
Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

author:Singapore Eye

The durian season of 2024 has begun, and Singapore's durian lovers and vendors are all ready to move. The durian near Brother Eye's house was even bought at a bargain price of S$5 each!

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

Singapore's durian market remains stable, despite the Pahang government's massive resumption of durian orchard land and the alternating hot and rainy weather in Malaysia, which is expected to reduce this year's durian harvest by about 30%.

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the supply of durians in places such as Johor and Penang is still enough to meet the demand of durian lovers in Singapore, and the price of durian in Singapore will not face an increase.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

According to the latest information published on the website of 99 Old Tree (durian supplier), this year's durian season will last from July to August. By September and October, the supply of durian will stop slightly.

Currently, the local Musang King is selling for about S$30 per kilogram, but it is expected to drop when the durian season starts in July. Musang King in Pahang is currently selling for S$28 to S$38 per kilogram. Due to the love and high demand for durian in Singapore, many industry players have also introduced less common durian varieties to meet the market demand.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

Durians are everywhere, but it is still a matter of knowledge to find the most cost-effective durian that does not step on thunder. Let's study it with Brother Eye!

Durian is a good place to go

From supermarkets to street stalls

The most common way for Singaporeans to enjoy durian is to buy it at a supermarket near their home. First, it can avoid taking durian on public transportation, and second, it can ensure that the price is uniform and will not be fooled.

In the familiar GIANT and NTUC, you can find the favorite varieties of durian such as Musang King, Red Shrimp, Black Gold and King of Kings. Among them, the red shrimp even cost only S$15 per grain.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season


Although the supermarket is cost-effective, there are not many varieties, if you want to taste other rare varieties, you can go to Geylang durian street. Most of the stall owners here are allowed to haggle, so if you want to get the best deal on durian, be sure to try your hand at haggling.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

Source: G Lee@ Google

Those who want to enjoy durian in a cleaner market can go to Ang Mo Kio Durian Centre. The quality and price of durian there are relatively stable, and everyone is allowed to choose by themselves, so there will be no fooling.

On June 26, durian prices across the island continued to hit new lows, and the durian stall "Wangshengli 95" in the shophouse No. 513 of Bishan Street 13 also launched a special event on June 26, with Musang King durians selling for only S$2 each.

Some netizens said that the famous small durian at the Toa Payoh durian stall was even sold for only 1 Singapore dollar!

Finally, those who want to eat durian while shopping can also visit the durian stall on Orchard Road. Although the price here is a little higher than the previous ones, the quality of the durian is guaranteed.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

Source: Levi L@ Google

Guide to durian varieties

There are so many varieties of durians, so how to choose the one that best suits your taste? Brother Eye helped you find this super complete durian variety guide for your reference.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

Source: Yongping Durian

If you want to try it or have just entered the pit, you can check your taste buds according to the chart and try to avoid stepping on thunder.

Durian shells

The secret to removing residual flavor

Everyone who loves durian knows that wherever the durian touches it, there will be a residual taste of durian, which is very unfriendly to non-durian lovers.

If you want to get rid of the residual fragrance of the durian, don't lose the durian shell! After eating, boil the durian shell with an appropriate amount of salt and water, and rinse your mouth when it is not hot, which can not only prevent the fire caused by eating durian, but also eliminate the durian flavor in your mouth.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season

图源:Katsura garden @FB

The eye brother test is absolutely effective!

Durian season

Beware of these routines

Durian season is coming, and there are indeed special offers and good activities, but don't be fooled by the moment.

Achieve Musang King freedom in Singapore! Please put away these selection skills for the durian season


When buying durian, if you weigh it by the pound, you need to pay more attention to whether the weight of the durian matches the price you pay in the end.

Although durian is delicious, Brother Eye is still here to remind you that it is illegal to take durian to public transportation in Singapore.



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