
Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Shen

"Doctor, I heard that cerebral infarction is related to drinking water, is it true?"

Aunt Li's voice trembled.

I motioned for her to sit down, and said gently:

"Aunt Li, your concerns are understandable.

Indeed, correct drinking habits are very important for controlling hypertension and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction.

But don't be too nervous, just pay attention to the following points, you can greatly reduce the risk. ”

Aunt Li is a long-time patient with high blood pressure who always follows her doctor's instructions carefully, but recently heard some rumors about drinking water, which made her feel uneasy.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

I decided to take this opportunity to explain to her in detail the "five precautions" for drinking water for patients with high blood pressure.

"First of all, pay attention to your water intake."

I began to explain,

"Patients with high blood pressure should not drink a lot of water at one time, which will increase the burden on the heart and lead to an increase in blood pressure.

It is recommended that you drink an appropriate amount of water in portions, no more than 200 ml each time, and the total amount is controlled at about 1500-2000 ml per day. ”

Aunt Li nodded in understanding.

"Second, pay attention to the timing of your drinking."

I continued,

"Try to avoid drinking water half an hour before and within an hour after a meal to avoid affecting digestion.

At the same time, you should also reduce water intake within two hours before bedtime to reduce the frequency of nocturia and ensure adequate sleep. ”

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

Aunt Li carefully noted down these suggestions.

"Third, pay attention to the temperature of your drinking water."

I reminded her,

"Water that is too cold or too hot can irritate blood vessels and cause blood pressure fluctuations.

It is recommended to drink warm water at a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius. ”

There was a hint of surprise in Aunt Li's eyes, obviously this detail that she hadn't noticed before.

"Fourth, pay attention to the speed of drinking water."

I emphasize,

"Drinking water quickly dilutes the blood and increases blood volume rapidly, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Sips should be taken slowly to give the body time to adjust to the intake of water. ”

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

Aunt Li nodded to indicate that she remembered.

"Finally, pay attention to the type of water you drink."

I say

"Try to choose purified or plain water, and avoid sugary and alcoholic beverages, which can adversely affect blood pressure."

After listening to my explanation, the anxiety on Aunt Li's face gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude.

As a doctor, I understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle to manage chronic diseases.

I hope that through this article, I can help more people with high blood pressure like Aunt Li to correctly understand and master the method of drinking water, so as to better manage their health.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

Next, I want to delve further into the science and practical practices behind each "attention" point.

Pay attention to your water intake

The total amount of blood in the human body is about 7% of body weight, which is about 4.2 liters of blood for a 60-kilogram adult.

When we consume a lot of water in a short period of time, the blood is diluted, the blood volume increases, and the heart needs to pump harder to maintain blood circulation.

This is undoubtedly an additional burden for patients with high blood pressure, especially for the elderly whose heart function has been reduced.

Therefore, drinking water in moderation, spread out at different times of the day, can help the body better regulate blood pressure and reduce the pressure on the heart to work.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

Arrange drinking time reasonably

There is a strong relationship between diet and water intake.

Drinking water before meals may dilute stomach acid and affect the digestion and absorption of food;

Drinking too much water after a meal can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to indigestion.

Drinking too much water before going to bed will not only affect the quality of sleep, but may also cause frequent wake-ups at night and disrupt the normal sleep cycle.

Therefore, a reasonable arrangement of drinking time can not only ensure the body's water needs, but also avoid unnecessary health risks.

Choose the right water temperature

The effect of water temperature on blood vessels cannot be ignored. Cold water stimulates blood vessels to constrict, while hot water dilates blood vessels.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

For people with high blood pressure, both of these extreme water temperatures can lead to unstable blood pressure.

Warm water is relatively mild and does not cause severe irritation to blood vessels, helping to maintain stable blood pressure.

Drink water slowly

Drinking water quickly can lead to a rapid increase in water in the body, resulting in a consequent increase in blood volume, which may trigger a sudden increase in blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure who are already under a certain amount of pressure on the blood vessel walls.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should take a slow sip when drinking water to give the body enough time to adjust and adapt to the increase in water.

Choose healthy water intake

There are a variety of beverages on the market, but not all of them are suitable for people with high blood pressure.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

Sugar-sweetened beverages can increase blood sugar and calorie intake, and long-term consumption may lead to complications such as obesity and diabetes;

Alcoholic beverages can directly cause an increase in blood pressure.

In contrast, purified or plain water does not contain any additives and is the healthiest choice for drinking water.

In addition to the above popular science knowledge, I would also like to emphasize that the drinking habits of patients with hypertension need to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the individual.

For example, in summer, due to sweating more, you can increase your water intake appropriately;

In winter, you should maintain a moderate amount of water intake and avoid reducing water intake due to cold weather.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "5 attentions" when drinking water

At the same time, patients with high blood pressure also need to replenish the lost water in time after physical exercise or physical labor, but they should also be careful not to overdo it.

As a doctor, I hope that through this article, more people can realize the importance of drinking water for patients with hypertension, so that every patient with hypertension can enjoy a moist life while staying away from potential health risks.

Let's protect those who have dedicated their lives to our elders so that they can enjoy true health and tranquility in their old age.

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