
To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting opened at the World Trade Tower

author:Overseas brand vision
To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting opened at the World Trade Tower

Splashing ink books in the prosperous era, Danqing praises the party's grace. On the morning of June 28, the celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the opening ceremony of the 27th Joint Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting were held in the World Trade Building. The event was jointly organized by more than 10 units, including the Building Committee of the World Trade Center in Beilin District of the Communist Party of China, the Shaanxi Old Professors Association, the Shaanxi International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Association, and the Shaanxi Peace Group. More than 350 people attended the opening ceremony of the event, including leaders of relevant provincial, municipal and district departments, heads of building party branches, university teachers, representatives of old professors' associations, and famous calligraphers and painters.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting opened at the World Trade Tower

At the opening ceremony, Comrade Zhang Wanzhun, the founder of the party organization of the World Trade Building, delivered an opening speech, Lian Zhenmin, president of the Shaanxi Old Professors Association, relevant leaders of the provincial department and Beilin District, Yuan Zengguang, vice president of the Shaanxi International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Association, and Comrade Zhang Junyong, general manager of the Peace Group Company, spoke one by one, and the special guest Comrade Lei Yongnian announced the opening of the event.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting opened at the World Trade Tower

Shaanxi Peace Group has always adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the concept of promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Since its establishment, it has insisted on holding calligraphy and painting exhibitions on every birthday of the party, actively demonstrating the high-spirited and promising innovative spirit of the party and the people. Zhang Wanzhun, chairman of Shaanxi Peace Group and president of Shaanxi International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Association, said, "We have always adhered to the concept of listening to the party and following the party, abiding by the party's purpose in any case, taking responsibility for the country, sharing worries for the country, actively promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, following etiquette and righteousness, and striving for self-improvement."

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting opened at the World Trade Tower

Pen and ink praise the great cause, calligraphy and painting show the truth. In the form of calligraphy and painting art, the activity praised the great achievements of the party and remembered the party's kindness. It is reported that the works in this exhibition are all from the Shaanxi International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Association, the Shaanxi Provincial Old Professors Association, teachers from major colleges and universities and calligraphy and painting enthusiasts. A total of more than 320 works were collected, and 283 works were exhibited, including 173 calligraphy works and 90 painting works. The work has a wide range of content and a clear theme, which expresses the author's mission of loving the party and the country, and also reflects the author's firm determination and will to unswervingly follow the party and build the Chinese dream together.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting opened at the World Trade Tower

The opening ceremony staged a wonderful red literary program, and the calligraphy and painting exhibition hall was filled with a strong fragrance of ink. The art of calligraphy and painting is a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, which plays an important role in carrying forward the national spirit, revitalizing the national culture, improving the quality of the people and meeting the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people. Through this joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting, we will purify people's hearts, correct the world's style, and contribute to the cohesion of social forces and the prosperity and development of regional culture and art.

Editor: Zhou Fengchuan

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