
I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Gourmet Gewu

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In order to save electricity, some people constantly turn the air conditioner on and off, turn it on when it's hot, and turn it off when it's cool, so it really saves electricity?

In the end, is it one turn on and one off to save power? Or is it always on to save power?

Answer: Keeping the air conditioner on all the time like a local tyrant is the most cost-effective!

Turning on and off the air conditioner frequently consumes the most electricity! Moreover, the compressor will also have small problems because it is often turned on and off, and it is easier to burn out after a long time.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Summer is coming, the weather is gradually getting hotter, and air conditioning has become an indispensable cooling artifact in our lives. However, as electricity bills continue to rise, people are looking for energy-saving tips to try to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioners. Among them, there is a seemingly energy-saving practice - frequently turning on and off the air conditioner, which is believed by many people to save electricity. But in fact, this practice not only does not save energy, but may increase energy consumption and even damage the service life of the air conditioner.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

First of all, we need to understand how air conditioning works. The air conditioner is cooled by the operation of the compressor, and when the room temperature reaches the set value, the compressor will stop working to maintain the room temperature. Turning the air conditioner on and off frequently will cause the compressor to start and stop frequently, and this frequent start and stop will consume more electrical energy. This is because every time you start a compressor, you need to consume a lot of electrical energy to overcome the friction inside the compressor and the pressure of the system, a process known as "starting current". The starting current is usually much larger than it would normally be, so turning the air conditioner on and off frequently is actually adding extra energy consumption.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

In addition, frequently turning on and off the air conditioner can also have a negative impact on the life of the air conditioner. Every start and stop will cause certain wear and tear on the mechanical parts of the air conditioner, and in the long run, it may lead to an increase in the failure rate of the air conditioner and shorten its service life. Therefore, it is not a wise choice to turn the air conditioner on and off frequently in the long run.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

So, how should we use air conditioners correctly to achieve the purpose of energy saving? Set the temperature reasonably: Set the temperature of the air conditioner at around 26°C, which is a comfortable and energy-saving temperature. For every 1°C reduction, the energy consumption of air conditioners increases by about 5%-10%. Clean the filter regularly: Keeping the air conditioner filter clean can improve the cooling efficiency of the air conditioner and reduce energy consumption.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Use curtains and shades: Using curtains or shades on windows with direct sunlight can effectively block heat from entering the room and reduce the load on the air conditioner. Keep windows and doors closed: When using the air conditioner, try to close the doors and windows to prevent the loss of cold air and the ingress of hot air. Choose the right power of the air conditioner: Choose the right power air conditioner according to the size of the room to avoid unnecessary energy consumption caused by excessive power of the air conditioner.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

So what else should we pay attention to when we use air conditioners?

First of all, the cleanliness of the air conditioner is crucial. After a winter of idleness, a large amount of dust, microorganisms, and bacteria may accumulate inside the air conditioner. These pollutants not only affect the performance of air conditioners, but can also have a negative impact on indoor air quality and even trigger allergic reactions. Therefore, it is essential to carry out a thorough cleaning before the use of the air conditioner.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

You can choose to clean it yourself, there are many aircon cleaners on the market, just follow the instructions. During the cleaning process, make sure to turn off the power of the air conditioner, turn on the air conditioner panel, take out the filter, clean up the dust with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner, and then spray the inside of the filter and the air conditioner with cleaning agent, wait for a period of time and rinse it with clean water, and finally let it dry. If you're new to these procedures, or want a more thorough cleaning, you can ask a professional housekeeping staff to come and do the cleaning.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Secondly, it is very important to maintain indoor air circulation during the use of the air conditioner. Prolonged closed environments can lead to a decrease in the oxygen content in the air and an increase in carbon dioxide concentration, which not only affects human health, but can also lead to a decrease in the efficiency of air conditioning. Therefore, it is recommended to open the windows for ventilation at least twice a day, and you can choose to wake up in the morning or in the evening when the sun goes down, when the outdoor temperature is relatively low, and ventilation will not cause a large increase in indoor temperature.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Third, when the air conditioner is turned on, the indoor air becomes dry. Dry air is not only uncomfortable but can also lead to problems such as dry skin, sore throat, etc. To maintain the humidity of the indoor air, you can place several basins of water indoors, or use a humidifier. A humidifier can be effective in increasing indoor humidity, but it is important to note that the water in the humidifier needs to be changed regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

If we want to install a new air conditioner, we should not only pay attention to whether the appearance is good or not, and the style is not uniform, but also pay attention to the number of air conditioners, which determines the area of the room to which it is applicable. Generally speaking, a 1.5 hp air conditioner is suitable for a 15-20 square meter room, while a 3 hp air conditioner is suitable for a 30-40 square meter living room or a large room.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Choose air conditioners that are energy efficient at the first level as they are more energy-efficient than air conditioners with energy efficiency level three. In general, a Level 1 energy efficiency air conditioner can save about 30% of electricity compared to the old standard Level 3 energy efficiency air conditioner. Choose an air conditioner with intelligent temperature control to provide a more comfortable indoor environment. Choose an air conditioner with a high-temperature self-cleaning function to keep the inside of the air conditioner clean and reduce the growth of bacteria.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Choose an air conditioner with anti-direct blowing function to avoid cold air blowing directly to the human body and improve comfort. Choose well-known brands such as Midea, Gree, etc., as they usually provide more reliable product quality and better after-sales service. Choose the right air conditioner according to your budget. At present, on the market, 1.5 hp hang-up machine and 3 hp cabinet machine are mainstream products, and the price is between 2000-4500 yuan.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

Consider the cost of installation and maintenance of air conditioners. Some brands may offer free installations, while others may require an additional fee. Consider the fresh air function, if your room needs to improve air quality, a fresh air air conditioner can provide additional ventilation and purification functions.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

In this way, you can choose the air conditioner that is more suitable for you.

The above precautions and small ways to save money about air conditioning are shared with you here, I hope my article can bring you some help, thank you for reading and see you next time.

I learned today that the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when turned on like this

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