
This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

author:Now the fish
This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

Recently, a news that "Yemen's Houthis shot down an F-22" caused an uproar on the Internet, spread quickly and aroused widespread attention.

The news was originally released by a social media account, and the well-known titles such as "retired military officer, former NATO three-star general political adviser" in its profile undoubtedly added a seemingly reliable color to the news.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

The account also claims to be unsure whether the downed F-22 belonged to the United States or the Israel Defense Forces.

Is that really the case? This explosive news was like a depth charge, which instantly stirred up a thousand waves in the ocean of international public opinion.

You must know that the F-22 fighter, as one of the top fighters in the world in terms of comprehensive performance, will undoubtedly be a major event that will shock the world if it is really shot down.

Countless pairs of eyes are eagerly watching for more hard evidence and detailed information.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

Reality quickly poured cold water on the craze. Newsweek responded quickly, and with its keen news sense and rigorous investigative attitude, it quickly published an article to refute the rumors.

In its exhaustive reporting, the outlet made it clear that there are no credible sources, clear pictures, or conclusive video evidence to support the claim that the F-22 fighter was shot down.

At the same time, a spokesman for the US Air Force immediately denied the rumors that the US plane was shot down by the Houthis.

This series of debunking rumors was like a gust of wind, quickly blowing away the initial speculation and the panic caused by it.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

In China, the well-known military V "Silkworm Listening to the Wind" also actively participated in the discussion of this incident.

He made it clear that he was extremely skeptical of the authenticity of the news.

He analyzed in simple terms that the F-22 fighter, as one of the ace fighters of the US Air Force, is designed with the original intention and main mission of focusing on air-to-air combat, rather than carrying out low-altitude air attack missions.

Therefore, in a region as complex and uncertain as Yemen, the US-British coalition is more likely to send conventional fighters on air strikes from strategic and tactical perspectives than to risk using a precious and highly classified stealth fighter like the F-22.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

In addition, the "silkworm listening to the wind" further pointed out that the US-British coalition forces have maintained relative superiority and control over Yemen's long-term air raids, and there has never been a precedent for a fighter plane to be shot down.

This historical fact also increases the suspicion of the rumors that the F-22 was shot down this time.

In delving into this incident, we have to turn our attention to the delicate and complex relationship between Israel and the F-22 fighter jets.

Although there have been rumors for a long time that Israel has F-22 fighter jets, after careful research and analysis, this claim is simply untenable.

In fact, from the very beginning, the United States adopted an extremely strict policy of restricting the export of F-22 fighters.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

As early as 2001, then-US President Bill Clinton briefly expressed support for the sale of F-22 fighter jets to Israel, but for various reasons, this plan was ultimately stillborn and could not be put into practice.

Fast forward to 2020, and there were rumors that the Trump administration had approved the sale of F-22 fighter jets to Israel, but this news was also fleeting, and in the end there was no substantial confirmation.

Thus, by combing through historical facts and official policy, it can be concluded without a doubt: Israel is not equipped with F-22 fighters.

So, what exactly is the level and state of the equipment of the Israeli Air Force? In fact, the Israeli Air Force already has a fairly powerful and advanced equipment system.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

Among them, the F-35I fighter, as one of the core and main fighters of the Israeli Air Force, has been witnessed all over the world for its superior performance and advanced technology.

Israel is the only country other than the United States to have an F-35 "test aircraft", and this unique status fully demonstrates its leading position and special treatment in the field of aviation.

Not only that, but Israel has also been granted the privilege of partial software writing in the development and improvement of the F-35I fighter and the ability to use locally made parts or weapons.

This series of special treatment and autonomous improvement measures make the F-35I fighter more suitable for the specific needs and operational environment of the Israeli Air Force in terms of performance and applicability, and further enhance its combat effectiveness and ability to deal with complex situations.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

We can draw a clear and unambiguous conclusion: the news that the so-called "Houthis shot down an Israeli F-22" is purely a rumor made up out of nothing.

This incident is actually a hoax written and directed by some foreign military enthusiasts in order to attract attention and create topics.

In fact, neither the United States nor Israel has deployed F-22 fighters in the Yemeni region.

And the US-British coalition has never recorded a fighter being shot down during the air raid in Yemen.

Therefore, we can say that this seemingly tempting "melon" is actually not ripe, but just an unsubstantiated and groundless rumor.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?

Although the F-22 fighter is one of the most advanced fighters in the world today, its excellent performance and excellent stealth capabilities have been widely recognized and praised.

However, we must be soberly aware that any type of weaponry has its own limitations and scope of application, and there is absolutely no such thing as a myth of absolute invincibility.

In the rapidly changing and uncertain war environment of the future, various new weapons and innovative tactics will continue to emerge, and the forms and patterns of combat will become more complex and unpredictable.

Therefore, we should always maintain an objective, calm, and rational attitude in the face of various military incidents and rumors.

Only in this way can we better explore the truth of the matter through layers of fog, avoid being confused and misled by false information, and make accurate and scientific judgments and assessments of the international military situation and security pattern.

This "melon" is not ripe: the Houthis "again" shot down an F22, or is it Israel's?
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