wang Nan's strength and courage jointly composed a moving hymn to life. This experience also made Wang Nan cherish life and cherish the people around him more.

From being diagnosed with cancer to returning to the game to win gold, Wang Nan used his actions to interpret what is the spirit of never giving up. And Guo Bin's silent dedication shows the power of sincere love.

They have worked together through the most difficult moments of their lives and brought each other's hearts closer. This experience has become the most precious memory of their marriage, and it has also become their spiritual pillar to face future challenges.

After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 30-year-old Wang Nan announced his retirement, drawing a successful end to his 23-year career. After retiring, Wang Nan finally had more time to enjoy family life, and the relationship between her and Guo Bin became sweeter and sweeter in the dull days.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

Soon, this happy family welcomed a new member. Wang Nan and Guo Bin are happy to have a pair of lovely children, which adds infinite joy to their lives. As a retired athlete, Wang Nan has transferred her passion and focus to family life.

She takes care of her children and interprets the role of a mother in her own way. Despite retiring from the arena of competitive sports, Wang Nan did not completely say goodbye to table tennis.

She often teaches children to play table tennis, passing on her skills and love for the sport to the next generation. Looking at the children's hard work, Wang Nan's eyes were always full of pride and expectation.

Guo Bin is still Wang Nan's strongest backing after retiring. Their relationship has experienced the ups and downs on the field, and has precipitated into a stronger intimacy in ordinary days.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

The two often look back on the past and imagine the future together, and those past glories and setbacks have become their shared precious memories. Wang Nan's life after retirement is warm and happy.

She and Guo Bin run this small family hand in hand and witness the growth of the children together. Although there will inevitably be small frictions in life, they always cherish this hard-won relationship and strive to maintain their relationship with each other.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Nan and Guo Bin's married life is exemplary. They have proved that even two people from different backgrounds can build a happy family as long as they truly love each other.

Guo Bin once promised to give the table tennis champion a house, and he did fulfill this promise, which further proves his cherishing of Wang Nan and the importance he attaches to this relationship.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

After retiring, Wang Nan found a new meaning in life. She is no longer the "table tennis queen" who stands in the spotlight, but an ordinary wife and mother. But in this role, she still shines with a unique light.

The story of Wang Nan and Guo Bin has also become a model of love that many people envy and yearn for. In the years to come, Wang Nan and Guo Bin will continue to move forward hand in hand, face every challenge in life together, and share every moment of sweet time together.

Their story is not only a beautiful marriage that transcends identities and ages, but also a testimony to the sincere feelings of two souls who know and cherish each other. Wang Nan and Guo Bin's peaceful and happy lives were shattered by a sudden video.

The video recorded the scene of them attending a night dance party in Inner Mongolia, but one scene sparked heated discussions among netizens. In the video, a beautiful woman and Guo Bin's behavior appear quite intimate.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

The scene immediately caused an uproar online, with many people questioning Mr. Guo's loyalty. What really caught people's attention, however, was Wang's reaction in this situation.

Faced with this potentially embarrassing scene, Wang Nan showed an amazingly high emotional intelligence. I saw her gracefully "sliding" and skillfully came between Guo Bin and the beauty, separating the two.

This move not only maintains the image of her husband, but also resolves the embarrassment with dignity, showing Wang Nan's quick reaction as a former athlete and wisdom as a wife. The video went viral online, sparking various speculations and comments.

Some people are worried that this wealthy businessman, who is eight years older than Wang Nan and worth more than 100 million yuan, may change his mind. Some people were also full of praise for Wang Nan's handling and praised her wit and generosity.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

In the face of this sudden turmoil, Wang Nan chose to remain silent. She did not respond to any speculation from the outside world, choosing instead to trust her husband and the relationship they had built over the years.

This attitude also reflects Wang Nan's maturity and self-confidence. It is important to note that this is not the first challenge in their marriage. As early as the beginning of their marriage, some people questioned whether they were "the right person".

However, Wang Nan and Guo Bin proved with their practical actions that sincere feelings can transcend the boundaries of age and identity. Although this turmoil caused a lot of shock in a short period of time, it did not shake the emotional foundation of Wang Nan and Guo Bin.

On the contrary, it made the two cherish each other more, and also let the outside world see the deep trust and tacit understanding between the couple. In this era of rapid information dissemination, the experiences of Wang Nan and Guo Bin remind us that in the face of external doubts, staying calm and rational, and believing in each other, is the key to maintaining a relationship.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

The story of Wang Nan and Guo Bin is not only a touching love legend, but also triggers a deep reflection on love and marriage in modern society. In this era of information explosion, are we too easily misled by one-sided information? Should more trust and understanding be given to others, especially our loved ones? The couple's experience teaches us that true love requires mutual trust and mutual growth.

They have experienced the glory of their careers and the test of life together, and now they are facing the challenge of public opinion together. It is these experiences that keep their feelings fresh for a long time. 15 years of sweet time have witnessed the unswerving love between Wang Nan and Guo Bin.

From acquaintance, love to marriage, to resisting illness together, and finally facing the public opinion turmoil together, they interpreted the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son" with practical actions.

The story of Wang Nan and Guo Bin reminds us that we should always believe in the power of love when facing life's challenges. Whether it is doubts from the outside world or difficulties in life, as long as we trust each other and work together, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

In 08, a 31-year-old wealthy businessman fell in love with a table tennis female champion, and his wife never gave up when he was suffering from cancer, and he was still as sweet as ever after 15 years

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