
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

author:I want to see it in the rain

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"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

"He Jiong's Prophecy: How Does the God's Prediction 19 Years Later in "Super Girl" Come True? 》

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

Hello everyone, I'm going to give you gossip about a big prophecy about "Super Girl"! Do you remember those young ladies 19 years ago? Let's take stock of whether the prophecy of the year is accurate or not!

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

It is said that 19 years ago, "Super Girl" was popular all over the country, and Brother He Jiong insisted: "All the red will be popular!" "I was still desperately voting for my favorite contestant, and I had no idea that after so many years, I had become a prophecy master-level existence.

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

Do you remember who the champion was that year? That's right, it's that girl with a pure temperament, who is not only popular all over the country, but also has several word-of-mouth movies, which is really full of goddess style. Anyway, she was an inconspicuous college student at the beginning, and some people believed in her fate, saying that she was a blessing from her previous life, but I prefer to believe that it was Teacher He's genius prediction!

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

Again, do you still remember the regrets of those lost pearls back then? Those girls who failed to win the laurels for a while are also thriving! Some made their debut in groups, and some were unique, which is simply a small legend. There are also a few successful cases later, and people also say, "Life is not stopped, struggle is endless", don't believe it, don't they all become big coffees?

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

Speaking of these, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion, the years are like a song, and in a blink of an eye, it has been 19 years. It's like cheering for your beloved contestants in front of the TV, but they have already started their own families, and some of them have become mothers! Over the years, we have witnessed their growth, and we have also witnessed Mr. He's astonishing prophecy.

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

After so many years, each season of "Super Girl" has left a lot of good memories. It is not only the efforts and achievements of the players, but also a witness of the times. Mr. He's prophecy was not only a slogan, but also a symbol of strength. It's like telling us that as long as we work hard, our dreams will come true!

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

Do you think Mr. He's prophecy back then, it seems, is it accurate and scary? Who is your favorite Super Girl contestant? Come and leave a message to tell me, let's talk about the bits and pieces over the years!

"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular
"Supergirl" has been 19 years, and what He Jiong said at the beginning was terrifying, and everything that should be popular is popular

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