
The girl who scored 622 points in the college entrance examination was hit by a retrograde takeaway electric car on the same day and is still unconscious

author:Come on, Wen Xiaonuan

She was supposed to have a good life, but suddenly she encountered a flying disaster!

According to media reports, on June 24, Han Ruishan, a senior high school student in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, encountered a car accident and intracranial hemorrhage on the same day he checked his college entrance examination results, and has been in the ICU for almost a week, and is still unconscious.


After the college entrance examination, Han Ruishan and her classmates went out to play together on an electric car, and were hit by a wrong-way takeaway electric car, hit her head on the ground, and were sent to the hospital for rescue.

The doctor gave two options, to do surgery immediately, or he might not be able to get off the operating table, or he would die on the spot, and the chance of survival was too small.

The girl who scored 622 points in the college entrance examination was hit by a retrograde takeaway electric car on the same day and is still unconscious

On the second day of the rescue, the hospital issued a critical illness notice.

He was transferred to the hospital within a week and is currently in the ICU ward of the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University.

Her family checked her score afterwards, and she scored 622 points, 20 points higher than her own estimate.

The college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province is very difficult, and Han has studied hard for many years, and her grades are also very satisfactory, she originally wanted to apply for Nanjing Medical University and become a doctor in the future.

Jiangsu undergraduate line 462 points, 160 points beyond the undergraduate line, her score can be successfully admitted to Nanjing Medical University.

The girl who scored 622 points in the college entrance examination was hit by a retrograde takeaway electric car on the same day and is still unconscious

Many people say that delivery workers are in a race against time in order to deliver food on time.

The delivery man must be fully responsible, and the delivery person's company is also actively helping to find a hospital in Beijing.

The girl who scored 622 points in the college entrance examination was hit by a retrograde takeaway electric car on the same day and is still unconscious

It's not easy for the takeaway brother, I hope everyone doesn't complain when it overtimes, it's all about begging for life.

The takeaway platform should not be so harsh, and don't deduct money overtime at every turn.

The girl who scored 622 points in the college entrance examination was hit by a retrograde takeaway electric car on the same day and is still unconscious

Han was wearing a helmet or suffering from intracranial hemorrhage. Everyone remembers to wear a helmet when riding a battery car, the quality of the helmet must be excellent, and the helmet can really save a life at a critical moment.

At present, the school's leaders and health commission have also visited Han Ruishan, hoping that a miracle will happen.

The family posted the information on the Internet, hoping that more people could help to see if there was any hope for going to Shanghai Huashan Hospital or Beijing Tiantan Hospital.

Pray Heaven forbid, wake up!


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