
Wanwei Logistics durian supply chain integration service escorts durian in China

author:China Fortune Network

In recent years, China has gradually set off a durian boom, whether it is the whole durian fruit in supermarkets and fruit stores, or the durian single products in milk tea and catering stores, all of which are welcomed by consumers. In response to the rising market demand, the durian supply chain has also developed rapidly, it is understood that Wanwei Logistics can now provide diversified fruit value-added services such as import and export management, quality inspection, packaging, and dropshipping, linking the origin and downstream channels, and providing full-link supply chain solutions for supermarket retail, chain catering, and tea customers.

China's durian market has huge consumption potential

China is the world's largest importer of durian, and relevant data shows that in 2023, China's durian imports will account for 91% of the global market demand; From 2019 to 2023, China's durian imports and import value increased by 135.89% and 318.95%, respectively, showing the strong domestic demand and market potential of this "king of fruits".

Wanwei Logistics durian supply chain integration service escorts durian in China

At the same time, various facilitation policies have been continuously introduced, making it more efficient and convenient for tropical fruits such as durian to enter the Chinese market. For example, recently, China and Malaysia signed a series of trade and economic agreements, including the Protocol on Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Malaysian Fresh Durian to China between the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Malaysia. It means that from this year, Malaysian durian fruits can be directly exported to China, which will further benefit the trade between China and Malaysia. Previously, in 2019, the General Administration of Customs of China issued the "Announcement on Allowing the Import of Frozen Durian from Malaysia", and in 2020, the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) will come into full effect, opening up the regional market, improving the efficiency of durian customs clearance, promoting the circulation of products from Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and other member countries, and expanding the export volume to the Chinese market.

At present, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines have the qualifications to export durian to the Chinese market, among which Malaysia has the lowest export volume to China. In the next few years, Malaysia's durian exports to China are expected to grow steadily to 15% ~ 20% of its total output, considering Malaysia's vast arable land resources, durian planting area still has some room for expansion, and durian trees grow to the first fruit It takes about 5 years, under the combined effect of supply and demand factors, in the next few years, Malaysia's durian exports to China are expected to increase steadily from less than 10% to 15% ~ 20% of its total output.

Opportunities and challenges in the fresh durian market

Since mainland durian is basically dependent on imports, fresh fruits enter the domestic wholesale market from abroad, and then to supermarkets and consumers. Improving circulation efficiency and shortening circulation time is the key to enabling consumers to eat fresh fruits.

Malaysia's fresh durian into China, mainly facing the following challenges, one is the problem of preservation, Malaysia insists on picking ripe durian in accordance with the principle of "melon ripe and falling", which brings great challenges to transportation and preservation. The second is market competition, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries Musang King durian production has increased, and exports to China are also increasing, which may lead to the risk of oversupply in the market. the third is cost pressure, preservation, storage, transportation and other expenses are important expenses; In addition, imported durians need to be transported over long distances, and the loss rate is high. Fourth, policies and norms, the import of fresh durian needs to follow China's import quarantine and food safety standards to ensure compliance.

Therefore, domestic logistics service providers should do a good job in several aspects. In terms of temperature and humidity control, a temperature and humidity control system and working mechanism have been established, such as 24-hour monitoring, providing full-temperature storage infrastructure from -18°C to room temperature, meeting the storage needs of multi-temperature zones, and in-transit temperature control of all distribution vehicles. Adopt digital control of the whole business chain of "procurement, transportation and sales". For example, in the process of goods transportation, real-time monitoring and tracking of data such as in-transit routes, container status, product freshness, and customs clearance process can ensure the freshness of fruits to the greatest extent and improve transportation efficiency. In terms of improving circulation efficiency, we will improve the "port-to-door" and "door-to-door" services of the fresh durian supply chain, provide safe and efficient guarantees, and "end-to-end" one-stop comprehensive services for fresh and frozen food. Finally, logistics service providers must comply with relevant regulations and standards in China and Malaysia, including import quarantine, food safety and transportation regulations.

Wanwei Logistics durian supply chain integration service escorts durian in China

Wanwei launched the integrated service of durian supply chain

In May last year, the whole industrial chain of Musang King durian in Malaysia landed in Yantian District, Shenzhen, and undertook the integrated supply chain services of import and export declaration, warehousing, processing and recontracting, and distribution of Musang King durian imported from Malaysia. In April this year, VX Logistics signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Malaysia's durian export platform Durian Shipping to jointly promote the global distribution of high-quality durian in Malaysia and create an industry ecosystem.

Wanwei Logistics durian supply chain integration service escorts durian in China

At present, Wanwei can provide durian supply chain integration services, such as import and export management, and provide import declaration integration services such as customs clearance in the area, gate declaration, import declaration, and payment of customs duties and VAT. Provide durian quality inspection services, including appearance, taste, aroma, pulp texture, etc.; And provide customized packaging to meet the diverse needs of customers. Set up a durian processing production line to create a full-chain service of raw material storage, production and processing, finished product storage, and e-commerce.

In Wanwei Shenzhen Yantian Cold Chain Park, imported frozen durians are sent to downstream markets across the country through unpacking, vacuum packaging, packing, and transshipment, with a daily production capacity of 6,000 pieces.

In addition, Wanwei can also link the origin and fruit downstream channels, serve supermarket retail, chain catering, tea customers, and provide customers with full-link supply chain solutions. For example, VX cooperates with a pizza chain brand in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Chongqing, covering a total of 150 stores, providing unified warehouse co-distribution services, covering 6 DC warehouses of customers. VX provides integrated warehousing and distribution services for the six major distribution centers of Shanghai, Wuhan, Chengdu, Shenyang, Nanning, Shenzhen and Kunming, linking more than 400 stores across the country.

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