
Party Discipline Study | The head office of the People's Bank of China adheres to the "four studies linkage" and continuously deepens the study and education in party discipline

author:China Banking Association

Party discipline study

Since the launch of the party discipline study and education, the grass-roots party organizations of the head office of the People's Bank of China have deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions on carrying out party discipline study and education, and in accordance with the unified deployment of the People's Bank of China Party Committee, they have adhered to the "four learning linkages" of supervision, study, integration and promotion of learning, and have made efforts to study and thoroughly understand the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), so as to promote the deepening and down-to-earth study and education of party discipline.

1. Work the overall promotion, and comprehensively consolidate the responsibility of strict "supervision"

Before the official launch of the Party discipline study and education, the Party Committee of the organ issued the "Notice on Studying and Implementing the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" to promote the grassroots Party organizations of the head office to learn one step ahead and learn one level deeper. After the Party Central Committee issued the circular, the Party Committee of the organ, as a member unit of the People's Bank of China's special class for the study and education of Party discipline, incorporated the arrangements for the study and education of Party discipline in the organs of the head office into the implementation plan of the Party discipline study and education of the head office, and clarified the task arrangements for the grass-roots party organizations of the head office to carry out the study and education of party discipline. The "Concise Reader of the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" was distributed as an important guidance material for carrying out Party discipline study and education. Strengthen the supervision and guidance of the party discipline study and education of the head office, and the party committee of the head office has set up a special class for the study and education of party discipline in the head office, clarified the contact person of the special class, and specifically undertook the work of policy guidance, comprehensive situation, organizational service and supervision and implementation. Relevant comrades of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs are invited to give special guidance on the newly revised "Regulations", and organize the secretaries of grass-roots party organizations, discipline inspection committees and organization members of the head office organs to participate.

2. Work hard to learn and understand thoroughly, and grasp the key topic of learning "research"

The grass-roots party organizations of the head office focus on the "Regulations" and use them to correct their thoughts and actions, so as to truly make the process of learning party discipline a process of enhancing the sense of discipline and improving the cultivation of party spirit. The general party branch of the general office organized party members and cadres to learn chapter by chapter, article by article, and contact with practice through the "three meetings and one lesson" and the theme party day, and exchanged learning gains. Focusing on the "six disciplines", the Party Branch of the Research Bureau organized Party members to carry out discussions on their personal performance of duties and the people and things around them. The Party Branch of the Monetary Policy Department has studied the "Regulations" in depth with the Party group as a unit, further clarified the measuring yardstick of daily words and deeds, and deeply understood that the Party's discipline is a code of conduct that must be observed. The Party Branch of the Macro-prudential Administration Bureau organizes reading and learning activities, compares and studies the content of the "Regulations" in connection with the actual work, and accurately grasps its main purpose and requirements. The leadership team of the Party branch of the Financial Stability Bureau took the lead in studying the "Regulations" and sharing their learning experiences, and organized various Party groups to carry out special research and discussions. The Party Branch of the Anti-Money Laundering Bureau established the "Party Discipline Learning - Regulations" column through the WeChat group, adhered to the content of the three "Regulations" of daily learning, and helped Party members and cadres to learn in detail. The Party Branch of the Currency, Gold and Silver Bureau (Security Bureau) thoroughly studied the main essence, new and old changes and practical requirements of the "Regulations", and corrected thoughts and actions with party rules and party discipline. The Party Branch of the Payment and Settlement Division adheres to the comparison of the old and the new, the combination of learning and application, and comprehensively and deeply understands the significance, main content and spiritual essence of the revision of the regulations. With the theme of "Learning and Sharing of the Regulations", the Party Branch of the Personnel Department held the 23rd "Central Bank Organization Work Forum" to promote the Party Branch of the Personnel Department and the majority of organization cadres in the system to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline and abide by discipline. The Party branch of the discipline inspection and supervision group is stationed in the party to focus on the important ideas of the party's self-revolution and the "Regulations", organize and carry out the study of the political theory of the branch, focus on watching the guidance video of "General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Thoughts on the Party's Self-revolution", and carry out exchanges and discussions in combination with strict party discipline, so as to promote cadres with learning, and continuously improve the level of discipline inspection and supervision cadres to perform their duties in accordance with regulations, discipline and law.

3. Work hard to improve the effect, enrich the learning form and strengthen the "integration of learning"

The grass-roots party organizations of the head office promote the integration of party discipline learning and education into daily life, grasp it regularly, and carry out various forms of learning in combination with daily performance of duties, so as to continuously improve the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education. The Party Branch of the Department of Treaty and Law has carried out the activities of "Weekly Study of Political Theory" and "Weekly Study of Youth Theory" to learn and comprehend the old and new changes and practical requirements of the revision of the "Regulations", and figure out what can and cannot be done. The Party Branch of the Survey and Statistics Department carried out the activity of "Re-taking the Road of May Fourth", recorded 48 vivid and detailed explanations in advance for listening to during the visit, focusing on excerpts from the historical facts of strengthening discipline construction, and guiding Party members to focus on learning. The Party Branch of the Accounting and Finance Department relies on the "Erudite and Practiced" online learning group and other branch characteristic learning platforms to push the original text of the "Regulations" and related interpretations every day to create a strong atmosphere for party discipline learning. The Party Branch of the Internal Audit Division has engraved compliance with rules and disciplines in its hearts by studying the specific content of the Regulations and carrying out the interpretation of typical cases, and internalized it into a daily and unaware code of words and deeds. The Party Branch of the Department of International Affairs guides overseas institutions to carry out Party discipline learning and education in accordance with local conditions, and promotes the continuous "pairing" and establishment of a joint learning system between overseas institutions and their counterparts in the Department of International Affairs. The Party branch of the inspection office will include the implementation of Party discipline learning and education in the focus of inspection and supervision, and require the temporary Party branches of each inspection group to carry out Party discipline learning and education simultaneously. The Party Committee of the Bureau of Retired Cadres selected typical cases closely related to the daily life of veteran comrades, and deeply analyzed the legal responsibilities and disciplinary consequences that are easy to bring. The Party Branch of the Party School of the People's Bank of China will include the study and education of Party discipline into the compulsory curriculum, and simultaneously convey the relevant requirements of Party discipline study and education after the start of the class, and guide the temporary Party branch of the students to carry out the study and education of Party discipline in a solid manner. The Party branch of the centralized procurement center clarifies the learning theme and content every week, and organizes all employees to learn chapter by chapter, article by article, combined with case study, contact with practice, and check and place learning, so as to form a good atmosphere of interactive learning and teaching and mutual benefit. The Party Branch of the Financial Basic Data Center continues to enrich the forms of learning and exchange, shares learning materials and experiences through online platforms such as WeChat groups, and continuously deepens the behavioral consciousness of learning and implementing the "Regulations" in interactive exchanges and ideological collisions. The Party Branch of the Financial Training Center has strengthened the study and education of Party discipline in the education and training work, and has carried out special counseling for 10 times in various classes sponsored by the Financial Training Center, with 1,257 participants.

Fourth, make efforts to administer education, build a strong ideological line of defense, and use cases to "promote learning"

The grass-roots party organizations of the head office have carried out warning education, deeply analyzed typical cases of discipline violations, and paid attention to educating the people around them with things around them, so that party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, and know and respect. The Party Branch of the Financial Market Division carried out the Party Day with the theme of warning education, taking all kinds of typical cases as the key content of warning education, and guiding Party members and cadres to enhance their ability to prevent corruption and resist change. The Preparatory Group of the Party Branch of the Credit Market Department organized a special seminar on "Learning Discipline, Knowing Discipline, Knowing Discipline, Knowing Discipline, and Observing Discipline to Be Vigilant Against Disciplinary Risk Points Around You", closely following the Party's "six disciplines", exchanging and discussing the risk points in the workplace and the key points of discipline risk prevention. The Party Branch of the Science and Technology Department has continuously deepened the study and implementation of the "Regulations" through individual self-study, collective learning of the Party group, and Party lectures by the branch secretary, and educated and guided Party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline. The Party branch of the State Treasury Bureau held a party day activity with the theme of warning education, collectively studied the notification of typical cases, and conducted comparative study in combination with the "Regulations", so as to promote Party members and cadres to remain vigilant against all kinds of "red lines" and "minefields" in work and life. The Party Branch of the Credit Information Administration Bureau carried out the activity of "Inheriting the Revolutionary Spirit and Building a Financial Power", organized a visit to the "Struggle of the Pioneers - Special Exhibition of the Early Revolutionary Activities of the Compassion Nunnery" and carried out special seminars, so as to encourage young party members and cadres to fasten the "first button" of honest politics. The Party Branch of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee (Party Committee and Mass Work Department) held a symposium and exchange meeting for young cadres, closely combined with typical cases in the system to carry out exchanges and discussions, and went to the former residence of Li Dazhao in Beijing and other places to carry out immersive clean government education. The General Party Branch of the Institute of Finance carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Strengthening Ideals and Beliefs and Feeling the Feelings of the Family and Country", and organized party members and cadres to visit and study the former residence of Song Qingling in Beijing Clean Government Education Base, so as to enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption. The Party Branch of the Financial Information Center held a special counseling on party discipline learning and education for all employees, focusing on using the warning cases of the people around them to refresh their minds, analyze the root causes of problems, deeply learn lessons, and draw inferences from one case and ring the alarm bell for a long time.

Source: People's Bank of China

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