
Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

author:Yue Ji Movement
Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

The eighth episode of "Singer" arrived as scheduled, and although the ratings fluctuated in the early days of the broadcast, with the appearance of singers such as Wang Sulong, the audience was gradually attracted. Although Wang Sulong was a little flustered due to nervousness, he still barely maintained a decent level, although he was criticized by netizens for his neck leaning forward and hand instability.

Huang Xuan once again appeared on the stage of "The Singer" with his unique languid style, and this time, he chose a soulful track, which was full of his unique musical charm from beginning to end. Netizens praised his performance on social media, some praised his voice as like an angel descending from heaven, and some lamented that his music is like a strong cup of coffee, which makes people have an endless aftertaste when you drink it.

Television viewers, however, didn't seem to be impressed by his performance. At the moment when Huang Xuan finished singing, the ratings dropped significantly, and many viewers began to switch channels frequently, looking for other more attractive programs. An audience member posted on Weibo: "Huang Xuan's voice is really special, but this performance seems to be a bit boring, I watched it for a while and then switched to the stage." Another commented: "His style is indeed unique, but I feel that this performance lacks something, and it does not have the impact of the previous one." ”

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Some reviews focused on his stage presence, arguing that his performances were too static and lacked enough stage vibrancy and interactivity. Some netizens ridiculed: "Huang Xuan's singing is like chanting poetry and painting, it's too literary, we prefer to watch some dynamic performances." Others suggested that he add a little variety and surprise to his next performance to attract more attention and attention from the audience.

Although Huang Xuan's performance won a lot of praise online, the sluggish TV ratings were worrying, and it also gave him and his team more room to think and adjust in the upcoming games. The audience is looking forward to whether he will be able to show more energy and expressiveness on stage in the future, and hope to see him return in the next installment.

Although Sun Nan brought high ratings, the pronunciation of her Cantonese songs caused questions from the audience, and Lucia appeared with a mediocre performance of "All By Myself", which failed to attract the attention and praise of the audience.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

On the stage of "Singer", the performance of this issue shows the diverse style and strength of all players. Fanshia stunned the audience with her song "The Devil from Heaven", her unmistakable Chinese pronunciation was amazing, and every note seemed to be a carefully carved work of art. Online audiences praised her performance, and some praised her as a master of Chinese songs, and her outstanding performance was beyond doubt.

In contrast, Chantimo opted for a steady track, and her usual performance style made people feel relaxed and comfortable. However, the guzheng element she added to her singing caused some controversy. Some viewers felt that the addition of the guzheng made the whole track seem unharmonious and even a little out of harmony. Someone commented on the social platform: "Shantimo's voice is really refreshing, but I think this Guzheng adaptation is a bit abrupt and does not fit well into the overall atmosphere." ”

The audience has different opinions and evaluations on the performance of Fanxia and Shantimo. They look forward to Vancia continuing to show her high standard and consistent performance in the next competitions, and also hope that Chantimo will be more refined in the choice of repertoire and expression, so as to bring more surprises and touches to the audience. These opinions and suggestions will undoubtedly affect the performance and development of the players on the future stage.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Na Ying affected the live broadcast due to health problems, but her sincere and touching performance moved the audience again, and the ranking returned to the top three again, showing strong stage charm and singing strength. Na Ying is a woman who does not hide her emotions. Her magnetic and explosive voice is unforgettable. From the early classic "The Mountain Doesn't Turn the Water" to the later "Conquest", every song is deeply engraved in the hearts of listeners. On the stage of "Singer", Na Ying showed her achievements and talents over the years, no matter what the occasion, her songs can always resonate and love the audience.

On social media, the discussion about Na Ying has never stopped. Some netizens praised her voice as like a black singer from Europe and the United States, full of unique charm and infectiousness. One fan wrote in the comments: "Na Ying's voice is really incomparable, it will be addictive to listen to it once, and every time she performs, it is like healing for the soul." This kind of direct and touching performance has made Na Ying have extensive influence and support not only in the Chinese music scene, but also around the world.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

With the passage of time, Na Ying's musical style and singing style also developed and changed. She is constantly experimenting with new musical elements and styles while maintaining her unique artistic style. Some listeners particularly appreciated her ability to maintain consistent expressiveness and depth across different types of songs. An audience member who has been following Na Ying for a long time said: "Whether it is a slow song or a fast song, Na Ying can interpret every song to the fullest, and her performance always makes people feel sincere and emotional." ”

It is undeniable that Na Ying's music works not only performed well on stage, but also gained high popularity and popularity on major music platforms and radio broadcasts. Her songs have not only become the favorite of many people, but also represent a musical spirit and attitude. A fan shared on social media: "Every song of Na Ying is a classic, she not only sings well, but also makes people feel the story and emotions behind the music." ”

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Relatively speaking, Yuan Yawei's state is declining, which may cause audience fatigue due to overlap with other programs, while Tan Weiwei has become one of the focus figures of this issue with his stable and powerful performance and unique style of integrating national musical instruments.

In terms of ranking and outlook, although Huang Xuan fell to the last place, because there is no elimination system in this period, he has the opportunity to return with all his strength in the next period. The audience has high expectations for Huang Xuan and Yingzi's performance and rebound, and hopes to see them show their outstanding performance and strength in the next matches.

The eighth issue of "Singer" not only shows the style and strength of singers from all walks of life, but also makes the audience look forward to the next competition, looking forward to seeing more wonderful performances and unexpected surprises.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranked first in the ratings, Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

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