
Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

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Squinting your fingers allows you to measure distance.

In war films, some officers and soldiers will squint their eyes and make a gesture, which is the "94-style divine power" to stretch out a finger and squint, so that it looks particularly cool.

So is there a scientific basis for this gesture, or what is the scientific justification for it?

Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

There is a rule called "aiming-shooting" which is almost all the shooting guidelines, when shooting, the first thing to do is to aim at the target, and then to shoot, this is a very basic principle, and it is also something that every officer and soldier will do, but it seems that the aiming step is not particularly simple.

After entering the army for the first time, the instructor told us that if we squint at distant objects, we can first squint our right eyes to look at the groove on the aiming baffle, and then squint our left eye to look at the target in the trench, so that we can put the focus of our eyes on the same focal point, so as long as we squint our eyes, we will find that the distance we see with our eyes will be the same as the distance we see without squinting.

So what is the scientific basis for this?

Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

In fact, squinting can shorten the focus of the eyes, and the principle is the same as the principle of using the "chandelier to watch the fish", we said earlier that the use of the "chandelier to watch the fish" can put the focus of the eyes in a unified place, and squinting can put the focus of the eyes in a unified place, and can be placed in a more concentrated place than using the "chandelier to watch the fish".

When we look at distant objects, the focus of the eyes will expand, and if we shoot, the position seen by the left eye and the position seen by the right eye will not be the same, and then it will cause the shooting to deviate from the accuracy, and in close combat, the deviating shot may injure your teammates.

Squinting reduces the focus of your eyes so that you can see the same distance between your left and right eyes, ensuring the accuracy of your shot.

Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

Squinting also has the advantage of shortening the distance of focus, which can also enhance the clarity of the scene we see with our eyes, and at the same time can eliminate the ambient light in some scenes, which is more expressive when we usually watch TV series and movies, but this situation still exists on the battlefield.

So, after we entered the unit, the instructor told us to squint, and then it was perfectly fine to shoot the target.

Feel the presence of the enemy.

In movies or war films, there are always some scenes where a person quietly touches over, or even hides in some grass or bushes, but the officers and soldiers on guard will suddenly open their eyes, and then they can find the existence of others, but in life, it is impossible to find this situation at all, even if it is this kind of scene, we will only regard it as a common "murmur" in drama.

At this time, we will ask, why do some officers and soldiers feel when the enemy is close to them?

Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

Some people will say that this makes the novel too much, in fact, when it comes to this, there is really a bit of "too much novel", and some people will even say that this situation is the reason for rope art, but we all know that this situation will not exist, because we can't see what method a person uses to move.

In war, generally or even all actions are secret, and you will not be allowed to expose your weak part to the eyes of the enemy, so as to create opportunities for the enemy, and even bring a direct threat to the safety of your teammates, so, when we are on the battlefield, is there a way to feel the presence of the enemy?

Yes, we can feel it with our brains.

Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

The human brain is a very magical part of the organ, the memory of the brain can make people feel the life from childhood to the present, and in life people will also know some friends around them, these friends are also chemicals produced in the brain, there is a saying that the above two chemicals, the feelings generated by people, this feeling is generated in the brain.

And when fighting, people can feel the presence of the enemy for the following reasons:

The first is that there is a class of substances in the human brain called response hormones, which are automatically secreted by the brain when you are in danger to protect you and increase your alertness.

The second is the improvement of sensitivity, in a crisis, the human brain will automatically eliminate dangerous chemicals, so as to enhance their physical and mental vigilance, so that they can make the right response in the shortest possible time.

Can you measure distance with a thumb and a squint? Is the scene of a war movie myth or science?

Third, it is passive passive thinking, the scout in the process of action, every step will produce a stampede sound, if there is a sound, then the first reaction of the person is to hide, but in the process of hiding, his brain will automatically think, the enemy's behavior will definitely make people have some sounds, and some of the enemy's behavior, will make the soldier produce some active dodging actions.


In order to improve their own safety, the instructors will give the officers and men some ways to play a role on the battlefield, so as to ensure that we can protect ourselves to the greatest extent when we carry out our tasks.

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